Common Blood Disorders (9/24a) [Biomedical Sciences 1] Flashcards
Hematologic System
Blood, capillaries, arteries
Organs involved with blood flow
Very diffuse and systemic
Composition of blood
8% of total body weight is blood
45% is blood cells (formed elements)
- Mostly red blood cells (erythrocytes) (>99%)
- Also white blood cells (leukocytes) (<1%), platelets (<1%)
55% is plasma
-Made of water (91%), proteins (7%), and other solutes (2%)
Functions of hematologic system
Delivery of substances (oxygen, iron, etc) for cellular function
Removal of wastes
Immune function
Injury repair
Maintain acid/base balance
Creation of blood cells
Occurs primarily in the bone marrow in adults
Starts with hematopoietic stem cells
Pluripotent - differentiate into variety of cell types
Erythrocyte (Red Blood Cell, RBC)
Most common type of blood cell
Principal function - delivering oxygen via hemoglobin
Life span is about 90-120 days
Biconcave shape allows it to be flexible
Hemoglobin (HGB)
Protein within red blood cells
Required for formation:
Iron, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid
Binds and transports oxygen
Critical value: <8.0 g/dL
- <7.0 g/dL will receive transfusion
Hematocrit (HCT)
Percent of blood volume made up of red blood cells
Can be calculated → Hemoglobin x 3 = Hematocrit
Anemia - Overview
low levels of RBC, HGB, HCT
most common blood disorder - affects >3 mil
Due to deficiency of Iron/Vit B12/Folate, blood loss, hemolysis, bone marrow failure, etc.
Erythrocytosis/Polycythemia - Overview
high levels of RBC, HGB, HCT
Can occur in any hypoxic state
Due to lung disease, smoking, high altitudes, dehydration, polycythemia vera
SIGNS: increased HR, lightheadedness, chest pain, SOB, tachycardia, tachypnea
PRECAUTIONS: frequent symptom check, Hb<7-8 slow movements
CONTRAINDICATIONS: rapid change in hemoglobin, Hb<7
Anemia - Types
Iron deficiency
Vit B12 and Folate deficiencies
Blood loss anemia
Anemia of chronic disease
Bone marrow failure
Sickle cell anemia
Sickle Cell Disease
SIGNS: musculoskeletal pain (esp. chest pain)
PRECAUTIONS: avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypoxia, cryotherapy
CONTRAINDICATIONS: acute sickle cell crisis
SIGNS: fever
PRECAUTIONS: gloves, masks, hand washing, sterilize all equipment
Bleeding Disorders
SIGNS: joint pain, swelling, bruising, increased HR, decreased BP
PRECAUTIONS: no active grade V manipulations, fall precautions
CONTRAINDICATIONS: active bleedings, ADLs only when platelets <20k
Clotting Disorders
SIGNS: calf pain, swelling, redness, chest pain, SOB, hypoxia, increased HR
CONTRAINDICATIONS: suspected pulmonary emboli, not on anticoagulant, unstable vital signs