Cognitive Flashcards
George Kelly (1955) foreshadowed the cognitive approach to personality psychology. He thought that we develop a set of ideas, models which organise and simplify input to the brain. He called these_______ ________?
Personal constructs
A cognitive psychology approach to organising recurrences of similar qualities are called?
In schema theory, there are two approaches to the model - the best possible example - of the particular category of things that the schema is related to. What are these two models?
Prototype - an imagined best possible version of the category - my imagined chocolate bar with whole hazelnuts and praline
Exemplar - known superior version within the category - Lindt whole hazelnut/ Guillan shells
What is it called when the schema doesn’t accurately capture all the features of the category - I.e shoes have laces - what about boots, sandales, etc??
Fuzzy set
According to schéma theory, will you be more likely to remember examples that confirm or challenge the model you have created?
Confirm - the schéma will look for confirmation to firm up the model.
What is it called when you use the schéma to fill in missing information in a story - Ie. “Peter got dressed” - we assume he put on pants, probably underpants, socks etc… you apply a script to others
Default - the baseline model of a category based on memory
Schéma theory - type of memory organisation that groups things together by meaning - if you say “Jock” I will have a sense of what that means - will often incorporate feeling attached to the meaning - sexy/dangerous
Semantic Memory
Schéma theory - organisation of memory which incorporates time - period at high school. Time it took to run away from homeless man with a pole - and how that fit into the night out with Spiros, Jon and Geoff
Episodic Memory
Schéma theory - organisation of memory in which you have experienced enough of the category of things - say, doing the laundry, going to a restaurant - that you develop a prototype of the event, including actions, time taken etc.
Are semantic or episodic schéma more important?
Neither - they cofunction.
Conceptual models (semantic) build with more experiences (episodic)
Schéma theory - there are also structures about how people preform tasks (mental, physical etc eg: Campbell created an assessment form for the new program - ie he established the risks and aims of the project to endure the assessment captured this information. What is this called?
Procedural knowledge
What is the category of schéma that would dictate gender roles, social situations etc?
Social cognitions
What is the schéma that is similar to self-concept (but different) ie, it is a model for the self - how you will behave in certain situations, what you like, why, what your traumas are etc?
Which is the most developed schéma?
Self-schema - more emotional info. Mixture of trait categories and concrete information
Some people have differing layers of self-schema, some people have many facets, which cover varying aspects of their lives - relationships/work/sport/aesthetics etc while others have à brader self-schéma. What is the term which defines this
High self-complexity
Low self-complexity
When you (Toto) get upset about your life in general when you fail at a particular task you are demonstrating what sort of self-complexity
Low. Low. Low.
Self-complexity is such because we have different versions of ourselves- one for work - one for home etc. One idealised, one worst possible version… what is this called?
Possible Selves
In the Entity vs Incremental model, entity being a strict category like “I am smart” vs incremental “I am learning” - according to Carol Dweck, what is the name given to the different approaches?