Constipation/ IBS Flashcards
Differentiate btwn spastic and atonic constipation.
Spastic- hypertonicity of colon due to increased SNS response. Causes build up of toxins and irritation. Feces is loose and stringy.
Atonic- lack of tone in colon. Hard lumpy feces. Elderly, bedridden, resisting urge. Can also occur with cathartic colon or lazy bowel- too much reliance on laxatives and enemas
Define constipation.
Slow, infrequent or difficult movement of feces through the bowel. Decreased motility of colon or difficulty in expelling stool.
Which type of constipation is considered a medical emergency?
Obstructive- blockage of the colon
What are the two functions of the colon?
1) recycling of nutrients
2) formation/ elimination of stool
Where does the strongest absorptive capacity happen?
In the ascending colon
What absorbs the majority of nutrients consumed, Along with most of bile salts and fluid?
The small intestine
Where does bacteria help with nutrient recycling, water conservation, and metabolism?
In the ileal portion of the small intestine
How is fibre relevant to the formation of stool?
Poorly fermented or indigestible decreases transit time. Easily digested fiber is completely digested, has little bulk and makes feces stay longer in bowels.
What does the “fermentation chamber” refer to?
The cecum and ascending colon- it’s the place where bacteria is most active metabolically
What is the storage and excretion of stool regulated by?
The ANS, PSNS increases peristaltic activity and inhibits rectum from releasing it’s contents. SNS do the opposite.
Define peristalsis
An involuntary wave like movement which is induced reflexively by the distension of the walls of hollow tubes
What is the difference Btwn peristalsis in the ascending colon and in the descending colon? What is the type of peristalsis that occurs after meals?
Ascending- anti peristalsis/ retrograde: towards cecum
Descending- tonic contractions, towards rectum. Separates contents.
Mass peristalsis- after meals, propulsive and retro pulsive contractions
What are some of the rectal lesions that can cause constipation?
Haemorrhoids or perirectal abscess
If there is constipation, what should you rule out through testing?
Appendicitis or bowel obstruction
When is a rebound test indicated? What should you do if it is positive?
Lower right quadrant abdominal pain with low back pain, constipation for 3-4 days. If positive refer to emergency as it requires medical attention immediately.
1) fecal impaction
2) mega colon
3) rectal prolapse
Fecal impaction- accumulation of dry fecal matter that can’t be expelled
Mega colon- dilated, atonic colon from chronic fecal obstruction
Rectal prolapse- eversion of rectal wall through anus
What’s the difference in treatment if there is spastic constipation or atonic constipation?
Spastic- aim is to reduce SNS firing, relaxing, soothing
Atonic- need to mechanically move feces through bowel, brisker and more stimulating
Name some medications that can cause constipation as a side effect
Antacids, diuretics, antihistamines, anaesthetics, antidepressants, iron supplements
Define irritable bowel syndrome.
A disorder of motility in the small and large intestine resulting from digestive tracts reactions to daily stressors and dietary patterns. Pain, bloating and cramping from obstruction in flow of stool and gas.
Comment on the severity of IBS and possible causes of it
Benign GI disorder that does not affect the intestinal tract, nutrient absorption or life span. Usually due to food intolerances or autonomic overreaction still stress.
What is the most common GI disturbance in western society and what population is most likely to get it?
IBS, usually affects women more
Where is pain usually located if it’s IBS? When is the pain worst? When is it usually relieved?
Pain in lower abdomen. Worst in a.m or after eating. Relieved by bowel movement
What is halitosis and what digestive disorder is it associated with?
Bad breath- associated with IBS
What sudden change in stool should be referred to a physician before treatment?
Sudden changes in bowel habits over 2 weeks or any change that might include blood (black, tar like stool)
What are some essential oils that help relax client? Which ones can help promote release of gas?
Relax- chamomile, bergamot
Gas- peppermint, basil, fennel, lemon