Icing conditions may be expected in temp of less than…….and viz of ……..with……..
10 degrees / 1 mile or less / Visible moisture
*Icing conditions may be expected in temp of less than 10C and viz of 1 nm or less with Visible moisture.
During cruise, Eng A/ice shall be selected on in temp of ……
Below 10 and above -40 degrees
When does Eng A/ice need to be on during descent?
In icing conditions even with SAT below -40
What are the minimum speed and landing distance in extended icing conditions?
Significant ice accretion on non heated structure:
‐ Clean configuration, VLS +15 kt
‐ CONF 1, 2, 3, FULL, VLS +5 kt
Significant ice accretion on de-iced parts (WING ANTI ICE inop):
‐ Clean configuration, VLS +15 kt
‐ CONF 1, 2, 3, FULL, VLS +10 kt
For Landing Performance assessment, refer to QRH FPE-IFL.
When is FAN ICE SHEDDING procedure required?
On the ground with icing conditions but no freezing fog, airport temperature at +1 degree or below.
Freezing Fog: Viz less than 1000m.
What is the FAN ICE SHEDDING procedure?
Increase to 50% N1 for 10 seconds before T/O or every hour
On the ground, what is required if freezing fog is present?
Taxi in: Write the taxi time in the AML
Taxi out, if total taxi time exceeds 45 minutes apply the core ICE SHEDDING procedure
What is the max allowed cumulative taxi time in freezing fog?
45 mins
What is the definition of severe icing conditions?
5mm or more of ice accretion on the airframe
After pressing the button, it takes………for the window to be covered with rain repellant.
30 seconds
Cold conditions, the ground power should be used instead of the APU when OAT is ……….
-15 or lower
At -15°C or lower, IRS alignment needs….
15 minutes
What type of icing is acceptable on an aircraft surface?
Thin hoarfrost on the upper surface of the fuselage or the lower part of the wing (max 3 mm).
When deicing/anti icing fluid spraying is completed, APU Bleed on after…..
5 mins
Is the de/anti icing field part of the certificate of release?
Active frost occurs…..
at or below 0 degrees or below the dewpoint
Clear ice occurs ….
close to the freezing temperature
Cold soak can occur in ambient temp range of….and the acft structure temp..
-2 to +15, 0 or below
Freezing fog occurs in viz of……
less than 1 km
When does hoar frost form?
On a cold and cloudless night
Thin hoar frost is thin enough to…..
distinguish surface features underneath
Hail has a diameter range of
5 to 50mm
Ice pellet have a diameter of….
5mm or less
A pre-take off Contamination inspection is carried out by……
the flight crew from inside the aircraft (within the HOT range)
A pre-take-off contamination check is carried out by…..
Ground crew from the outside (after the HOT time has elapsed)
Sleet should be treated as…..
Light freezing rain
Under certain conditions, clear ice or failed anti-icing fluid is detected…
by touching the surface
At temperatures below…….TYPE…… fluids are no longer effective
below approx -30, TYPE 1
Are lower wing surface ice ridges acceptable and of what size?
Which type of fluid is NOT approved on KA acft?
When specific fluid data is not available, use……
Generic holdover Charts for TYPE 1,2,4
The lower HOT value is for ……and the higher HOT value is for……
Moderate / Light precipitation
Where are the HOT tables for heavy precipitation found?
They do not exist
Under which precipitation condition is T/O or landing not approved?
Moderate or Heavy Freezing Rain (FZRA,+FZRA), Moderate or Heavy Freezing Drizzle (FZDZ,+FZDZ)
Definition of contaminated runway
more than 25% of the rwy surface covered by more than 3mm of water or equivalent, compressed snow, ice and wet ice
When is a runway considered wet?
When the surface is covered with 3mm or less of water or equivalent
When is landing not permitted with reference to braking action
Braking action poor Friction coefficient at or less than 0.25mu
What would you do if you see “ANTI ICE FAULT” on the overhead panel?
Try increase N3 by about 5%.
On the ground, when would you do engine run up, what is the procedure?
When engine anti ice required & OAT 1º or less
Run engine to 50% N1 for 10 secs at intervals not greater than 1 hour and again just before take off.
Check take off parameters
– no vibration and N1 of approx 75% to 80% , less when cold and more when hot.
N1 : > 3.3 units, N2: > 2.6 units, N3: > 4.0 units
If the holdover time was exceeded, what should you do?
Ground Engineer should conduct a Pre Take Off Contamination Check.
If not possible to conduct this check, or not possible to take off within 5 mins of conducting the check, aircraft must return for de icing / anti icing.
Is Hoarfrost acceptable on the aircraft prior to takeoff ?
Hoarfrost is a white crystalline deposit, which usually develops uniformally on exposed surfaces on cold and cloudless nights. It is so thin that you can distinguish surface features (lines or markings beneath it)
It is allowed:
- Underside the wing tank area, a max of 3mm (1/8 inch) of frost will not penalize takeoff performance.
- On upper surfaces of fuselage
Critical surfaces eg, leading edges, upper surfaces of wings, vertical stab, horizontal stab, all critical surfaces, slats, flaps must be clear of snow, Frost & ice for takeoff
The following must be free of frost, ice & snow
- L/G assembly (lever locks) , L/G doors
- Tyres
- Engine inlet, inlet lips, fans – check for rotation , spinners, fan exhaust ducts, reverser assembly, drains, bleeds, probes (pitot & statics, TAT sensors, A of A sensors)
- Fuel tank ventilation
- Radome
- Commercial water supplies not frozen & refilled ( emptied prior to cold soak).
Engine OIL Temp – minimums
Min prior to start : NONE
Min prior to exceeding idle : NONE
Min prior to take off : +20º C
When selecting WING ANTI ICE on, on the ground, what indications should you see?
- Amber ◄ between the pre cooler and PFCV until the wing anti ice valve opens, ( 5 – 10 secs) then
- Green◄ For 30 secs, then
- Amber ◄ while the wing anti ice valve closes, then the triangle disappears
When would you see the ECAM memo
Ice detected once, by either detector, and flight at or above 1500ft, TAT < 10°C and ENG A. ICE pb OFF.
When would you see the ECAM memo
Displayed if ice is no longer detected after 130 seconds, when Engine anti ice / Wing anti ice is selected ON.
When would you see the ECAM memo
Ice detected 7 times by either detector, in flight at or above 1500ft, TAT < 10°C, and WING A. ICE pb OFF
Under what runway conditions, takeoff is not recommended?
‐ Wet ice,
‐ Water on top of Compacted Snow,
‐ Dry Snow or Wet Snow over Ice.