Chapter 19 Flashcards
1. What percentage of the US population is estimated not to engage in 30 minutes of low-to-moderate physical activity? • 35% • 25% • 75% • 65%
2. Which of the following is not a key predictor of exercise participation and adherence? • Supportive environment • Cost of membership • Convenient location • Popularity of chain
Popularity of chain
3. People in this stage of the Stages of Change model do not exercise, but are thinking about becoming more active in the next 6 months. • Precontemplation • Contemplation • Preparation • Action
4. People in this stage of the Stages of Change model do exercise (occasionally) but are planning to begin exercising regularly in the next month. • Action • Precontemplation • Preparation • Contemplation
5. People in this stage of the Stages of Change Model have formed a change in their behavior for at least six months. • Contemplation • Maintenance • Preparation • Action
- True or false, people in contemplation stage exercise but are thinking about becoming more active in the next 6 months?
• True
• False
In the context of client expectations of the training environment, \_\_\_\_\_ is a key predictor of exercise participation and adherence. A. program information B. convenient location C. organized staff D. competitive environment
In the context of the stages of change model, which of the following corresponds to a stage where people do not exercise but are thinking of becoming more active in the next six months? A. Preparation B. Contemplation C. Precontemplation D. Action
In the stages of change model, which of the following corresponds to a stage where people do occasionally exercise but are planning to begin exercising regularly in the next month? A) Action B) Precontemplation C) Preparation D) Contemplation
Which of the following is the first stage in the stages of change model? A. Precontemplation B. Maintenance C. Preparation D. Action
In the context of stages of change model, a client relapsing at the action stage would immediately move back to the \_\_\_\_\_ stage. A. precontemplation B. preparation C. contemplation D. maintenance
In the context of the stages of change model, a client relapsing at the preparation stage would immediately move back to the \_\_\_\_\_ stage. A. preparation B. maintenance C. contemplation D. precontemplation ANSWER: C
In the context of the stages of change model, which of the following would serve as the third stage for both progress and relapse of an exerciser? A. Maintenance B. Preparation C. Contemplation D. Precontemplation
Which of the following is the correct sequence of progress in the stages of change model?
A. Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance
B. Maintenance, action, preparation, precontemplation, and contemplation
C. Precontemplation, contemplation, maintenance, preparation, and action
D. Preparation, precontemplation, contemplation, maintenance, and action
Identify a true statement about the precontemplation stage in the stages of change model.
A. People in this stage have no intention of changing, they do not exercise, and they do not intend to start in the next six months.
B. People in this stage do exercise occasionally but are planning to begin exercising regularly in the next month.
C. People in this stage do not exercise but are thinking about becoming more active in the next six months.
D. People in this stage have started to exercise but have not yet maintained the behavior for six months.
Which of the following statements is true of people who are in the contemplation stage?
A. People at this stage have no intention of changing, they do not exercise, and they do not intend to start in the next six months.
B. People in this stage do not exercise but are thinking about becoming more active in the next six months.
C. People at this stage have started to exercise but have not yet maintained the behavior for six months.
D. People in this stage do exercise occasionally but are planning to begin exercising regularly in the next month.
Identify a true statement about the preparation stage in the stages of change model.
A. People in this stage do not exercise but are thinking about becoming more active in the next six months.
B. People in this stage have no intention of changing, they do not exercise, and they do not intend to start in the next month.
C. People in this stage do exercise occasionally but are planning to begin exercising regularly in the next month.
D. People in this stage have started to exercise but have not yet maintained the behavior for six months.
The best strategy a personal trainer could use with precontemplators is to:
A. discuss the necessity of building a social support network.
B. ask about previous successful experiences with exercise.
C. help clients maintain their beliefs in the importance of exercising regularly.
D. educate them and suggest where they might get information to become more active.
Identify the best strategy a personal trainer could use with contemplators.
A. To ask about previous successful experiences with exercise
B. To help clients maintain their beliefs in the importance of exercise
C. To discuss building a social support network
D. To help clients develop motivational programs that will lead to long-term adherence
Personal trainers can help clients in the preparation stage by _____.
A. helping clients maintain their beliefs in the importance of exercise
B. discussing barriers to exercise and anticipating imminent disruptions
C. reinforcing pros, discussing progress, and changing up their workout plan
D. being fearless to redesign exercise programs if time or intensity is a barrier
In the context of the stages of change model, which of the following statements is true of people at the maintenance stage?
A. They have formed a change in their behavior in their exercise routine but are tempted to return to old habits of less exercise.
B. They do not exercise but think about becoming more active in the next six months.
C. They have started to exercise but have not yet maintained the behavior for six months.
D. They exercise occasionally but plan to begin exercising regularly in the next month.
The best strategy for personal trainers to use with clients in the action stage is _____.
