Comm Test 1: Burmese Flashcards
- Burma has been under a military dictatorship for 40+ years, which persecutes those citizens who refuse to adopt the military values and way of life.
- Military regime renamed Burma Myanmar in 1989.
- Citizens who flee want to live in peace, have safe exile and practice Christianity freely –most are Baptist and Catholic.
- Flee Burma to predominantly Thailand and Malaysia to await resettlement to a different county.
Why do the Burmese Leave Burma?
- Met at the airport by resettlement agency staff – usually in the middle of the night.
- Resettlement agencies in Indianapolis are Exodus and Catholic Charities.
- Sponsoring agencies secure apartment homes for the refugees and transport them to their home from the airport.
Process of Refugee Resettlement in Indianapolis
A. Language barrier – multiple dialects exist in the Burmese population, making it difficult to provide interpretation services.
B. Additionally, the costs for interpretation continue to increase.
C. MCPHD continue to utilize the Language Training Center for these services
D. Additional opportunities for community-based English training classes are needed.
E. Transportation
F. Poor public transportation systems and lack of funds to purchase reliable transportation make it difficult to seek necessary healthcare and social service needs.
G. Federal Assistance – discontinuation of federal assistance after eight (8) months, difficulty in obtaining employment, often result in an increased need for basic health and social services. Increases the burden on MCPHD.
H. Distribution of TB medications
I. Labor intensive for MCPHD.
J. Tracking has been difficult when clients obtain meds from commercial pharmacies instead of MCPHD
- Official Agency established by statute (control disease)
- Public Health’s Original Statute – Control of Communicable Diseases – still exists
- Responsibilities have expanded over the years
- Complexion changed significantly after 9-11/ Biowatch money=make sure no bioterrism
- Homeland Security Established
- City Readiness Plans – Bioterrorism Plans – Emergency Preparedness Plans Developed
What in a Health Department?
Karen Refugees usually take exile in the refugee camps
Very primitive by our standards
Why is Thailand Important?
Chin refugees usually seek exile in Malaysia
Their camps are also viewed as very primitive by our standards
Why is Malaysia Important?
-Depends on where they resided in Burma as well as the tribe to which they belonged, I94- tells where they came from/They tell us who they are and what part of Burma they are from
Look similar – U.S. State Dept. paperwork tells us Burmese culture and tribe
Different religious callings – Buddhists vs. Christian
Camps look similar
Main Goal is the same: SURVIVAL
How Do We Tell The Difference in Refugees?
are Burmans, Mon, Rakhine and Shan – predominantly Buddhists and literate
Valley-dwelling people
are Chin, Kachin, Karen/Karenni and Wa – predominantly Christian – Baptist and Catholic largest Christian groups – largely non-literate
*Hill people
- Rice is essential to daily existence – synonymous to life itself ( diabetes risk)
- Tropical monsoon climate – why they wear opened-toed sandals and no winter coats
- Emphasis on family and community
- A respect for elders and ancestors
- Americans encounter 3 main groups of Burmese: Burmans, Karen and Chin
Shared Cultural Burmese Characteristics
*Predominantly agricultural based – rice is their main crop and farming the main occupation to 60% - 80% of the population
-Other important crops include: corn, peanuts, beans, oilseeds, and sugar cane
-Natural resources include natural gas, oil, tin, tungsten, and gems that include the ruby, jade and sapphire
-Manufacturing industries include textiles, footwear, wood and wood products – teak and other hard woods are a major export
NOTE: Burma is also well known as a major producer of illegal opium in the northern region bordering on Laos and Thailand referred to as the “Golden Triangle”
-Chief economic trading partners are China, India, Japan, Singapore and Thailand
-The United States and the European Union have placed various economic sanctions on Burma due to 4 decades of unrest and political upheaval
-Recently, the U.N. has made 2 trips to Burma due to cell phone bombs being set off in Thailand
Texas cut off oil supply to Burma when this happened
Burmese Economy
A person held in “safekeeping” in order to be free from:
1) Violence 2) Bodily Harm/Abuse 3) Persecution 4) Death
What is a Refugee?
