• PRESS Page, If outflow valve is open try to manually close it
• Perform a quick or Emergency descent depending on conditions
• When cabin altitude is under control assess the situation:
- There is no requirement to land within a given time scale
- If continuing to destination, Normal Fuel Required must be available unless the requirements of In-flight Reduction of Normal Fuel Required can be met.
Smoke in cockpit or cabin
• ECAM actions
• QRH paper check list “Smoke/Fumes/avionics smoke”
• Anticipate diversion
• Immediate actions of the QRH
• Communicate with the Cabin crew
• Source of smoke not immediately identified:
- Before continuing the check list:
i. Divert
ii. Descend
- Boxed items at any time for Smoke Removal (manual control of cabin pressure can’t be selected in emergency electrical conf)
- Search for the source of smoke
i Air Conditioning ?
ii Cabin equipment ?
iii Avionics/Electrical equipment ?
Uncontrollable engine fire
- Mayday Mayday Mayday Dragon xxx
- Divert to nearest airport
- Fly at VMO
- Request emergency services
- Evacuate on the runway after landing
Critically ill passenger
• Mayday Mayday Mayday Dragon xxx
• Activate IOC alert phase
• Prepare divertion
- locate the 2 closest Airports
- check weather
• Coordinate with CP to find doctor on board
• New Cabin, CP contacts Medlink directly
• Old Cabin, send message to Medlink (MED), messages will be routed through IOC
• Wait for Medlink decision to divert and airport chosen
• Advise OPS of decision and brief the CP
• Divert
If Medlink have been contacted and a course of action recommended, their advice should be followed and takes priority over the advice of any on-board medical person.
Weather deterioration at destination
• Check weather at Alternate airports
• Send ACARS to IOC to request current holding time at destination
- Enter routing from destination to alternate
- Update Fuel Pred page with diversion fuel
- Check holding Fuel at destination
• Update destination weather and trend
• Passing the last En Route Alternate decide to divert or continue
Weather deterioration at alternate
• Find a suitable alternate
• Compute the diversion fuel to that alternate
• Assess Fuel at destination, extra available
• If Fuel at destination close to diversion
- Drop the alternate if conditions are satisfied
- Contact IOC
- Divert
Destination runway blockage
• Send IOC Alert Phase • Check weather at Alternate airports • Check Fuel remaining • MCDU - Enter routing from destination to alternate - Update Fuel Pred page with diversion fuel • Talk to IOC to get their decision • Hold/Divert depending on conditions
Flaps/Slats jammed on Take off
• Speed pull, keep current speed: Wrong VFE displayed
• Continue on SID until above MSA
• ECAM actions / After TO Check list / Status
• Join a holding pattern
• CTWO +:
- Go Around procedure and calls
- Extra Fuel Burn
- High pitch attitude increasing the risk of Tailstrike
VLS and Overspeed warning are computed according to actual Slats/Flaps position
VFE and VFE next give a False information as they are computed on Lever position
What is the minimum certified altitude for AP use in case of system failure ?
- No restriction for engine failure, autoland can be performed on a Cat 2/3A ILS.
- 500 ft AGL In case of other failure, however it has not been certified in all configurations and its performance cannot be guaranteed. If the A/P is used in such circumstances, remain vigilant and be prepared to disconnect the A/P.
In Flight Engine failure above Engine Out Long Range Cruise
• Thrust Lever MCT • AUTO-THRUST OFF • FCU from Left to Right: - Speed M 0.82/300KTS or GD Pull - ALT from PROG / PERF Page Pull - HDG 30° Right Pull • Talk to ATC / Contingency Procedure • ECAM actions • Assessment of the failed engine: If no damage IOC, contact Engineering prior to start, unless the risk to flight safety is greater by delaying the attempted start.
Dual FMGC failure
• AP, A/THR managed modes inop: Fly the aircraft
• Automatic RESET/RESYNCH occurs first:
‐ ND shows “MAP NOT AVAIL”
‐ MCDU shows “PLEASE WAIT” in the scratchpad with FM FAULT light illuminated
‐ Autotuning of NAVAIDs (VOR, DME, ADF) is lost
• FMGS recovers:
‐ Database cycle may have switched
‐ FM position Bias is lost, position returns to MIX IRS
‐ Autotuning of VOR/DME is restored
‐ FMGS tuning of the ILS and ADF is not possible.
‐ Lateral and vertical managed modes cannot re-engage.
‐ “CAB PR LDG ELEV FAULT” ECAM message displayed.
‐ “REENTER WEIGHT/CG” MCDU message is displayed.
