Class and educational achievement Flashcards
What did marilyn howard find ?
children from lower income homes have lower intakes of energy, vitamins and minerals leads to an weakened immune system (time off) lack of energy( unable to concentrate in class and underachieve)
What are evaluation points?
not as up to date as schools now offer breakfast clubs and free school meals
what is smith and noble say?
that education needs two main things:
improve child benefits
and education to be improved more in poor areas
what are evaluation points ?
evidence that there are bursaries available for low- income students
education action zone(money for lower income areas)
What did Diane reay claim?
that lower income students tend to go to less impressive universities in order to reduce the cost of travel and living by staying at home, also they may have to work at the same time and therefore have less time to study and do less well.
what is an evaluation point?
student loans can be accessed, but all students need dont need to repay until you earn a certain amount
what two points does hyman for class and underachievement?
working classes do not value education not relevant in their lives and
do not think they have realistic opportunities to better themselves, past experiences is the norm to fail and they have no chance in education
what does sugarman suggest?
that attitudes and orientations that present barriers as w/c have fatalism approach, collectivism and immediate gratification this leads to w/c less likely to pre-plan and apply to higher education were as m/c are more likely to plan and deferred achievement therefore are more driven
what are evaluation points for Hyman and sugarman?
can we separate w/c and m/c in a distinctive way, are their different values just stereotypical
evidence suggests that both classes want their children to do well, may just be that m/c have a better understanding
what does Douglas say?
that parental interest is the key factor in w/c underachievement and m/c parents are more interested in their childrens progress e.g. go to parents evenings.
what are evaluation points of Douglas?
evidence suggests that both classes want their children to do well
sharpe and green found that parents who are defined as interested were very ready to talk about their childrens education
what did alice Sullivan suggest?
supports Bourdieus, middle class know what types of activities that result in educational learning for example reading complexed fiction visiting art galleries sophisticated TV political debate
what did bourdieus say?
knowledge of academic success and know what type of activities will help their children develop academically and w/c are incapable of this
what did bernstein discover?
the language codes
the restricted language codes- sentences are short, vocabulary is limited, language is context bound so that people with similar code can understand.
the elaborate language code- long sentences, rich vocabulary and complicated structure of phrases
what did keddie suggest?
a middle class student is a model class student
keddie observed humanities lessons in a comprehensive school found that uppers teams were taught examination skills where as lower streams:
made to do more practical lessons
allowed to make more noise
not set homework
and staff expectations of lower streams that were mainly w/c were lower
what did ball notice?
teachers have certain expectations of particular students and often turn out to be true, ball noticed this turned out to be true, conducted a study at beachside comprehensive school and pupils were put into primary school, they are all keen to at first to come to school but due to teachers attitudes, pupils did well or became less keen and underachieved.
what did rosenthal and Jacobson discover?
the Pygmalion effect- studied impact of labels towards a childs performance, some teachers were informed that some students were late bloomers, as a a result teachers started to treat children differently e.g. spent more time with them, give more feedback and challenge more
as a result children performed better
what did Hargreaves say?
working class students are more likely to be put in bottom set, pupils seemed to be streamed according to behavior than ability top streams felt more rewarded and good teachers teach good groups. lower streams felt unable to achieve high status in the eyes of the teachers & started to from anti-school subcultures and rejected school as a result of streaming
an evaluation of r + j?
some sociologists claim that the quality of the evidence provided was poor
what is a first criticism of ball, keddie and hargreaves ?
labels can only have an impact if you accept them, people often refuse the labels that teachers can give them them, they refuse to think of them as underachieves
what is a second criticism of ball, keddie and hargreaves ?
there is evidence to show that many people do the very opposite of letting a label become a self-fulfilling prophecy, they work hard to show the label doesn’t define them
What does safia mirza argue?
that ethnic minorities resist labels and work hard despite teachers labels
what did hallum and hurley argue?
reserached into attainment f children who attended schools that had
set for all subjects
sets for some
no set at all
found no significant difference between level of attainment, suggesting that streaming may not have bad consequences
what did willis do?
looked at ‘lads’ who modelled themselves after members of their working class community, had different norms and values to the education system
what characteristics did the lads carry?
they called students that payed attention ‘ear’oles’
valued banter over education
viewed manual labor as mans work
sexist and masculine
what is a conclusion of willis ?
working class boys get working class jobs family is the biggest factor affecting achievement school does not affect achievement
what is a criticism of willis?
study is outdated, refers to boys from working class communities with fathers in traditional industries, however these have disappeared over the decades
what studies would you use for material deprivation ?
smith and noble
diane reay
Marylin howard
what studies would you use for for cultural deprivation?
what studies would you use for cultural capital ?
alice sullivan
what studies would you use for labelling theory?
keddie ball Hargreaves rosenthal and jacobson argue- hallam and hurley
what does sue sharpe suggest ?
that girls aspirations have changed over time, during the 1970 s: love and marriage was priority
1990s: careers and jobs are now priority
who supports sue sharpe?
francias and skelton
the majority of girls pupils appear to see their chosen career as a reflection of their identity and their future fulfillment, rather than marriage
as a result- girls have become more ambitious
motivated to achieve good grades to realise these ambitions
what are out of school factors?
material deprivation
cultural deprivation- functionalism
cultural capital - marxism
what are in school factors?
labeling theory
pupil subcultures
what studies could be used for pupil subcultures?
willis ‘lads’
sue sharp