A330 LIMITATIONS Flashcards
Reference for the Center of Gravity position
CG position is given in percentage of the reference chord length (7.27m) aft of the leading edge (28.15 m aft of the aircraft nose)
Load acceleration limits
Clean configuration –1 g / + 2.5 g
Other configuration 0 g / + 2 g
Maximum number of passenger seats
375 on older aircraft
440 on newer aircraft
Airport altitude limitation
Max Runway altitude 12 500 ft
Min Runway altitude - 2 000 ft
Maximum wind for Passenger/Cargo door operation
- Passenger door operation 40 kt (50 kt, if the nose of the aircraft is oriented into the wind)
- Cargo door operation 40 kt (50 kt, if the nose of the aircraft is oriented into the wind, or the cargo door is on the leeward side)
Passenger/Cargo doors must be closed before wind exceeds 60 kt.
Crosswind limits
- Take Off 32 kt (gust included) MAX certified/Eng limit
- Landing 40 kt (gust included) MAX demonstrated
Dispatch with following contaminents is not recommended
Wet ice (ice melting, loose/fluid contaminent on top of ice)
Ice covered by dry or wet snow
Compacted Snow covered by water
Maximum design maneuvering speed VA
VA is the maximum speed which permits full flight control deflection,
it only applies in alternate or direct law:
Above FL 280 VA is M 0.78
Below FL 280 VA decreases from 305 kts at FL 280 to 250 kts at 0 ft
Maximum speed with Flaps / Slats extended
VFE 1 240 kts VFE 1+F 215 kts VFE 2* 205 kts VFE 2 196 kts VFE 3 186 kts VFE Full 180 kts
Maximum speed for Landing Gear operation and for flight with gear extended, normal operation
VLE, Flight with Gear Extended: 250 kt / M 0.55
VLO, Operation of Gear: 250 kt / M 0.55
Maximum tire speed
Ground speed of 204 kt
Maximum altitude to operate Flaps
20 000 ft
Maximum speed for windshield wiper use
230 kts
Maximum speed to open Cockpit windows
230 kts
Maximum pressure differential to allow the Ram inlet to open
Maximum cabin differential pressure and safety valve settings
Max Positive/Negative: 9.25 /-1 PSI
Safety relief valve: 8.85 PSI
Minimum and maximum weight for use of autoland
Minimum: 123 000 kg
- Demonstrated at Maximum Landing Weight 187 000 kg
- Available up to 229 000 kg
Minimum height to use the autopilot on takeoff with SRS mode
100 ft AGL
An internal FMGES logic prevents the autopilot from engaging during the 5 s after liftoff
Minimum height to use the autopilot on approach
Straight-in non precision approach MDA
Circling approach MDA - 100 ft
ILS approach CAT1 160 ft AGL
Go-around 100 ft AGL
All other phases 500 ft AGL
All above Ground Level and not Airport elevation
What RNP accuracy will FMGES provide with GPS Primary
NAV mode, AP ON :
En route 1 NM / Terminal area 0.5 NM / Approach 0.3 NM
NAV mode, AP OFF and FD ON :
En route 1 NM / Terminal area 0.51 NM / Approach 0.3 NM
HDG mode, AP OFF and FD OFF:
En route 1,1 NM / Terminal area 0.51 NM / Approach Not authorized
What RNP accuracy will FMGES provide without GPS Primary
Without GPS Primary, Navigation accuracy is function of ground radio NAVAID infrastructure and elapsed time since the last radio update.
Lowest MDA to use FINAL APP mode
MDH/DH (barometric) 250 ft.
Condition to use NAV/FINAL APP for VOR/NDB approach in term of automation and Navaid availability
AP or FD must be used for the approach and:
- If GPS PRIMARY, the Navaid or Aircraft radio equipment can be inoperative
- Without GPS PRIMARY, the Navaid must be serviceable, tuned and monitored and ACCURACY must be HIGH with the specified RNP
Conditions to use NAV mode in the terminal area
‐ HIGH accuracy with RNP checked/entered on MCDU or
‐ NAVAID raw data is monitored.
