General Military Tactics Flashcards
5 Terrain Aspects
- K- ey features
- O-bservation and fields of fire
- C-oncealment
- O- bstacles
- A- venue of approach
Shallow pit made by scraping soil
9 Line
- Location
- Radio frequency
- # of casualties
- Special equipment
- # of litter/ walking
- Security at site
- Method of marking
- Nationality and status
- NBC contamination
Body Armor System
PGI Gear
Standard issue gear and field equipment
Grenade sump
Narrow pit to allow grenades to be kicked into to minimize damage
General term used to conceal yourself, equipment and position
Protection from fire of enemy weapons
Protection from hostile ground or air observation
Ground flare
move quickly out of the light
Overhead flare
Crouch down or lay down, wait for flare to burn out
One person
shoulder width and as deep as occupant on a fire step
Two Person
Two, one person trenches connected, deep as the tallest person on a fire step
Topographic Map
Portrays terrain and landforms
Orient map
Turn map and compass together until the north arrow is lined up with the index line
Lensatic compass
most common and simplest form for measuring direction and angles in the field
direction, defined as a horizontal angle measured from north
Map colors
- Black- Man made features
- Blue- Water
- Green- Vegetation
- Brown- Contour lines
Patrol Planning
- Study the mission
- Plan use of time
- Study terrain and situation
- Organize patrol
- Select personnel,weapons, and equipment
- Issue warning order
- Coordinate
- Recon
- Complete detailed plans
- Issue patrol order
- Supervise, inspect, and rehearse
- Execute mission
- B-Begin planning
- A- rrange recon and coordinate
- M-ake the recon
- C-omplete the plan
- I- issue patrol order
- S-upervise
- Size of enemy unit
- Activity of the enemy
- Location of the enemy
- Uniform worn
- Time of each activity noted
- Equipment used by the enemy
- A- LERT unit of enemies
- D-IRECTION enemy location
- D-ISCRIPTION brief description of enemy
- R-ANGE to the target
- A- SSIGNMENT tell who to fire on enemy
- C- ONTROL signal to open fire
- Situation
- Mission
- Execution
- Admin and logistics
- Command and signal
- Defend, reinforce, Attack, Withdraw, Delay