- QRH Check list: Loss of FMS data on Descent/Approach
• Autoreset unsuccessful (DUAL LATCH):
‐ Both FMGCs inoperative: FM and FG capability are lost
‐ Both NDs display “MAP NOT AVAILABLE”
- MCDU NAVAID tuning is not available
‐ AP/FD and A/THR are lost
‐ RESET FMGCs in turn using QRH Computer reset table
‐ FLY raw data (FDs OFF and TRK/FPA)
‐ SET FM source to NORM to allow NAV B/UP
‐ SELECT NAV B/UP prompt on both MCDU DATA pages
‐ SET destination Landing elevation on Cab/Press panel
‐ SELECT MCDU PERF page and enter CI
‐ Engage relevant speed/Mach target and vertical modes
‐ NAV accuracy check: Consider a position update if MIX IRS and actual positions differ by more than 20 NM.
Flaps/Slats jammed on approach
• Speed pull, keep current speed or back GD if S/F at 0
• Cancel the approach and join a hold
• ECAM actions
• CTWO +:
- High pitch attitude increasing the risk of Tailstrike
- Go-around procedure and calls
• At 500 ft or higher disconnect the Autopilot
• At acceleration altitude, Select speed to control the acceleration
• Diversion, consider
Fuel available and increased consumption
Cruise limited at 20 000 ft.
In case of failure impacting the fuel consumption how can you compute the new Trip fuel ?
- The FMS will not take into account the failure in its predictions, you must refer to the fuel penalty factor table located in QRH In Flight Performance section.
- If 2 or more failures impact consumption, add the fuel penalty factors
When do you Reject Take-Off between 100 knots and V1?
- Loss of thrust.
- Red ECAM warning
- Amber ECAM caution ENG or F/CTL
Double hydraulic failure
• The following systems are lost or degraded :
- Autopilot
- Flight Controls in Degraded law (ALTN)
- Partial loss of SPLR affecting Roll
- B+G : Left Elevator / Slats / Norm and Altn braking / NWS / Extend RAT to recover G
When IAS drops below 140 kts, G is lost and the G+B ECAM comes up
- Y+G : Right Elevator / Flaps / Norm and Altn braking / NWS / Extend RAT to recover G
When IAS drops below 140 kts, G is lost and the G+Y ECAM comes up
• Procedure
- Use FD and A/THR
- ECAM action then QRH Summary
- Manœuvre with care to avoid high hydraulic demand
- Declare EMERGENCY situation to ATC
- QRH for VAPP / LDG DIST / SLATS or FLAPS Abnormal
- Approach briefing:
Selected speed
LDG GVTY extension
Approach: configuration, flap lever position
Landing: Reverse, Braking and Steering
Go Around: Speed, Gear and Slats/Flaps configuration
Slats/Flaps abnormal configurations?
• Slats/Flaps abnormal configuration can have 3 causes:
- Double hydraulic failure, B+G or Y+G
- Double SFCC failure
- Jamming, operation of the WTB
• Flaps/Slats failure have the following consequences:
- Aircraft handling is affected (Speed selected, ALTN law)
- Fuel consumption is increased
- Attitude reference in approach is modified
- Approach speeds and landing distance are increased
- High pitch attitude increasing the risk of Tailstrike
- Go Around is affected since S/F can’t be retracted
• Double hydraulic failure:
- ALTN law
- VLS on PFD is correct, computed on actual S/F position
- VFE, VFE next are computed on Lever position
- Maneuvering speeds are computed on Lever position
• SFCC fault:
- SFCC double Flap or double Slat channel fault:
- ALTN law without protections
- SPD LIM Red on PFD: VLS VFE F S speed not displayed
- Aural stall / Overspeed Aural and ECAM msg provided
- Total SFCC failure (SFCC double Flap and Slat channel):
- ALTN law without protections
- AP and ATHR are lost
- SPD LIM Red on PFD: VLS VFE F S speed not displayed
• S/F jammed:
- Normal law available with AP and ATHR
- VLS on PFD is correct, computed on S/F position
- VFE and VFE next are computed on Lever position
- Maneuvering speeds are computed on Lever position
- αPROT and αMAX protections are available
Double RA Fault
• Fly by wire
LGCIU outputs used instead of RA information :
- Take off: Normal law engages when L/G is no longer compressed and pitch greater than 8°; auto trim is available.
- Approach: Flare law (usually fed in at 100 ft) engages when L/G is selected down (direct law with pitch rate feedback), “USE MAN PITCH TRIM”
- Landing: Ground Law engages when MLG is compressed and pitch is less than 2.5°. Ground Spoilers extend using Wheel Speed information.
- “SPEED, SPEED, SPEED” low energy warning lost.
