Admin Flashcards
CO Responsibilities
Directly responsible for timely preparedness an successful completion of
construction projects and disaster recovery ops
Responsibilities of the X’s
○ X-1 chaps
○ X-2 dental
○ X-3 legalman
○ X-4 medical
Responsibilities of the S’s
○ S1-Admin Officer
○ S2-intelligence Officer
○ S3-operations Officer
○ S4-supply
○ S6-comms Officer
○ S7-training Officer
XO Responsibility
In execution his/her duty , take precedence over all other persons under command
of the CO
CMDCM Responsibility
Direct channel for communications between enlisted and officers on problem
or questions that cannot be resolved through normal channels
Command and Control Responsibility
exercise of authority, direction by properly designated
commander over assigned or attached forces
Classified information types
○ Top secret - “grave damage” to national security, valid for 5 years
○ Secret - “serious damage” to national security, valid for 10-15 years
○ Classified - “damage” to national security, valid for 10-15 years
Levels of authority
○ Type commander (TYCOM)
○ Combatant commander (COCOM) (PACOM)
○ Operational control (OPCON)
○ Tactical control (TACON)
○ Administrative control (ADCON)
○ Coordinating authority
Support authority
○ General support
○ Mutual support
○ Direct support
○ Close support
Convoy security element (CSE)
Movement of personnel, equipment, cargo to or from a
specific site in permissive, unknown, or hostile environment
Combat Operations Center
Alternate Combat Operations Center
Company Control Point