Consequences (lec 19) Flashcards
Can past warm periods and ice ages be attributed in part to the earth’s position relative to the sun
Can current global warming be explained by Milankovitch cycles ?
Where is our global climate headed
6.1° F
How can we make reliable predictions about future climate?
Predictive models
Climate science use computer models to take into account major factors that are known to have affected past climate and feed data into a model to see what matches up with warming that has been observed .
Predictive models
What models match the actual historic temperature trend?
Ones that include human releases of greenhouse gases
Factors that can affect global climate these can be positive ( increase temp) or negative (decrease temp)
Positive forcers
Black soot on snow
Solar radiance
Tropospheric ozone
Negative forcer
Cloud albedo effect
High- albedo land use
Stratospheric ozone
Temp rises
More ice melts
More water is exposed and absorbs heat
Positive feedback loop
What also releases methane?
What increases warming?
Meting ice by changing albedo
Effects of tundra thawing
Releases methane and CO2
Large positive feedback loop
Methane hydrates at bottom of shallow polar seas
A plankton that drifts to the upper layer of the ocean and forms the basis of virtually all marine food webs
Emelliana huxleyi
Emelliana..? (Neg feedback loop)
Abdorbs C02 in photosynthesis
Reflects solar radiation with cocolith plates
Releases vapor dimethyl sulfate