Cancer (9/26a) [Biomedical Sciences 1] Flashcards
new tissue growth
Spectrum of disease characterized by abnormal growth of cells resulting in distorted tissue architecture
Noncancerous - but can still be harmful
Do not spread
Slow growing
Well-differentiated cells
Capable of invasion and local/distant spread (metastasis)
Fast growing
Invasive, infiltrative
Anaplastic, undifferentiated, and/or immature cells
Origin - Epithelial tissue
(skin, glands, GI/GU, reproductive)
Benign- adenoma
Malignant- carcinoma
Malignant glandular cells- adenocarcinoma
Origin - Connective tissue
(bone, fat, muscle, cartilage)
Benign- tissue type plus “-oma”
Malignant- sarcoma
Classification is based on
Benign vs malignant
Tissue of origin
Anatomic location
abnormal cells that are not cancerous
often precursor to cancerous lesions
In situ
neoplasm that has not invaded adjacent structures (isolated)
lower grade malignancy than ones that have spread
Approximately ___% of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime
Common cancers for men/women
MEN: prostate, lung, colorectal
WOMEN: breast, lung, colorectal
Necessary components of healthy cell growth
Recognize DNA damage or errors in replication
Activate checkpoints to stop further/unnecessary replication
Implement corrective measures or induce apoptosis
Reasons for loss of control of cell growth
Abnormal signaling
Cancer Reasons - Genetic
something in someone’s genetics that predisposes them for cancer
EX: tumor suppressor genes inactivated (p53, BRCA1&2), activated protooncogenes and oncogenes, foreign genetic material (HPV)
Cancer Reasons - Epigenetic
genetic factors signaled by something in the environment
EX: poor diet, obesity, hormones, smoking
Cancer Reasons - Abnormal Signaling
lack of signaling to stop cell proliferation
EX: hormone receptors (estrogen), angiogenesis (VEGF)
___ is a stepwise alteration in cellular function due to underlying cell abnormalities
3 hallmarks of cancer
Metastatic potential
most common sites of metastasis
brain, lungs, liver, bone
risk factors for cancer
weight, genetics, immunocompromised, nutitirion, sun exposure, viruses, tobacco/alcohol, etc
Cancer screening
Colorectal - colonoscopy @ 50
Breast - mammogram @ 40-50
Cervical - pap smear @ 21
Prostate - PSA test + rectal exam @ 50
Lung - low dose CT @ 55 (>30 pack year)
Ways to diagnose cancer
Screening, genetic testing, diagnostic imaging, clinical manifestations, biopsy, incidental finding
Symptoms - CAUTION
C - Change in bowel or bladder habits
A - A sore that does not heal
U - Unusual bleeding or discharged
T - Thickening or lump (in breast or elsewhere)
I - Inability to swallow food easily
O - Obvious change in a wart or mole
N - Nagging cough or hoarseness
Symptoms - Organ Specific
Liver: jaundice, ascites
Lung: dyspnea, cough
Bone: fractures, pain
Brain: confusion, loss of coordination
Breast: nipple discharge, skin changes
Colon: constipation
Cancer - Grade
Grade = how abnormal is the cell?
I: almost normal, well-differentiated
III, IV, V: so undifferentiated and anaplastic, hard to recognize cell of origin
Cancer - Stage
Tumor, Nodes, and Metastases (TNM) system
Size and degree of local invasion
Number of regional lymph nodes affected
Spread to distant sites
Stage I: small, local tumor
Stage IV: widespread metastatic disease
Cancer - Treatment
Curative intent (5 year disease free)
Palliative (improve symptoms and QoL)
Hospice care (comfort, QoL, no life saving treatment, <6 months)
Role of PT in Cancer
Prevention Detection Treatment Survivorship Lower risk of recurrence
PT cancer precautions - emergent
Sudden onset or worsening shortness of breath
Sudden onset of lower extremity/calf swelling or pain
Sudden worsening muscle weakness or neurologic deficit
Unstable vital signs
PT cancer precautions - urgent
Increase or change in pain
New palpable mass
Worsening or new lymphedema
Worsening mental status
Change in continence