Conservative Policies-new Roght 2015-present Day Flashcards
Expansion of apprenticeships (meeting needs of economy)
In 2015, glories wanted to create 3million new apprenticeships. They are paid jobs where employee learns and gains experience-ability to ‘earn whilst you learn’, push these as believe they provide people with a good route into career and contributed to a highly skilled economy , learning ‘skills employers want’
What is under changes to types of schools (diversity and choice)
Expansion of grammar schools, expansion of academies, expansion of free schools
Suggested expansion of grammar schools
Theresa may said would offer more equality for ‘all students’. Further choice to state funded education to parents (mostly middle class) do 11 plus to gain entry to an elitist form of education (focus on academic achievement and discipline)-an asset to meritocracy for bright pupils
Further expansion of academies
Wanted all schools to become a aided by 2022(didn’t happen not all outstanding due to staff shortages, lack of funding), funded by the government and business sponsors, have more control over how they run the schools (some choose as don’t have enough freedom)-academy chains by borrowing teachers
Expansion of free schools
Opened in areas where they are needed, offering more choice over where to send children. State funded, set up by parents (parentocracy), average of 7,761/pupil, don’t follow national curriculum or use selection process
Mass changes to gcse (raising standards)
9-1 across all subjects, harder grading, more content, less coursework, aimed to improve standards and differentiate between most able students and push students to do better
Mass changes to linear alevel
Tests at end of 2 years instead of modular so all compared in same levels across subjects. Focused on application of knowledge, increased content which raises standards
Further increased tuition fees (raising standards)
In 2015, George Osborne announced they would rise with inflation from 2017/18 academic year to compensate for a cut in teaching budget 9000 plus a year
Continuation of pupil premium (equal of opp)
Grant given by government to schools to decrease attainment gap for disadvantaged students Eligible for fsm/been in care (funding cut in recent years) e - pay for trips, textbooks, travel, post 16 bursary
Additional covid funding/covid catch up fund-equality of opp
Additional funding for schools for additional support to students with gaps in knowledge, struggles during lockdown-extra support in forms of workshops, online resources, initiatives