- No LOC, No G/S modes with APPR P/B
- No LAND, No FLARE, No ROLL OUT modes
- CAT 1 approach possible using LOC P/B or Raw data
- A/THR, SPEED mode on approach (no retard)
- GPWS + EGPWS are lost
• FWC Auto call outs
- R/A auto call out lost
- DH auto call out lost
- RETARD auto call out lost
- MDA auto call out is available (Minimum)
Unreliable Altitude/Speed
• Unreliable Altitude: - Disregard ALT, IAS/TAS, WIND, V/S and FPA - Use: . GPS altitude . GS on ND . RA . CAB ALT
• Unreliable speed: - Disregard IAS/TAS and WIND - Use: . GPS ground speed . BIRD
How do you use the QRH summaries to deal with a failure ?
Summaries are divided into four sections: CRUISE, APPROACH, LANDING and GO-AROUND
- ECAM actions and STATUS must be done first
- Refer to Summary CRUISE section to assess the situation and select an appropriate runway for landing
- Increased fuel consumption
- Landing performance computation
- Review STATUS page for approach preparation
- Refer to APPROACH, LANDING and GO-AROUND sections to support the preparation.
- Prepare the FMGES
- Use QRH Summary for the approach briefing
- Crosscheck STATUS page and FMGES
- Refer to APPROACH section to perform the approach
- Review LANDING and GO-AROUND sections once the aircraft is in final configuration
- PM check STATUS that all APPR PROC actions are completed
Double ILS receiver failure / ground transmitter failure
• Double receiver failure:
- Red LOC/GS flags are displayed
- ILS scales are removed
- AP trips off and FDs revert to HDG/VS mode
• ILS ground transmitter failure:
- AP/FD remains ON (failure commonly transient)
- ILS scales and FD bars are flashing
- If R/A height is below 200 ft, red AUTOLAND warning is triggered
Single FMGC failure
- AP, if engaged on affected side, will disconnect
- Restore the AP using the other FMGC
- Use same range as opposite ND to recover Flight plan
- QRH for a FMGC reset
Emergency Electrical configuration with Emergency Gen powered by the RAT
• AP and A/THR disconnect and can’t be recovered
- RAT has limited power, few loads available
- Below 25 000 ft start the APU
- No Pitch Trim (hyd problems)
- No Rud Trim (actuator fed by DC ESS SHED)
- N1 unrated mode, Check Go Around N1 in FCOM PERF
PFD1 - Alternate law - P1/S1 - P2 for landing - DMC1 - FADEC
VOR1 – ADF1 – ADIRS1(or 3) – ILS1 for landing
• Communicate
RMP1 – VHF1 – ACP1+2 – CIDS – interphone
• MANAGE systems
BMC1 – XBLEED – CPC1 – PACKS – Oxygen
• ETOPS requirements
Emergency Electrical configuration with Emergency Gen powered by Green hydraulic
• AP and A/THR disconnect, AP1 can be recovered
- AP1 ON
- Below 25 000 ft start the APU
- Insert Weight/Cg to get the characteristic speed back
- N1 unrated mode, Check Go Around N1 in FCOM PERF
PFD1 - AP1 - FD1 - Pitch and Rudder trim - Alternate law - P1/S1 - P2 for landing - DMC1 - FADEC - FG
ND1 - FMGC1 - MCDU1 - VOR1 - DME1 - ADF1 - ILS1 for landing - ADIRS1 (or 3) - WX Radar1
RMP1 - VHF1 - HF1 - ACP1+2 - CIDS - ATC1 - Interphone
• MANAGE systems
BMC1 – XBLEED – CPC1 – PACKS – Oxygen
• ETOPS requirements
Emergency Electrical configuration, what happen when LAND RECOVERY PB is used ?
• Systems required for landing are recovered:
- ILS1
- LH Landing light
• Systems not required are shed:
- Fuel Pumps (unusable fuel 4t (2t/tank)
- WX radar1
- HF1
- ADR3
- AP1
- FD1
Double ADR/IRS Fault
- AP and A/THR are lost
- Flight controls revert to ALTN LAW
- Use ADR/IRS pushbutton to switch off the faulty Equipment
- If OEB applies, turn OFF the rotary selector
What happen when you switch off the 3 ADRs to fly the Back-up Speed Scale?
