Components Flashcards
Expiration date of and RBC when only anticoagulant is added. Exception to this?
21 days
Unless CPDA 1 is used then 35 days
MLs of anticoagulant per 100mL of blood
14mL per 100mL of WB
70 in one unit with 500mL of WB
Different Additive solutions
AS 1, 3, 5 and 7
1 and 3 are the most common
Additive solution with no mannitol
Required viability for a unit with AS added
75% viability 24 hrs post tx
Expiration date of a unit after AS
42 days
What kind of cells do you see when RBC membrane is lost
How do RBCs generate energy
Anaerobically, from glucose
What decreases during storage for RBC storage lesion
Glucose consumption
Plasma Na+
2,3 DPG
What increases during storage for RBC storage lesion
Lactic acid
Plasma K+
Osmotic fragility
Adherence/interaction with endothelial cells
RBCs storage temp
1-6 C
Which ABO can be transfused for whole blood
Must be type specific
Exp date of RBC unit if system is open
24 hrs
QC for leukoreduction
Less than 5.0x10^6
But at least 85% of RBCs retained
Standard bump in HdB from one unit
1 g/dL increase in HgB or 3% Hct per unit
Deferral period for whole blood donation
8 weeks
Deferral period for aphaeresis double unit donation
16 weeks
QC for washing units
80% of RBCs to remain after washing
How long after expiration can a unit be rejuvenated
Up to 3 days after expiration
How long must a unit be transfused or frozen after rejuvenation
24 hrs
Frozen RBC temp and exp
10 years at -65C or colder (high glycerol, most common)
10 years at -120C or colder (low glyc)
How long is a thawed unit good for
If open system 24 hrs
If closed system 14 days
QC for thawing RBCs
Must remain 80% of RBCs
How long after collection must while blood derived platelets be harvested
Within 8 hours of collection
How to collect platelets from WB spins
Soft spin then hard spin
QC for pooled or WB derived platelets
Each dose must be 5.5x10^10 90% of the time.
6 doses are pooled to make one
Exp for platelets
5 days
Storage for platelets
20-24C with agitation
pH requirement for platelets
Greater than or equal to 6.2
Platelet exp date is system is opened
4 hours
Also 4 hours if pooled using open system
QC for single donor platelets apheresis
3.0x10^11 90% of the time
QC for irradiation
25-50 gray to the center
15 gray to the rest
What does irradiation do
T lymphocytes are incapable of replicating
Prevents graft v host disease
Exp date of irradiates unit
28 days or original if shorter
Time for freezing fresh frozen plasma
Within 8 hours
Time for freezing FP24
Within 24 hours
Which type of plasma can cryo be manufactured from
FFP only
FFP storage and exp
-18C or colder for 1 year
Or -65C for 7 years
Which clotting factors does FFP contain
All factors
1mL of FFP contains 1 unit of each clotting factor
Storage temp for plasma after thawing
How long is thawed FFP good for
24 hours
After that it can still be used for 5 days but it needs to be called thawed plasma (not FFP)
Which factors are lower in plasma than FFP
Factor V and VIII
When can liquid plasma be derived from WB
At any point during shelf life and up to 5 days after exp of unit
Liquid plasma exp date
21 days
From what and when is cryo manufactured
From FFP after it’s thawed at 1-6C
How long after FFP is thawed must cryo be re frozen
1 hour
What does cryo contain
Average of 250mg of fibrinogen, factor VIII, fibronectin, factor XIII and Von Willebrands factor
Minimum cryo values
80 IU of factor VIII
150 fibrinogen
Cryo storage temp and exp
-18C or colder for 1 year
Cryo exp after thawing
6 hours closed system
4 hours open system
Starts when unit hits thawer
Storage temp for cryo after thawing
20-24 C NO agitation
How are granulocytes collected
Granulocytes exp and storage
24 hrs store 20-24 no agitation
Best if given in 8 hrs
Shipping temps for blood cryo FFP and platelets
RBCs 1-10 with wet ice
FFP and Cryo frozen with dry ice
Platelets 20-24
24 hrs max for delivery