Comm Test 3: epidemiology Flashcards
- detective work, learn how to investigate
The study of distribution(where it goes, who what where and when) to and determinants(what, who, where , when, why, and how) of health and disease. Looking at causes - find pt zero= signs and symptoms first, walked on plane with it/ go out to who is exposed making a web of causation, map out
-Integrates principles of scientific research.
-Accurate assessment and correct diagnosis.
-Aimed at finding cause of health or disease.
Describes disease patterns according to person, place, and time- determine where pt 0 have been and who has been in contact with
cause and treatment, determinants
Analytical epidemiology
- going out after all of the determinants and focused on treatment/ taking analytical epi and applying it to a situation
Applied epidemiology
types of epidemiology
questions that we ask
Distribution--who, what, where, and when Person – Who is affected? Event – What happened? Place – Where did this happen? Time – When did this happen?
may have to take a long history
could have gotten it in a hospital
How did the event occur?
Why did the event occur?
- always have to have host=pt 0, agent=tb, and environment= where it spread, precipitate this
next distribution then determinant
Epidemiological Triangle
- good positive factor, what do you have going for you
- Agent – Etiological Factors
* epidemiological triangle
- med=chem bc suppression of immune system, bacteria, childhood diseases =shingles: still have virus in it, not as immune as we thought we were
Lifestyle factors= smoking: limit immune system
Equipment and machines in health care facility not cleaned well
Vegs and fruit that are not washed well have organisms
. Agents of Disease
epidemiological triangle
– Intrinsic Factors: hard to modify Genetics Age Gender Ex: women more susceptible to UTI Ethnicity General physical condition- to a point Behaviors- drinking, smoking, enough sleep
= Extrinsic Factors- things you can’t control
Ex: Work conditions, Weather, Food sources, Population density, War= agent orange bomb, economic development= third world country that doesn’t have agriculture or fresh clean water: more susceptible to a disease
- plot all factors that affect patient 0
ask about agent, enviro, host
Web of Causation
: illness type of issues
Sometimes underreported due to lack of surveillance.
– the occurrence of new cases of a disease or condition over a period of time relative to the size of the population at risk for that disease or condition during the same period of time.
-plot number of cases in each month to determine most prevalent
-want to know if it is spreading or getting worse
Most sensitive indicator of changes in health
-Can be used with chronic disease Ex: heart failure, 5 or 10 year , still valid , can use just enlarge period of time
-Usually used for short term, acute disease
* risk rate
* new cases during a given time not old / average population at geographic are
Ex: 2003 335,105 causes of gonohrea where reported in us. 2003 us pop was 290788976
Incidence Rate
don’t confuse with incident( pop period)
The number of new cases of a disease in those who have been exposed to the disease. Ex: grade school, established first statistic then new cases of people exposed on the plane after intial
-Used when the population is exposed to an infectious disease at a given time and place.
*probability risk rate
* highly specific person limited by specific place and time period is brief
Ex: 75 people attended church picnic 46 dev gi illness
Attack Rates-
Measures existing disease in a population at a given point in time relative to the population at the same point in time= how much it goes up
Influenced by the number of people who experience the disease and duration of the disease.
Increases when the incidence rate or duration increases.
*risk and duration
* portion of people in population who have a particular disease new and old cases/ population in the area
Prevalence Rate
Refers to routine collection of birth and death rates. New or end of life issues Not to be confused with morbidity rates. Crude death rate Age-specific rate Proportionate mortality rate
Mortality Rates
Estimate of the risk of death for a person in a given population for that year. Ex: newborns with down syndrome what is the rate of survival
Number of deaths from any cause during a certain time interval (6months)
Use mid-year interval (June 30th)
Affected by variables of age, race, SES
Crude Mortality (death) Rate
- living in town with aging pop risk goes up because see more deaths there
- AA higher risk of males in coronary artery disease
- not have access to resource that they have, lifestyle issues
Crude Mortality (death) Rate
Number of deaths among a given age group per mid-year population as compared to the estimated population.
Characterizes a particular age group in the population.
Subgroups. 65-75 group males with heart disease
Age-Specific mortality Rates
all deaths resulting from a specific cause relative to deaths from all causes.
Total number of death from any cause/ then death of specific cause
Ex: 100 deaths you had 20 deaths from CHF calculated in 100 the ratio is 1-5
-Identifies areas for intervention aimed at reducing deaths. HP 2020, LHI
-Must be taken into context.
Proportionate Mortality Ratio
concept of risk
risk factor
attributable risk
relative risk ratio
- Probability of an adverse event
- Exposure to an adverse event
Risk factor
- Estimate of disease burden in a population, likely to be infected
Attributable risk