Minimum DH of an ILS CAT 2
100 ft AGL
Lowest altitude to disengage the autopilot to do a manual landing on ILS CAT 2
80 ft AGL
Minimum DH for an ILS CAT 3 FAIL PASSIVE
50 ft
75 m
AP and A/THR Requirements for CAT 2 and CAT 3 approaches
- CAT 2: 1 AP engaged in APPR mode and CAT 2 or higher capability displayed on the FMA.
- CAT 3 FAIL PASSIVE: A/THR in selected or managed speed + 1 AP engaged in APPR mode and CAT 3 SINGLE or higher capability displayed on the FMA.
- CAT 3 FAIL OPERATIONAL: A/THR in selected or managed speed + 2 AP engaged in APPR mode and CAT 3 DUAL displayed on the FMA.
What Flap setting can be used in CAT 2, CAT 3 approach with one engine out
CAT 2 and CAT 3 fail passive autoland with 1 engine out are only approved in Configuration 3.
Procedures must be completed before 1 000 ft in approach
Maximum wind for CAT II and CAT III approach
Wind limitation is based on surface wind reported by the tower:
Tailwind: 10 kt
Crosswind: 20 kt
Headwind: 35 kt
If wind is beyond these limitations a CAT 1 approach with manual landing must be performed.
Autoland limitations
Autoland has been demonstrated on:
- G/S angle between -2.5° and - 3.25°
- Airfield elevation lower than 9 200 ft
Minimum fuel temperatures
For the Inner tank, the highest of
. Fuel Freezing point or -44 °C below 30 000 ft
. Fuel Freezing point or -54 °C above 30 000 ft
For the Outer and Trim tank, the Fuel Freezing point
Jet A1 Freezing point is -47 °C
Minimum fuel quantity for take off
5 200 KG
WING TK LO LVL warning must not be displayed on ECAM.
Limitation with damaged tires
If tire damage is suspected after landing or after a rejected takeoff an aircraft inspection is required prior to vacate the runway or taxi
Maximum brake temperature for take off
Maximum brake temperature for takeoff (brake fans off): 300 °C
Can you use the ISIS bugs when you’ve lost both PFD
No, when both PFDs are lost, ISIS bugs function must not be used.
Steering angle limits on the nose wheel gear
Taxi angle is limited to 72 °
Towing and pushback angle is limited to 65 °
Conditions requiring the EGPWS enhanced functions to be inhibited (TERR pushbutton OFF)
Predictive GPWS functions should be inhibited when aircraft position is less than 15 nm from an airfield and:
- Runways are not incorporated in the EGPWS database
- Approach procedures previously identified as potentially causing spurious terrain alerts
Can you start and operate an APU with the LOW OIL LEVEL ECAM advisory displayed
Yes, the APU may be started and operated even if the LOW OIL LEVEL ECAM advisory is displayed.
Maintenance action is required within next 15 h of APU operation.
Limitations to taxi with one or more deflated tires
- 1 tire deflated per gear (3 tires max total):
Speed limited to 7 kt in turns. - 2 tires deflated on same main gear (tires not deflated on other one):
Speed limited to 3 kt in turns and nose-wheel steering angle 30° max.
APU starter limitation
3 consecutive start attempts followed by a
60 min cooling interval before the next start.
APU Maximum rotor speed
N= 107%
Up to what altitude can the APU supply both bleed air and Electrical power
22 500 ft with 1 pack, 17 500 ft with 2 packs
Above that altitude the APU can only provide electrical power
APU maximum EGT during operation and for start
Maximum EGT:
APU running: 650 °C
APU start: 1250 °C
What does the minimum O2 bottle pressure covers
- Preflight checks
- Oxygen use with 1 pilot only in the cockpit
- Unusable quantity
- System leakage
- Protection following a loss of pressure (regulator on NORMAL):
▪ Emergency descent, all crewmembers and observers for 22’
▪ Cruise at FL 100, 2 crewmembers for 98’ - Protection against smoke (regulator 100 %) for all crewmembers and observers during 15’ at 8 000 ft cabin altitude.