• On both PFD:
‐ BUSS replaces the normal speed scale
‐ GPS altitude replaces the barometric altitude
• Flying: ‐ AP/FD and A/THR are inoperative ‐ ALTN LAW ‐ High angle-of-attack and overspeed protections are lost ‐ STALL warning remains operative
• Systems:
‐ Cabin pressure must be controlled manually
• When the ADRs are turned off, ECAM alert NAV ADR 1+2+3 FAULT is displayed:
- ECAM actions
- QRH procedure “ALL ADR OFF”
• Avoid by routing upwind side of the volcano
• Entering the ash cloud:
- Smoke or dust in the cockpit
- Acrid odour similar to electrical smoke
- Engine malfunction, rising EGT
- St Elmo fire, bright white or orange glow in engine
inlets, sharp beams from landing lights at night
• Procedure in the QRH: - 180 ° turn - Protecting the engines: . A/THR OFF . Decrease engines thrust . Maximize engine bleed (packs high, Wing + Engine AI) . Start the APU - Protecting Crew and passengers: . Oxygen masks ON/100% . Oxygen for passengers, consider
• Monitor flight parameters:
- Monitor EGT and fuel flow
- Monitor and crosscheck IAS
• Consider a diversion to the nearest appropriate airport
Loss of Com in Chinese Airspace
• VMC: Land at the nearest suitable airport • IMC: - Try blind transmissions - Continue to destination - Fly over airport NDB - Commence descent at Flight Plan ETA - Do the Instrument Approach Procedure - Land within 30 minutes
• Threats are classified into three categories.
- Green, no extra precautions required
- Amber, related to one or more targets with a doubt about its credibility or the effectiveness of countermeasures.
- Red, danger to aircraft, people or airport activities and therefore merits specific countermeasures.
• Warnings made against aircraft on the ground, assessed as Red or Amber, may justify a variety of countermeasures including disembarkation of crew and passengers, offloading of cargo/baggage/mail, re-screening of passengers and cargo, security
searches, etc.
• Clear model Fly to the closest alternate airport: - Select MMO - Begin descent to decrease pressure differential in case of explosion Call for QRH paper Check list NITSR Briefing to the CP Explosion: - Emergency descent - Reduce speed - Damage assessment to the aircraft AP OFF in Landing Configuration at different speeds
Engine failure cases 3 000ft, 10 000ft, FL260, Cruise, Descent, Approach
- Cancel the Approach or Go Around Flaps (FCU altitude)
- Aircraft able to maintain level (below LRC ceiling): No need to disconnect the A/THR
- Above LRC ceiling do the memory items
Damage / No Damage ?
• Consider Damage if: - High vibration prior to engine stopped - Loud noise - Stall - N1 at 0 - EGT, N1 exceedence - ENG SD Page, N3 or N2 at 0 - HYD Page Pressure/Quantity on Blue/Yellow failed side Any pressure means N3 still turning
• If no damage talk to engineering before restarting the engine
Unrully Passenger
• Assess the Threat Level: Level 1 Disruptive Behaviour Level 2 Physically Abusive Behaviour Level 3 Life Threatening Behaviour Level 4 Attempted or Actual Breach of the Flight Deck
• Captain and CC should consider following responses:
- Verbal Warning
- Written Warning
- Request police
- Restraint
- Diversion to nearest airport
- Witnesses
• Thoughts:
- Aircraft door: If still open, coordinate with Ground Staff
- Purser: “what do you want to do? what is the safest? I fully support you!”
- Public Address: “ladies and gents, we have a pax that won’t sit down, if he doesn’t follow the CC instructions, we will have to go back to the gate”
At the end of flight, if passengers refuse to disembark, what should you do ?
• Alert KA Security and or the Airport Services Manager / Manager on Duty.
• Part A Chapter 10:
- After 5 minutes, Captain must make a PA to inform the passengers that they are required to disembark.
- 15 minutes later, liaise with KA Security and the ASM/MOD for police to meet the aircraft, Captain makes another PA to inform the passengers that they are required to disembark
- When police arrives, Liaise with KA Security and/or MOD/ASM for police assistance in off -loading the passengers
Hijacking attempt ?
- “I MUST COME TO THE COCKPIT IMMEDIATELY” Serves to inform the cockpit that Cabin in under duress.
- Flight Crew actions:
- Lock the cockpit door using the dead bolt.
- Declare an emergency
- Squawk 7500
- Send ACARS ’75 MSG’ to IOC
- Divert to the nearest suitable airfield
- Update IOC with details of the event in progress
- Prepare for possible rapid descent
- Monitor 121.5 and prepare for interception by military jet
- After landing, push fire switches and disconnect IDGs.
• ATC Communication : - ONGOING ATTEMPTED HIJACKING, Crew in control of the aircraft - HIJACKING, Hijackers are in control of the aircraft (inside the cockpit)
APU Fire During Pushback
- Ground Staff, “Stop Pushback hold position”
- Set Parking Brake
- Cabin Crew at stations
- Emergency evacuation Check list
- Talk to ATC and request fire services
Warning or Caution during Take off, when do you carry out the ECAM actions?
• Only actions required to clear Red Warnings are carried out prior to flap retraction (400 ft mini)
Stop ECAM at the ENG 1(2) RELIGHT action line.
Continue to the boxed ENG 1(2) SHUT DOWN message, engine secured.
• For less critical failures, ECAM actions can be interrupted when necessary to allow both pilots to monitor normal operational requirements.