Cognitive behavioural therapy (evaluation points) Flashcards


things to support cognitive behavioural therapy?

  • There is further research support to show the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy, Cahill et al found out that by the end of therapy which had lasted around 15-20 sessions, 71% of the patients that had completed there therapy experienced a significant reduction to there symptoms,13% had also shown improvement when not completing it
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy has the same amount of effectiveness to drug therapy, for example: Jarret et el had found that was as effective as some antidepressant drugs when treating 108 patients with severe depression over a 10-week trial, although drug therapy may be less time consuming and it may also be less expensive. CBT would also be better within the long term as it provides the patient with different techniques and skills in the future to be able to manage.
  • CBT has lot’s more positives over drug therapy like it can be better in the long term and therapist competence( structuring sessions, reviewing assignments and good relations with the therapist) Kuyken and Tsivrikos proves this as they say 15% of CBT effectiveness is due to therapist competance, drugs have many side effects that may be worse than the problems that they are experiencing.
  • CBT may not work for everyone and this may also depend on individual differences, like CBT may appear less suitable who may have high level belief that may be rigid or resistant too change, Simons et el said it may be less suitable in situations where high levels of stress in the individual reflect realistic stressors in the persons life that the therapy may not be able to resolve, for example they may be experiencing issues for instance poverty
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