common spinal deformities Flashcards
common spinal deformities
types of deformities
an excessive anterior curve of the spine
pathologically it is an exaggeration of the normal curves found in the cervical and lumbar spines
common causes of lordosis
postural deformities
muscle weakness
heavy abdomen
compensatory mechanism
muscular contractures
congenital problems
failure of segmentation of neural arch of facet segment
muscle weakness of lordosis
compensatory mechanism lordosis
resulting from another deformity like increased kyphosis
musculature contractures lordosis
ex: hip flexors
spondylolisthesis lordosis
one vertebra has moved forward
congenital problems lordosis
including congenital dislocation of the hip
failure of segmentation of neural arch of a facet segment lordosis
one vertebra stays fused to another
fashion lordosis
high heels causes increased lordosis by moving COG forward
signs and symptoms of lordosis
sagging shoulders
medial rotation of the legs
forward head posture
pelvic angle increased
anterior pelvic tilt
pelvic angle increased –> lordosis
normal is 30 degrees
may increase to 40
line connecting PSIS and ASIS compared to a line parallel to the floor
excessive posterior curvature of the spine
pathologically it is an exaggeration of the normal curve found in the thoracic spine
common causes of kyphosis
vertebral body compression fractures
scheuermann’s dz
ankylosis spondylitis
compensatory mechanisms
congenital anomalies
tuberculosis –> kyphosis
anterior collapse of the disc
w/ thinning out of the thoracic spine
vertebral body compression fractures –> kyphosis
leads to decrease in height of body
scheuermann’s dz –> kyphosis
results in necrosis of the vertebral bodies
leads to collapse
ankylosing spondylitis –> kyphosis
a rheumatoid dz that is systemic and causes ossification of sacro-iliac and spinal joints
osteoporosis –> kyphosis
a reduction in the quantity of bone resulting in bony trabeculae that are scanty and thing
will result in increased risk of fractures
tumors –> kyphosis
especially bony tumors resulting in deformity
compensatory mechanisms –> kyphosis
may be d/t increased lordosis
congenital anomalies –> kyphosis
including aplasia of thoracic vertebrae
paralysis –> kyphosis
d/t loss of muscle strength to balance gravitational forces and maintain correct posture
types of deformities
round back
humpback or gibbus
flat back
dowager’s hump
round back
a long rounder curve
decreased pelvic angle
thoracolumbar kyphosis
how does round back present
trunk flexed forward and decrease in lumbar curve
humpback or gibbus
a localized, sharp posterior angulation in the thoracic spine
flat back
a decrease in pelvic angle with a mobile lumbar spine
when is dowager’s hump usually seen
seen in elderly
most commonly in females
what is dowager’s hump d/t
what is dowager’s hump
the thoracic spine vertebral bodies begin to degenerate and become wedge shaped anteriorly
“extra stuff” in the upper thoracic spine