Compensations, Imbalances, and Corrective Strategies Flashcards
Anterior View Checkpoint: Feet Assessment reveals compensation: Turn out Probable Over Active: Probable Underactive: SMR ex Strength ex
OA: Soleus, Lateral gastrocnemius, biceps femoris(short head)
UA: Medial gastroc, Medial Hamstring complex, gracilis, sartorius, popliteus
SMR: Gastroc/soleus, biceps femoris, static gastroc, static supine biceps femoris
Strength: Single leg balance reach
Anterior View Checkpoint: Knees Assessment reveals compensation: move inward Probable Over Active: Probable Underactive: SMR ex Strength ex
OA:Adductor complex, biceps femoris (short head), tensor fascia latae, vastus lateralis
UA: Gluteus medius/maximus, vastus medialis oblique (Vmo)
SMR: Adductors, TFL/IT, static supine biceps femoris, standing TFL
strength: tube walking side to side
Later View Checkpoint: LPHC Assessment reveals compensation: Excessive forward lean Probable Over Active: Probable Underactive: SMR ex Strength ex
OA:Soleus, gastroc, hip flexor complex (TFL, rectus femoris, psoas), Abdominal complex
UA: Anterior tibialis, gluteus maximus, erector spinae
SMR: gastro/soleus, quad, static gastroc, static kneeling hip flexor
Strength:Quadruped arm/opposite leg raise, ball wall squats
Later View Checkpoint: LPHC Assessment reveals compensation: Low Back arches Probable Over Active: Probable Underactive: SMR ex Strength ex
OA: Hip Flexor Complex, TFL, (Rectus femoris, psoas), Rector Spinae, Lats
UA: Glute Mx, Hamstring complex, intrinsic core stabliziers,
SMR: Quads, lats, Static kneeling hip flexor stretch, static lat Dorsi ball stretch
strength: Quadruped arm/opposite leg raise, ball wall squats
Later View Checkpoint: Upper Body Assessment reveals compensation: Arms Fall Forward Probable Over Active: Probable Underactive: SMR ex Strength ex
OA: Lats, Teres Major, Pec major/minor
UA: Mid/lower traps, rhomboids, rotator cuff
SMR: Thoracic spine, Lats, static lat Dorsi ball, static pec wall stretch
Strength: Squat to row
Later View Checkpoint: Upper Body Assessment reveals compensation: shoulder elevate(pushing/pulling asses) Probable Over Active: Probable Underactive: SMR ex Strength ex
OA: Upper traps, sternocleidomastoid, levator scapulae
UA: Mid/lower traps
SMR: Upper traps, static upper traps/ scalene stretch
Strength: Ball cobra
Later View Checkpoint: Upper Body Assessment reveals compensation: Head Protrudes forward(pushing/pulling asses) Probable Over Active: Probable Underactive: SMR ex Strength ex
Oa: Upper traps, sternocleidomastoid, levator scapulae,
UA: deep cervical flexors
SMR: Upper traps, static upper traps, scalene stretch
Strength: chin tuck