Correlation Flashcards
Illustrates strengths and direction of an association between two or more co variables
- plotted on scatter gran
- correlational hypothesis- directional/ non directional. Must be operationalised
Positive correlation
As one variable increases so the the other
Negative correlation
As one variable increases, the other decreases
Zero correlation
No relationship
What’s the difference between experiment and correlation
Correlations have no IV/ DV and so no cause and effect can be established
Evaluation correlations
+ quick/ economical, uses secondary data
+ precise and quantifiable, future research
-interpreted wrong, people may assume correlation means causation
- intervening variables, third variable present which is influencing one of co variable which isn’t considered
Curvilinear relationship
As one variable increases so does the other up to a certain point, after which one variable continues to increase and the other decreases
Correlation co efficient (r)
Is a number that describes the strength and type of correlation
+1 is a perfect positive correlation
-1 is a perfect negative correlation
The nearer to +/- 1 the stronger the relationship
Correlation co efficient examples
Perfect positive = 1
High positive= 0.8
Low positive= 0.3
No correlation= 0
Low negative= -0.3
High negative= -0.8
Perfect negative= -1