Aerobic Training (9/24b) [Intervention] Flashcards
Recommended Intensity - HR max
60% - 90% of HR max
HR max - from stress tests or from prediction equations
Recommended Intensity - HRR or VO2
HRR - % Heart rate max or heart rate reserve
Also known as Karvonen Method***
{(HRmax – HRrest)* x%} + HRrest
Perceived Exertion
Only works if used correctly → PT should validate response (HR, RR, talk, BP)
Borg’s Scale: 6-20 scale (1982)
Borg CR10 Scale: 1-10 scale
Physical Activity Guidelines
Exertion - Borg’s Scale
6-20 scale
7=very very light 9=very light 11=fairly light 13=somewhat hard 15=hard 17=very hard 19=very very hard
Exertion - Borg CR10 Scale
1-10 scale 0=nothing at all 0.5=extremely weak 1=very weak 2=weak (light) 3=moderate 4=somewhat strong 5=strong (heavy) 7=very strong 10=extremely strong (almost max) Maximal
Exertion - PA Guidelines
1-10 scale
1 = very light activity, breathing not changed
2-3 = light activity, easy to breathe and carry on convo
4-6 = moderate activity, breathing more heavily, can carry on convo but requires more effort
7-8 = vigorous activity, on verge of uncomfortable, conversation requires max effort
9 = very hard activity, difficult to maintain exercise or speak
10 = max effort activity, full out effort, no convo impossible
What does % VO2 max measure?
oxygen consumption
Factors that affect VO2 max
Mode: treadmill > cycle > arm crank (dependent on more muscle mass being used)
Heredity: 20-30%
Sex: men > women (body size and composition: more muscle mass → more VO2)
Age: ↓ with age
Criteria for VO2 max
Leveling off of VO2 with ’d work load
Has to have plateau to be VO2 max
Within 5 beats of APMHR
Respiratory quotient (R) > 1.1 (R = CO2 produced / O2 consumed)
Blood lactate (LA) = 8-10 mM/ L
VO2 peak is more typically reported
How to convert VO2 max to be clinically applicable?
convert mL/kg/min to METs
METS: 3.5 ml O2/kg/min
Assessing aerobic capacity
Usually use submaximal tests
Measuring max O2 uptake is too expensive
Graded exercise stress test is a little too harsh
Submaximal Exercise Test - Overview
involve measuring the responses to standardized physical activities that are typically encountered in everyday life
Submaximal Exercise Test - Conditions Affecting HR
Caffeine Temperature Stress Menstrual cycle Etc
Submaximal Exercise Test - Assumptions
Similar max HRs for participants
Constant economy or efficiency during exercise
Small day to day variation in HR
There is a linear relationship between ___ and ___ during submaximal exercise
HR and VO2
Predictive tests for maximal aerobic capacity
HR measured at 2 or more sub max workloads.
Extrapolate HR to age-predicted maximal heart rate (HRmax) and estimate VO2max
Recommended Duration
minimum of 20 minutes per session
more time for more effects
Recommended Frequency
can do everyday
2-3 days/week
more frequent for more effects
How to maintain fitness
Frequency and duration can decrease by 2/3 without a decrease in VO2max
Interval Training
Aerobic system
Work interval : Recovery interval → 1:1 OR 1:1.5
Continuous Training
Build to gradually complete goal
Warm up and cool down
Times of oxygen deficit and debt
Oxygen deficit
VO2 building up to steady state but oxygen system isn’t quite caught up yet
Oxygen debt
still having increased metabolism and oxygen consumption after you finish the workout
Consideration for Exercise Programs - Intensity, Frequency, Duration
Premorbid state of conditioning
Functional status
Comorbid conditions
Consideration for Exercise Programs - Mode, Intensity, Frequency
Preferences or accessibility for specific activities
Ability to self-monitor
Personality i.e. overachiever, underachiever, or rule follower
Upper Extremity vs Lower Extremity Work
lower extremity work results in higher VO2, heart rate, blood pressure, and watts
Submaximal work
higher HR at a given workload than with LE work
less mechanical efficiency of smaller ms groups
less myocardial efficiency as evidenced by increased systolic BP
Maximal work
lower HR max during UE testing
smaller ms mass with less efficiency
lesser degree of training
use caution when extrapolating and predicting to max values