Engines minimum and maximum oil temperatures
Min Temp prior to takeoff 50°C
Max Temp 190°C
Engines EGT limits
On ground 700°C
In Flight 850°C
MCT: 850 °C
900°C for 5 mins both engines
900°C for 10 mins 1 Engine out
920°C for 20s
Engines starter limitations
1 maximum continuous operation of 5 min
2 cycles of 3 min and a consecutive cycle of 1 min (run down to 0 N3 between each cycle)
After 1 continuous operation, or the 3 cycles wait 30 min to allow the starter to cool.
No running engagement of the starter (N3 above 10 % on ground, or 30 % in flight).
Engines minimum oil pressure
25 PSI
Engines limitation, Maximum N1, N2 and N3
N1max………………………………………………….99 %
N2 max…………………………………………….103.3 %
N3 max……………………………………………….100 %
Engines minimum oil quantity before pushback
6qt+0.7qt/h, minimum 15qt
Can you use Wing anti ice on APU Bleed air
APU air bleed extraction for wing anti-ice is not permitted.
Maximum tailwind to operate at an airport
Maximum tailwind at or below 11 000 ft 15 kt
Maximum tailwind above 11 000 ft 10 kt
Maximum tailwind for automatic landing and rollout is 10 kt
Minimum weight to operate
121 000 kg
Cabin pressure safety relief valve setting
8.85 PSI
Altitude tolerance on Standby altimeter during the instruments check
+/- 300 ft
Altitude tolerance between PFD altimeters and airport altitude during the instruments check
PFD 1 or PFD 2 at ground check : plus or minus 25 ft
Can you open a cockpit window with the packs ON
No, It is not possible to open the cockpit windows, with the packs ON.
Maximum taxi weight
233 900 kg
Maximum zero fuel weight
175 000 kg
What restrictions apply to the use of reduced thrust
- Meet performance requirements at planned takeoff weight with the thrust available at the assumed temperature.
- maximum thrust reduction of 25 % from full rated takeoff thrust, Max flex temperature is ISA + 48 °C
- Assumed temperature must not be lower than flat rating temperature, or actual OAT
- Takeoff at reduced thrust is not permitted if:
. Contaminated runways
. Inoperative item affecting performance, unless the aircraft can meet performance requirements with the operating engines at the thrust available for the flex temperature.
Can you land with fuel imbalance outside of the authorised asymmetry
Yes, in exceptional conditions (i.e fuel systems failure)
Maximum altitude for In Flight Engine start using the APU
20 000 ft
Can the APU be started and operated if LOW OIL LEVEL on ECAM
Yes for 15h
N3 Max
100 %
250 kts / .55
Maximum altitude for gear extension
No restriction
Maximum negative differential pressure
- 1 psi
APU maximum altitude for Elec Power in flight
41 450 ft
Minimum auto pilot disengage height during automatic approach without auto land
80 ft AGL
APU maximum altitude for both Bleed Air (1 Pack) and Gen Load in flight
22 500 ft
Maximum certified crosswind for take off
32 kts (gust included)
Is APU air bleed extraction for wing anti ice permitted
Hydraulic normal operating pressure
3 000 psi +/- 200
Maximum landing weight
187 000 kg
N2 Max
103.3 %
Minimum height for autopilot on a go around
100 ft AGL
Maximum take off weight (brake release)
233 000 kg
Maximum fuel temperature for JET A and JET A1 fuel
+55° c
N1 Max
99 %
Maximum wind for passenger door operation
40 kts or 50 kts if nose is into wind
Nose wheel steering angle is limited to ___ ° and for towing or pushback is limited to ___ °
72 ° / 65 °
Maximum number of deflated tires you can taxi with
3 tyres
Alert height for Cat III approach
200 ft
Maximum wind for cargo door operation
40 kts or 50 kts if nose is into wind or cargo door on leeward side
T Max Flex is
ISA + 48°
Thrust reduction must not exceed ____ % of full take off thrust
25 %
250 kts / .55
Maximum altitude for APU start
In Flight Start:
- Normal configuration: 41 450 ft
- Emergency Electrical configuration (APU bat only): 25 000 ft
Ground Start: 14 600 ft
Autoland wind limits are
Head Wind 35 kts
X-Wind 20 kts
Tail Wind 10 kts
Restrictions on overwing fuelling
It is prohibited with passengers on board.
