Contingency Operation Fundamentals Flashcards
● ESP- Engineer support plans
contains basic planning assumptions for developing regional plans.
Bailey Bridge configurations
- Single/ Single 100’
- Double/ Single 140’
- Double/ Double 180’
Assess the damages of runways and taxiways, aircraft maintenance facilities,
aircraft parking, loading, and refueling areas.
MOS- Minimum operating strip-
smallest section of the runway required for launching
and recovering an aircraft based on largest aircraft in AO
Marine Corps engineering units
1. ESB
Engineering support battalion provides general support to the
Marine Corps engineering units
Marine wing service support provides internal airfield comms,
aircraft rescue, and fire fighting
Marine Corps engineering units
3. CEB
enhance mobility, Counter mobility, and survivability of the division
Combat engineers
Mobility, counter mobility, and survivability
Logistical support considerations
- Supply
- Maintenance
- Transportation
- General Engineering
- Health Services
- Medical facilities
Maritime Prepositioning Force- Rapid establishment of a combat ready MAGTF (Marine Air-Ground Task Force) Ashore
● Latrines must be 100 yards from water source and food areas and 50 feet from sleeping
● Garbage pits must be 100 yards away from water source, and 30 yards away from
● Grounding rods- metal rod driven 8 feet into the ground, ⅝ solid or ¾ pipe
Camp Maintenance performed 3 types of work
- Emergency- work requiring immediate action, or minor work requiring
less than 16 man hours and less than $500 - Specific- Take more than 16 man hours
- Standing- Large jobs that require over 40 man hours
Maintenance inspection
Annual inspection summary documents deficiencies in camp
Water disinfecting
- Potable- no contamination, satisfactory for drinking
- Chlorination- most common method of disinfecting potable water. 2.0
PPM - Super chlorination- dosages far in excess of demand for disinfecting. 100
3 Parts to ABFC
Component, Facility, Assembly
Three types of construction done by Seabees
- Initial/ Expedient- rapid deployment to limited support locations
- Temporary - 24 months and sustained operations
- Permanent- long term sustained operations
Air Force engineering units
- Red Horse- Focused on support to combat maneuver organizations at
tactical levels - Prime BEEF- Home Station civil engineer organizations
- Specialized- Expeditionary engineering
Army engineering units
- Combat engineer- Focused on support to combat maneuver organizations
- General engineer- Comprised of bridging, support, and construction
capabilities. Horizontal and vertical responsibilities. - USACE- United states army corps of engineers- provides technical
contract engineering support - Specialized engineer- Provides general and geospatial engineering
capabilities at operational and strategic levels