A. to help clients at this stage clarify realistic goals and expectations
B. to help clients maintain their beliefs in the importance of exercise
C. to discuss building a social support network
D. to discuss barriers to exercise and to anticipate upcoming disruptions
Which of the following is the best strategy for personal trainers to use with clients in the maintenance stage?
A. To help clients maintain their beliefs in the importance of exercise
B. To help clients clarify realistic goals and expectations
C. To discuss building a social support network
D. To reinforce pros of exercise, discuss progress, and help clients change up their workout plans
Which of the following is most likely to happen in the first 30 minutes of the initial session of behavioral coaching?
A. Giving exercise routine or discussing the effects of other exercisers on clients’ behavior
B. Talking and getting to know a client’s needs and goals
C. Discussing fitness goals or understanding what fitness improvements clients hope to achieve
D. Reviewing previous experience or developing basic exercise plan
\_\_\_\_\_ are conversational techniques that express the purported meaning of what was just heard. A. Permissions B. Disclosures C. Affirmations D. Reflections
\_\_\_\_\_ are a series of reflections that draw all the important points of a conversation together. A. Permissions B. Summaries C. Disclosures D. Affirmations
\_\_\_\_\_ are rarely used in conversations but they are both subtle and powerful. A. Affirmations B. Sanctions C. Permissions D. Reflections
Identify a true statement about reflecting in the context of effective communication skills of a personal trainer.
A. Reflecting draws all important points of a conversation together and allows a client to clarify what he or she has said.
B. Reflecting shows greater depth of listening throughout an entire conversation.
C. Reflecting is an opportunity for trainers to make sure what a client says is accurately understood.
D. Reflecting communicates appreciation of clients for who they are.
Identify a true statement about summarizing in the context of effective co
Identify a true statement about summarizing in the context of effective communication skills.
A. Summaries draw all important points of a conversation together and allows a client to clarify what he or she has said.
B. Summarizing shows greater depth of listening throughout an entire conversation.
C. Summarizing is a controversial technique that express the purported meaning of what was just said.
D. Summaries communicate appreciation of clients for who they are.
\_\_\_\_\_ show appreciation for clients and their strengths. A. Summaries B. Permissions C. Affirmations D. Reflections
Which of the following marks a difference between affirmations and compliments?
A. Unlike affirmations, compliments typically have an evaluative judgment implicit within them.
B. Unlike affirmations, compliments communicate an appreciation of clients for who they are.
C. Unlike compliments, affirmations are a series of reflections.
D. Unlike compliments, affirmations are opportunities to make sure that what a client says is accurately understood.
\_\_\_\_\_ is the tangible and practical factors necessary to help a person adhere to exercise or achieve exercise goals. A. Emotional support B. Informational support C. Instrumental support D. Companionship support
In the context of lifestyle modification behavioral coaching, which of the following is an example of instrumental support that helps a client reach his or her health and fitness goals?
A. Transportation to a fitness facility
B. Praising a client for his or her efforts
C. Sympathizing with a client when he or she complains about sore muscles
D. Encouraging a client to work harder
Which of the following is an example of companionship support?
A. Suggestions given to clients about how to exercise
B. Spotter for weightlifting at the gym
C. Sympathizing with clients when they complain about sore muscles
D. Availability of coworkers with whom clients can exercise
When family members pressure or make a person feel guilty about exercise, he or she may actually respond by exercising less. This is known as \_\_\_\_\_. A. behavioral reactant B. parental reactant C. exercise imagery D. psyching up
Exercisers who experience \_\_\_\_\_ overemphasize the difference between their body type and the body types of others when in a fitness facility. A. social phobia B. borderline personality disorder C. generalized anxiety disorder D. social physique anxiety ANSWER: D
In the context of personality modification and behavioral coaching, initial goal-setting sessions with new clients should be focused on \_\_\_\_\_. A. preferences of the trainer B. setting short-term goals C. setting long-term goals D. values of the trainer
In the context of effective goal setting, identify a true statement about specific goals.
A. They are the right mix of goals that are challenging, but not extreme.
B. They are clearly defined in such a way that anyone could understand the intended outcome.
C. They should always have a specific date of completion.
D. They should represent an objective toward which an individual is both willing and able to work.
In the context of effective goal setting, identify a true statement about realistic goals.
A. They must always have a specific date of completion.
B. They must be clearly defined in such a way that anyone could understand the intended outcome.
C. They must be the right mix of goals that are challenging, but not extreme.
D. They must represent an objective toward which an individual is both willing and able to work.
\_\_ is the process created to produce internalized experiences to support or enhance exercise participation. A. Program design B. Exercise imagery C. Cohesion design D. Assimilation imagery ANSWER: B