To be able to find another country to call home where they are free from harm
To be given a second chance at life where they will not have to live in fear
To resettle where they will find others like themselves
To find and experience the American dream – live free and have all that we have
Why Did Refugees Start Coming to Indianapolis?
Crowded, Very Unlike a “home” – they are simply a place to be held “safely”, No furniture, No plumbing, No stoves – cook over an open flame, Stand in lines waiting for a bowl of rice, Sleep on a straw mat on the ground, Truly communal type living
Refugee Camps
- Process to follow through the American State Department
- Booklet entitled, “Welcome to the United States: A Guidebook for Refugees”
- Printed in numerous languages, including Karen and Karenni but not in CHIN
- This is significant as Indpls. has ~ 650 – 700 Karen/Karenni and 6500+ Chin now resettled
How Does a Refugee Resettle to America?
- Karen/Karenni may have a better idea of what happens and what is expected when they relocate to America/Indianapolis
- Chin will only know what someone tells them
- 2 Dialects of Karen/Karenni and 9 Dialects of Chin – makes adjustment even harder and social isolation a reality
- Karen/Karenni live NW Indy and Chin live South
us refugee
- processed by the State Dept. in the country where they are housed in the Refugee Camps
- Indicate they would like to live in America and can specify where in the U.S. they want to live if they have relatives or friends in that particular area – does not mean they will be relocated to that part of the U.S.
How Do Refugees Get to Indianapolis?
*Sponsors – can be private families or actual sponsoring agencies with humanitarian missions/goals
Indianapolis – most come through 2 sponsoring agencies (Christian based)
1) Catholic Charities
2) Exodus
Private sponsorships possible also
Who Meets Them in the U.S.
- Met at the airport by the sponsoring agency personnel
- Welcomed to Indianapolis and role of the sponsoring agency is explained
- Taken to their new home – very poorly furnished if furnished at all
- Looks overwhelming and very large after life in the Refugee Camp
What Happens When They Get Here?
- Availability of housing
- Job market - open with jobs
- Geographical values similar to Burmese values – hard work, self reliance, value our language and expect others to learn English if they do not speak it
- City’s willingness to accept refugees
What Determines Where they are Resettled?
- A sponsor to help them adjust for 90 days
- Medicaid support for 8 months
- A small apartment – sparsely or non-furnished
- Appliances they do not know how to use
- Heating and air conditioning they know nothing about
- Plumbing they have never used nor seen
- Availability to take English as a second language, take classes
- Screening through the MCPHD Refugee Clinics or INS – rule out Communicable Diseases
What Is a Refugee Given When S/he Arrives in Indianapolis
-Access to ready transportation
-Functional knowledge of how the Medicaid system operates
-Functional knowledge of how to maintain a home, shop for groceries, access transportation, American money, etc.
Remember – the “Welcome to the U.S. Hand book” is not available in the Chin languages – it covers many of these items
What a Refugee Does not Get When S/he Arrives in Indianapolis
- Huge language barrier due to the number of dialects spoken by the Burmese
- Number of refugees increases every year so there are more refugees than staff in the sponsoring agencies, churches and MCPHD to assist them
- Adjustment difficult due to difference in a refugee camp versus a small apartment in a free society and social isolation due to language barriers
- Don’t have sex till marriage, most women are raped in refugee camps, no divorce in this culture
Issues Encountered by Agencies Helping Newly Resettling Refugees
Community Health Centers
Health Care Providers who Accept Medicaid
County Line Health Care Center
Language Training Center for Interpreters
Resources for Refugees in Indpls.
-Not Easy by any Means, Children Adjust the Easiest
-May never see the family and relatives they left behind
-May be housed next to another Burmese family who does not speak their dialect of Chin
Culture and practices are different