Balance Lab (9/20a) [Examination] Flashcards
Why do we test balance
Assess safety, fall risk
Postural control involved in all activities
Documentation about impairment to base standard for their improvement (we get paid)
Usual performance
how they perform day to day
We want to see their worst to understand what we can work on
Best performance
how they perform under optimal conditions
Dual task paradigm
Doing two tasks at the same time
we may introduce a second task to distract pt to see how they perform when they aren’t solely concentrating on doing the activity at their best
Two popular threshold tests for fall risks
Mini BESTest ***
Berg Balance Test
Problems with balance threshold tests
We treat fall risk as if it’s a pass/fail activity, but it truly isn’t
We should be least confident when someone is around the middle/threshold
Test values make no clinical sense, but they are used for insurance properties
Sensory systems affected by aging
perception or awareness of the position and movement of the body
not affected by aging – affected by diseases
Can we restore diminished proprioception
No evidence that proprioception can be restored
4 Main Categories of Mini BESTest
Reactive postural control
Sensory orientation
Dynamic gait
Two quick proprioception tests
***Moving the big toe with eyes closed→ is toe up or down?
Eyes closed, move one arm into a position → ask them to match with other arm
Big toe proprioception - interpretation
pt should be able to quickly tell whether toe is up or down
any hesitation at all indicates something is abnormal → may need to refer out
Functional Reach test
<6” is at increased fall risk
hold yard stick vertically at shoulder height
pt stands perpendicular to stick
middle finger of fist aligns with edge of stick
pt reaches, measure farthest distance
Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) test
1) Balance tests - side by side stand, semi tandem stand, tandem stand
2) Gait speed test - 4 meter walk
3) Chair stand test - pretest (able to stand from chair with arms crossed), test (time to repeat 5 times)
Timed Up and Go (TUG) test
Time to get up from chair, walk 3 m (or 10 ft), and sit back in chair
1) Instruct patient
2) On the word “go” begin timing
3) Stop timing when patient sits back down
4) Record time
To really test a patient’s balance you have to
make them be unstable by: changing speed changing intensity changing surface remove some sensory information introduce dual task