Chapter 9 (Core) Flashcards
Local Stabilization System
Transversus abdominis, internal oblique, lumbar multifidus, pelvic floor muscles, diaphragm
Global Stabilization system
Qudratus lumborum, psoasmajor external oblique, portions of internal oblique, rectus abdominous, gluteus medius, adductor complex
Movement system
LAts, hip flexors, hamstrings, quads
Drawing in uses which system
Bracing uses which system
Optimal lengths, recruitment patterns, and \_\_\_\_\_ in the muscles of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex (LPHC) establish neuromuscular efficiency throughout the entire human movement system. A. excitation-contraction coupling B. wave summations C. force-couple relationships D. arthrokinematics
The local core stabilizers are muscles that attach directly to the \_\_\_\_\_. A. foot B. neck C. vertebrae D. forearm
Which of the following constitutes the local stabilization system? A. Type II x muscle fibers B. Type II muscle fibers C. Type II a muscle fibers D. Type I muscle fibers
Core stabilizing muscles are primarily responsible for:
A. concentric force production during dynamic activities.
B. stability between the pelvis and the spine.
C. eccentric control of the core during functional movements.
D. intervertebral stability.
The local stabilizer muscles aid in proprioception and postural control as they have a high density of \_\_\_\_\_. A. myoglobin B. muscle spindles C. mitochondria D. myofilaments
The primary muscles that make up the local stabilization system include:
A. latissimus dorsi and quadriceps.
B. quadratus lumborum and psoas major.
C. transverse abdominis and internal obliques.
D. rectus abdominis and gluteus medius.
The muscles of the global stabilization system attach from the \_\_\_\_\_ to the spine. A. shoulder B. forearm C. pelvis D. knee
Identify the primary muscles of the global stabilization system.
A. Gluteus medius and adductor complex
B. Multifidus and diaphragm
C. Hip flexors and hamstring complex
D. Pelvic floor musculature and transverse abdominis
Identify the function of muscles that constitute the global stabilization system.
A. They help transfer loads between the upper extremity and lower extremity.
B. They bring about eccentric deceleration during dynamic activities.
C. They are responsible for intervertebral and intersegmental stability.
D. They provide support from vertebra to vertebra.
The movement system includes muscles that attach the spine and/or pelvis to the \_\_\_\_\_. A. knee B. extremities C. stomach D. hip muscles
The primary muscles of the movement system include the:
A. psoas major and transverse abdominis.
B. quadratus lumborum and gluteus medius.
C. latissimus dorsi and hip flexors.
D. multifidus and external obliques.
Researchers have found that individuals with chronic low-back pain (approximately 80 percent of U.S. adults) have decreased activation of certain muscles such as \_\_\_\_\_. A. diaphragm and deep erector spinae B. psoas major and external obliques C. quadriceps and latissimus dorsi D. rectus abdominis and gluteus medius
\_\_\_\_\_ by itself is an independent risk factor for developing low-back pain (LBP). A. Anatomical misalignment B. Trunk muscle weakness C. Ankle fracture D. Cervical hyperextension
Core stabilization exercises restore the size, activation, and endurance of the deep spine muscle known as the \_\_\_\_\_ in individuals with low-back pain (LBP). A. transverse abdominus B. diaphragm C. multifidus D. internal oblique
Bracing occurs when a person contracts the abdominal, \_\_\_\_\_, and buttock muscles at the same time. A. lower back B. left shoulder C. forearm D. neck
Traditional low-back hyperextension exercises without lumbo-pelvic-hip stabilization result in _____.
A. better functional movements and posture
B. less overload and tissue damage
C. widening of openings in the vertebrae
D. increased pressure on the vertebral discs
Research has demonstrated that electromyogram (EMG) activity is increased during pelvic stabilization and \_\_\_\_\_ activation when an abdominal drawing-in maneuver is initiated before activity. A. subscapularis B. transverse abdominis C. pronator teres D. brachialis
Research has found that the transverse abdominis, when properly activated, creates tension in the \_\_\_\_\_, contributing to spinal stiffness. A. trapezius muscle B. diaphragm C. thoracolumbar fascia D. scapula
Research has proven that the transverse abdominis, when properly activated, compresses the \_\_\_\_\_, increasing stability. A. quadratus lumborum muscle B. thoracolumbar fascia C. sacroiliac joint D. patella
Maintaining the \_\_\_\_\_ in a neutral position during core training helps to improve posture, muscle balance, and stabilization. A. cervical spine B. lumbar spine C. coccygeal spine D. sacral spine
If a forward protruding head is noticed during the drawing-in maneuver, the \_\_\_\_\_ is preferentially recruited, which increases the compressive forces in the cervical spine and can lead to pelvic instability and muscle imbalances. A. sternocleidomastoid B. iliopsoas C. latissimus dorsi D. multifidus
Bracing is referred to as a(n) \_\_\_\_\_ of global muscles, such as the rectus abdominis, external obliques, and quadratus lumborum. A. flexion B. horizontal adduction C. extension D. co-contraction
Performing the drawing-in maneuver or bracing can:
A. result in lower endurance for stabilization.
B. help retrain motor control of local and global stabilization systems.
C. cause narrowing of openings in the vertebrae.
D. affect posture and muscle balance.
The goal of \_\_\_\_\_ is to develop optimal levels of neuromuscular efficiency, stability, and functional strength. A. circuit training B. flexibility training C. core training D. interval training
Identify the correct sequence of the functional outcomes of the core training program.
A. Movement efficiency, lumbopelvic stability, intervertebral stability
B. Intervertebral stability, lumbopelvic stability, movement efficiency
C. Lumbopelvic stability, intervertebral stability, movement efficiency
D. Intervertebral stability, movement efficiency, lumbopelvic stability
Core-stabilization exercises are designed to improve _____.
A. dynamic stabilization and concentric strength
B. the rate of force production of the core musculature
C. eccentric and concentric strength
D. neuromuscular efficiency and intervertebral stability
Identify an example of a core-stabilization exercise. A. Rotation chest pass B. Cable rotation C. Ball crunch D. Floor prone cobra
Identify an example of a core-stabilization exercise. A. Rotation chest pass B. Cable rotation C. Ball crunch D. Floor prone cobra
\_\_\_\_ during the marching exercise indicates lack of neuromuscular control of the local core stabilizers. A. Cervical extension B. Hip adduction C. Scapular retraction D. Abdominal protrusion
Which of the following is an example of a core-strength exercise? A. Floor bridge B. Soccer throw C. Back extension D. Prone iso-ab
It is important to ensure that an individual has proper extensibility of the \_\_\_\_\_ muscle before performing the ball medicine ball (MB) pullover throw exercise to decrease stress to the low back and shoulders. A. platysma B. latissimus dorsi C. digastric D. longus colli