Congenital Gynecologic Defects and Müllerian Anomalies Flashcards
What are the four steps of Müllerian development?
1) Elongation (growing down from the mesonephros to the urogenital sinus)
2) Fusion (the left and right halves coming together)
3) Canalization (because the structures are initially solid)
4) Septal resorption
5) Union with sinovaginal bulb (aka urogenital sinus)
The Müllerian ducts are just ______________ to the mesonephros.
If a woman presents with a transverse septum in her vagina –that blocks passage to her uterus –what embryologic structure likely gave rise to this?
The distal tip of the paramesonephric duct has failed to canalize with the urogenital sinus
Müllerian defects are almost always separate from _________________.
ovarian defects: so patients with Müllerian defects will have normal gonadal/secondary sexual development
Müllerian agenesis is a disorder of which step in Müllerian development?
Uterine didelphys is _____________.
class III uterine Müllerian hypoplasia
Uterine didelphys results from a failure of _____________.
Uterine didelphys with obstructed hemivagina will present with ______________.
pain, because women will bleed but the blood cannot leave the body
_____________ is another kind of failure of uterine fusion (in addition to uterine didelphys).
Bicornuate uterus
Normally, the __________ is partially perforated.
True or false: a woman presenting to the Emergency Room with imperforate hymen should be canalized and sent home.
False. The vagina has commensal bacteria, and inserting a needle through an imperforate hymen will bring bacteria into the walled-off uterus. An infection will result. As such, close monitoring after surgical intervention in cases of an imperforate hymen is needed.
Neural crest cells are derived from ______________.
neural ectoderm
What embryonic gives rise to the gonads?
Intermediate mesoderm
True or false: the kidneys form from a structure that branches off of the structure that becomes the fallopian tube.
False. The ureteric bud (metanephros) branches off of the mesonephros, which becomes the ductus deferens in males.
The mesonephric duct is ____________ to the paramesonephric duct.
medial (meso = medial)
Unicornuate uterus results from failure of ________________.
Imperforate hymen results from a defect in what embryonic structure?
Sino-vaginal bulb
Prior to canalizing an imperforate hymen, you need to verify (via imaging) that it is not a ___________________.
transverse vaginal septum
What kind of failure results in class I or II Müllerian anomalies?
Failure of elongation (I = bilateral; II = unilateral)
Failure of fusion results in which types of Müllerian anomalies?
III (uterine didelphys, with two distinct uteruses and cervixes) and IV (bicornuate uterus, with two cavities but only one cervix)