The passenger / cargo door must be closed before the wind speed exceeds
60 kts
Maximum demonstrated crosswind for landing
40 kts (gust included)
Maximum altitude difference between instruments on the ground
‐ PFD 1 or PFD 2: ± 25 ft / airport elevation
- ADR1 / ADR2 / ADR3 (displayed on PFD): ± 20 ft
- ISIS / ADRs: ± 60 ft
‐ STBY ALTI / ADRs: ± 300 ft
The vibrator is OFF on the ground, that is why the altimeter tolerance value is high.
In flight, the vibrator is ON and the error is smaller.
Maximum altitude for APU assisted Engine Start in flight
20 000 ft
Maximum allowable wing fuel imbalance in inner tanks (outer tanks balanced), with heavier tank full, half full and 7500 kg left
2900 / 4800 / 7500 kgs
LVO and Autoland with 1 engine inoperative
Cat 2 and Cat 3 Single procedures are approved in conf 3 with 1 engine inoperative.
Maximum speed for Landing Gear gravity extension
200 kts
If 2 tyres are deflated on same main gear (the other main gear tyres not being deflated) the speed should be limited to __ kts and nose wheel steering angle should be limited to ___ °
3 kts / 30 °
Maximum engine EGT of ___ °c is permitted up to ____ mins, in the case of engine failure
900°c / 10 mins
Takeoff with WING TK LO LVL on ECAM
Is not permitted
VFE Config 3
186 kts
Minimum weight for autoland
123 000 kgs
Maximum normal cabin altitude
8 000 ft
Taxi speed limit during a turn with maximum 1 tire per gear deflated (consider 3 gears)
7 kts
Maximum wind for landing
55kts, Landings should not be made at airports where frequent gusts of 55 kt or greater are experienced.
This reduces the potential damage to aircraft by wind-blown ground equipment.
Procedure for Cold Soak with no GPU available
Remove APU battery and store in warm place.
In order to prevent inadvertent fuel aft transfer, in the case of a trim tank forward transfer pump failure, do not select the trim tank forward when the pitch attitude is above
3 °
At Take Off, SRS commands a maximum pitch of ____ ° increased at ____ ° in wind shear conditions
17.5° / 22.5°
Pressurization, maximum negative and positive differential pressure
-1.0 PSI / 9.25 PSI
Minimum flight crew oxygen pressure table can be found in…
Can fuel types be mixed
Determine the new minimum fuel temperature from FCOM LIM-28.
Max steering angle taxiing with deflated tires
After 3 APU start attempts without cooling down…
A 60 minute cooling period must be observed before the next start attempt.
Maximum altitude for starting APU using APU battery only (ELEC EMG CONFIG)
If the first APU start attempt fails,
what may help the second APU start attempt
Wait 3 minutes after pushing the APU MASTER SW, before selecting APU START.
Do not re-engage the engine starter unless the N3 is less than…
30% in flight
10% on the ground
Maximum continuous Engine starter operation
5 minutes
Followed by a 30 minute cool-down period.
The assumed temperature at take-off (FLEX) must not be less than…
The flat rated temperature of the Engines
Maximum speed in Config 2* (Transit to config 2)
205 KIAS
Minimum TAT for the environmental envelope
Mnimum height for use of the autopilot on ILS approach with Cat2/3 not displayed
160 ft AGL (not AAL)
Internal FMGES logic prevents the autopilot from being engaged during ….
