Community Resources and Partnerships Flashcards
According to legislation, 51% of Center for Independent Living (CIL) staff need to be:
mental health counselors
vocational rehabilitation counselors
local community members
people with disabilities
people with disabilities
James was referred to an Independent Living Center by his Physical Therapist. James, who is 33 years old and a banker was recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Which core service would he most likely be seeking assistance with at the IL Center?
Advocacy training
Independent living skills training
Peer counseling
Peer counseling
The first Center for Independent Living (CIL) was developed in:
Los Angeles
San Francisco
San Diego
In relation to Social Security, SGA stands for
significant gainful activity
substantial gainful activity
significant gainful allowance
substantial gainful allowance
substantial gainful activity
Medicaid is provided to most people who get
Social Security Disability Insurance
Comprehensive Vocational Evaluations
Supplemental Security Income
Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Supplemental Security Income
The final question that Social Security asks to determine if someone is disabled is
Can you do the work you did previously?
Is your condition “severe”?
Is your condition found in the list of disabling conditions?
Can you do any other type of work?
Can you do any other type of work?
You and your VR client, Brian, have been discussing benefits since he is set to start a job next week. Brian was in a car accident and has a spinal cord injury. He has been receiving SSDI payments for the past three years and is concerned about benefit issues once he begins to earn money. IRWEs are an important topic to address some of his fears. Which of the following would qualify as an IRWE for Brian?
internet access
attendant care services
accessible van transportation to work
grocery delivery services
accessible van transportation to work
Which of the following is not a service provided by a one stop career center?
career exploration
job search assistance
education and training
education and training
What benefit is reduced $1 for every $2 earned after a $65 disregard?
Long-Term Disability
Supplemental Security Income
Social Security Disability Insurance
Workers’ compensation
Supplemental Security Income
Which of the following is untrue about Ticket to Work?
People assigned a ticket are required to use it
The trial work period does not apply
The person has to work off of benefits or return the ticket
Medical reviews are put on hold while the ticket is assigned
People assigned a ticket are required to use it
A(n) ___ lets SSI beneficiaries set aside money for a goal.
James was referred to an Independent Living Center by his Physical Therapist. James, who is 33 years old and a banker was recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Which core service would he possibly not find at the IL Center, depending upon the center?
Assistive Technology Services
Peer counseling
Assistive Technology Services
The first question that Social Security asks to determine if someone is disabled is:
Are you working?
Is your condition “severe”?
Can you do the work you did previously?
Is your condition found in the list of disabling conditions?
Are you working?
Which of the following is untrue about Social Security?
there are exceptions for students with disabilities
all people with disabilities can earn the same amount of money before their benefits are affected
many times people receiving it want to work, but economically are unable to lose their benefits
the disabilities of people receiving it must be expected to last for at least one year
all people with disabilities can earn the same amount of money before their benefits are affected
Public and private rehabilitation agencies differ on:
knowledge of community and assistive resources
familiarity with medical conditions
funding sources
general knowledge of job placement methods and techniques
funding sources
The definition of disability is the same under Social Security and public vocational rehabilitation
No answer text provided.
No answer text provided.
Under the SSDI work incentive program, Trial Work Period (TWP), beneficiaries are given _______ months within in a 60 month time frame to try out their ability to work with no income limitations.
Correct Answer
SSI is authorized through Title XVI of the Social Security Act to pay cash benefit to help pay for basic living expenses for all of the following except:
Individuals who receive SSI qualify for:
No answer text provided.
No answer text provided.