Coma and Vegatative State Flashcards
what is coma?
a state of unrousable psychological unresponsiveness in which in which subjects lie with eyes closed and show no psychologically understandable response to external stimulus or inner need
what acts as the alerting or awakening element of consciousness?
intact ascending reticular activating system
what could cause a decrease in the glasgow coma score?
> toxic/metabolic states
damage to reticular activating system
increased intracranial pressure
what toxic or metabolic states could cause a decrease in Glasgow coma score?
> hypoxia > hypercapnia > sepsis > hypotension > drugs intoxication > renal/liver failure > hypoglycaemia > ketoacidosis
does focal damage to part of the cortex affect the conscious level?
what is persistent vegetative state?
a state in which the brain stem recovers to a considerable extent but there is no evidence of recovery or cortical function.
there is arousal/wakefulness but no awareness or purposeful behaviour.
below what level is paralysed in locked in syndrome?
below the level of the third nerve nulcei
how can someone in locked in syndrome move their eyes?
> open their eyes
how is locked in syndrome diagnosed?
the patient can open their eyes voluntarily and signal numerically by eye closure.
what causes locked in syndrome?
damage to the pons
what tests/examinations could you carry out in resuscitation?
> blood glucose > blood gas > toxicology > blood pressure > pulse > temperature > look for evidence of meningitis (treat on suspicion)
what is needed to be examined and monitored?
> temperature > heart rate, blood pressure, CVS > respiration > skin > abdomen > meningism > fundal examination
how is a coma neurologically assessed?
> Glasgow coma scale
brainstem function
motor function and reflexes
describe eye opening in the glasgow coma scale?
> spontaneous: 4
to speech 3
to pain: 2
none: 1
describe the scoring of best verbal response in the GCS
> orientated: 5 > confused: 4 > inappropriate words:3 > incomprehensible sounds: 2 > none: 1
describe the scoring of the best motor response on the GCS
> obeying motor response 6 > localising to pain 5 > withdrawing from pain 4 > flexing to pain 3 > extending to pain 2 > none 1
describe the GCS of someone in a coma
> eye opening 2 or less
verbal response 2 or less
motor response 4 or less
GCS less than or equal to 8
what cranial nerves are involved in pupillary reactions?
2 and 3
what cranial nerves are involved in corneal response?
5 and 7
what part of the brainstem is involved in respiratory pattern?
medullary centre
name some causes of a coma without: focal or lateralising signs, meningism
> ischaemic conditions > metabolic disturbances > intoxications > systemic infections > hyperthermia/hypothermia > epilepsy
what investigations would you carry out in a coma without focal or lateralising signs or meningism?
> toxicology screen (including alcohol) > blood sugar and electrolytes > asses hepatic and renal function > acid-base assessment and blood gases > blood pressure > (consider CO poisoning)
what could cause a coma without focal or lateralising signs but WITH meningism?
> subarachnoid haemorrhage
what investigations would you carry out in a coma without focal or lateralising signs but WITH meningism?
> CT head scan > Lumbar puncture: - appearance - cell count - glucose level -capsular antigen tests
what could cause a coma with focal brainstem or lateralising cerebral signs?
> cerebral tumour
cerebral haemorrhage
cerebral infarction
cerebral abscess
what investigations would you carry out for a coma with focal brainstem or lateralising cerebral signs?
> CT or MRI is obligatory > If CT or MRI is not diagnostic then investigate other causes e.g.: - metabolic screens > lumbar puncture > EEG
what is the most common medical cause for a coma lasting for more than 5 hours?
drug ingestion including alcohol
what factors can affect the outcome of a coma?
>age > cause > depth of coma > duration > clinical signs, including brainstem reflexes
how many patients will make a good recovery in a non-traumatic coma for 6 hours or more?
15% of patients
in a non-traumatic coma lasting more than 6 hours when in good recovery seen?
> 35% with underlying metabolic cause
11% hypoxic ischaemic insult
7% cerebrovascular disease
describe the continuing care of patients in coma
> maintenance of vital functions > care of skin > attention to bladder and bowel function > control of seizures > DVT and peptic ulceration prophylaxis > prevention of contractures > consider locked in syndrome
what can head injury cause that leads to focal neurological signs/epilepsy?
> diffuse axonal injury > contusion > intracerebral haematoma > extra-cerebral haematoma: - extra dural -sub dural
describe the management of head injury
> stabilise cervical spine > ABC's > intubation and ventilation (GCS less than 8) > treat raised ICP > cranial imaging > neuro observation
how would you treat raised ICP?
> surgery to relieve pressure > osmotic agents > nurse at 30-54% > reduce pain > maintain good PO2 > reduce metabolism