Core concepts Flashcards
What is definition of a norm?
Behaviour which is deemed acceptable within our society
What are some examples of norms in the British culture?
Roast dinners
saying please and thank you
Cups of tea
What is the definition of a value?
The reason behind peoples behaviors within society.
An agreement among a majority of members that something is good and worthwhile.
What are some examples of values in British society?
Roast dinner- important to spend time with family, its a tradition we like to withhold
Education- Good to be successful, puts you at higher status
Safety- Why we wear seat belts
What is the definition of a subculture?
Certain meanings, values and norms which are distinctive to a particular group within society.
What is the definition of high culture?
Society in the highest quality, enjoy work of high intellect and sophisticated
What is low culture?
Enjoyed by the unsophisticated party
What is the definition of popular culture?
Shared by a large numbers of the population (assessable to high numbers)
What is global culture?
A worldwide culture, something spread all around the world
What is consumer culture?
Western society, when we buy goods from cultural industries (buying stuff you don’t need)
What is multiculturalism?
Cultural identity’s within communities, sharing culture.
What is cultural diversity?
The differences between the norms, values and rituals in different countries
What is the definition of culture?
Is the norms, values, beliefs, rituals , customs and rules associated with a particular society or social group
What is nature?
Its a biological upbringing, that human behavior is based on genetics, dna and instincts
What is nurture?
Is a social upbringing, which determines that human behavior is based on the environment around you
What is a social role?
Its the parts you play in daily life to fit an expectation
What determines your status?
where you stand in the scheme of things
money, power
What is the definition of status?
Status is the position which individuals are placed within a cultures social hierarchy
What does achieved status mean?
Earned, for example a doctor earns there status through education
What is ascribed status?
Born into status e.g. royalty
What is a stereotype?
A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or things, e.g. nerds
What are the primary agents of socialization?
What are the secondary agents of socialization?
Media Religion Peers Education Workplace
What are the processes of learning?
Role models
What is the definition of a sanction?
Rewards and punishments for desired behavior
What is the definition of imitation?
When you copy the behaviors of others
What is the definition of canalization?
When you learn gender roles through toys
What is the definition of identity?
A particular feature that defines you.The characteristics determining who a person is and who they see themselves as.
What is the definition of identity?
A particular feature that defines you.
What is the definition of roles?
The different parts you play within society
What is primary socialization?
The first place you learn your norms and values (socialization which takes place within the family)
What is secondary socialization ?
The socialization that comes after primary and builds on what has been learnt from them through other agents but the family
What is social control?
How society conforms us to acceptable bahviour through informal (unwritten) and formal sanctions (written)
What is a stereotype?
a certain image in your head that you hold of a certain group usually an inaccurate oversimplified generalization.
What are gender roles?
The social expectations for your sex
What are the agents of socialization?
the group that teach us the norms and values of a particular culture.
What is formal social control?
When your formally told what to do and not do.
What are examples of formal social control?
law- police
teachers- education
What is informal social control?
Rewards and punishes people for acceptable/ non-acceptable behavior.
What is informal control always done through?
What are examples of informal control if non- acceptable behavior is shown?
Disapproving looks
What is the nature vs nurture debate ?
The debate centers on the relative importance of genetic inheritance and environmental factors on human development
What is social structures ?
The organized pattern of social relationships and social institutions that together make up society e.g. social class
What is social change?
Any significant alterations over time in behavior patterns and cultural values and norms e.g. industrial revolution
What is the conflict theory?
Disagreement and inequalities between different groups due to differing interests and values between groups
What is social construction?
Something created by society, youth cultures said to be socially constructed due to it varying from time to time.
What is social inequalities ?
An unfair situation, in which some groups in society have more money, opportunities, power than others
What is an example of social inequalities?
Gender inequalities in the workplace, as men still get paid more than women.
What is the consensus theory ?
Agreement between groups in society
What is an example of consensus theory?
functionalism, believing society is based on shared values.
What is role models ?
An ideal person, who you look up to and aspire to be like
What is cultural transmission?
The way people come to learn the values beliefs and social norms of their culture