The first 5s after lift off
Cat III Single Minimum Decision Height
50 ft AGL
Minimum height for use of the autopilot during other phases than approach or departure
500 ft AGL
Minimum Decision Height for Cat II approach
100 ft AGL
Maximum allowable wing fuel imbalance in outer tanks (inner tanks balanced), with heavier tank full, half full and 1730 kg left
1480 / 1580 / 1730 kgs
Cat III Dual minimum RVR
Maximum wind conditions for a Cat II approach and manual landing
Headwind 35
Crosswind 20
Tailwind 10
Minimum and maximum OATs for take-off and landing
-54°c to +55°c
Maximum fuel temperature
Maximum fuel temperature :
JET A, JET A1, JP 5, JP 8, N°3 JET, RT, and TS-1: +55 °C
JP 4, JET B : +49 °C
Maximum speed of Landing Gear Gravity extension
200 kt
Runway slope limitations
Max Runway slope ±2 %
Min OAT for Takeoff and Landing
- 54 °C with a Runway altitude below 6 000 ft
- 38 °C at a Runway altitude of 12 500 ft
At altitude between 6 000 ft and 12 500 ft, the temperature is deducted by linear interpolation.
Nominal Runway width
Minimum width for a 180 degree turn
48 m
Minimum control speed for landing (VMCL)
125 kt
Minimum height to use the autopilot in approach with FINAL APP, V/S or FPA mode
250 ft AGL
Condition to use NAV mode after Takeoff
- FMGES takeoff updating checked
Condition to perform an RNAV (GNSS) approach
GPS PRIMARY must be displayed
Conditions on Navigation database to perform an approach based on VOR/NDB in NAV/FPA or FINAL APP mode
The navigation database must be either:
- Produced by an approved supplier
- Validated and approved by the operator
Conditions on Navigation database to perform an RNAV (GNSS) approach in NAV/FPA mode
The navigation database must be either:
- Produced by an approved supplier
- Validated and approved by the operator
Conditions on Navigation database to perform an RNAV (GNSS) approach in FINAL APP mode
The navigation database must be both:
- Produced by an approved supplier
- Validated and approved by the operator
Minimum DH for an ILS CAT 3 FAIL OPERATIONAL with DH
20 ft
Autorollout limitations
Autorollout has been demonstarted on dry and wet runways (no contamination)
Restrictions to start, operate or shutdown the APU during refuel/defuel procedures
No APU start following a failed start or an automatic shutdown
If a fuel spill occurs perform a normal APU shutdown
Engine Crosswind limit at takeoff
32 kt (gust included)
Restriction on the use of JET B and JP4 fuel
The Trim tank must be empty and isolated during the entire flight
Definition of severe ice accretion
Ice accumulation on the airframe reaching a thickness of 5mm or more
Definition of Icing conditions
On ground or after takeoff,
OAT ≤ 10 °C with either:
- Visible moisture in the form of clouds, rain, snow, fog (Visibility 1 600m or less), sleet or ice crystal
- Snow, standing water or slush on the ramp, taxiways or runway
In flight, TAT ≤ 10 °C with visible moisture in the form of clouds, rain, snow, fog (Visibility 1 600m or less)
Definition of thin hoarfrost
White crystalline deposit which usually develops uniformly on exposed surfaces on cold and cloudness nights so thin that surface features can be distinguished beneath it
Limitation of use of rain repellent
Can only be used in moderate to heavy rain
180 turn considerations and limitation
- Asymetric thrust should be used (needs anticipation so that it’s available from the beginning of the turn) to maintain a continuous speed between 5 and 10 kt.
- Differential braking can’t be used to fully stop 1 main gear
Limitations for IR alignment
Ground alignment of the IRS is possible in latitudes between 82 ° North and 82 ° South.
Limitations on the use of the IR in NAV mode if all ADIRUs have the same magnetic variation table
In NAV mode, the IR won’t be able to provide valid magnetic heading/track at latitudes beyond following limits and TRUE reference must be selected:
‐ North of 73° N in the magnetic polar region (between 90° W and 120° W)
‐ North of 82° N elsewhere
‐ South of 60° S
Limitations on the use of the IR in NAV mode if 1 ADIRU has a different magnetic variation table
IR can’t provide valid magnetic heading and magnetic track angle and flying at latitudes beyond these limits is prohibited:
‐ North of 60° N, between 30° W and 160° W
‐ North of 75° N
‐ South of 55° S
Freezing temperature JET A
- 40 °C
Freezing temperature JET A1
- 47 °C