cognitive approach therapy - CBT Flashcards
list the 3 main components of CBT
1.dysfunctional thought diary
2. challenging dysfunctional thoughts
3. pleasant activity scheduling
what is a dysfunctional thought diary
clients are asked to keep a record of events leading up to an unpleasant emotion. the client writes down their negative thoughts and rates how much they believe it out of 100%. they then work with the therapist to create a rational response and the client also rates this. afterwards there is this new rated belief
EG. negative thought: my boss hates me (70% belief)
rational response: my boss doesn’t hate me. he has had a stressful day and it has nothing to do with me (80% belief)
re rated belief: my boss hates me (20% belief)
how do you challenge dysfunctional thoughts?
the client and patient work together to identify and change their thought patterns. the client is taught to ask themselves ‘where is evidence of X?’ ‘what is the worst that could happen if X were true?’ by replacing dysfunctional thoughts with constructive ones clients are able to try out new ways of behaving
what is pleasant activity planning?
part of HOMEWORK. the client is asked to plan for each day eg over the span of a week one pleasant activity that gives them a sense of achievement or a break from normal routine. this is an example of BEHAVIOURAL ACTIVATION. the client keeps a record of their emotions and if the activity didn’t go as planned then consider why that might be and how to change it
what assumption can be applied to CBT
‘behaviours can be explained using the computer analogy’
cognitive psychologists believe that in the INPUT - PROCESS - OUTPUT of the analogy, the PROCESSING is faulty, leading to a problematic output
what is CBT in relation to the client and therapist
1 strength of CBT regarding effectiveness
it is as effective as medication (jarrett et al) treated 108 pathents w severe depression w cbt. it is as effective as anti depressants therefore suitable for people who don’t want drugs or their side effexgs
1 weakness of cbt regarding effectiveness
therapist competence. (kuygen and Tsivkos (2009)) found 15% of its effectiveness is up to competence of therapist. weakness - effectiveness of cbt not fully up to client
what approach is CBT linked to
the cognitive approach