Co-Instructor 4 Flashcards
Assessment that predicts what you like
Predicts what you might work for
Reinforcer assessment
Inelastic means…
No change. Does not change defense of consumption
Elastic means…
Change. Would Stop paying.
If preference does not change then reinforcer probably…
Won’t change either
Research suggests that individuals with ASD display more stable preferences that individuals without similar diagnosis
-RANK ORDER correlations used to examine stability
Ciccone Graff Ahean 2007. Examined rank order correlation coefficient is for a food only. After six months and 12 months. Suggest that food is more stable than leisure items (Zhou) As reinforcement
Shifts in preference and stimulus value. What are variables that contribute to stability of stimulus preferences
Castillo, Deleon, crawford:
Proportion and mean correlation for 1st versus 2nd …
Greater for edibles for all analysis
Brief DALY MSWO assessment did NOT result in same top ranked items identified through paired stimulus preference assessment at beginning
More responding allocated to the tasks associated with top ranked stimulus, identified by daily brief SPA, then to tasks associated with original top ranked stimulus
Changes in preferences often correspond to changes in reinforcer value
BUT According to Thomson, depends if preferences very
Shifts in preferences and stimulus value. Category showing greater stability may require less frequent Assessment – however be careful
Deleon First PSPA
- It’s momentary capacity to support responses that produce it
- It’s utility in producing long-term behavior change
The effectiveness of a reinforcer can refer to both..
Determinants of stimulus value
Hanley: By pairing less preferred activity with established reinforcers through contingent delivery or three non-contingent delivery?
—Enhancing an activity with supplemental contingent reinforcement can shift choices towards activity
—Non-contingent pairing of an activity with established pay for it stimuli can shift choices towards activity
BUT Affects seem transient in general – does not persist after discontinuation of pairing
Can we make something preferred that was not preferred
- Weakens effectiveness
2. Results in decreases in value of reinforcer
Delays to reinforcement
Generally, delays to reinforcement:
- Weakens effectiveness
- Results in decreases in value of reinforcer
Leon: (In preparation):
1. Delayed food produced greatest persistence
- Delayed tokens produce the most rapid decrease in responding
- Immediate token delivery with a delayed exchange opportunity equaled or exceeded effects of delayed food
- Conditioned reinforcer is less susceptible to adverse affects of delay - DEPENDS on when they earned and exchanged
Delay to reinforcement
Organisms will distribute behavior among currently available alternatives in same proportion that reinforce was distributed among those alternatives
Matching law
Quality of reinforcement:
“ LEVEL of PREFERENCE- Hi your preference equals better quality
But, HP and LP stimuli sometimes support similar rates are responding
Deleone: Progressive ratio schedules found higher preference, better quality reinforcers may function as relatively more potent reinforcers
Quality of reinforcement
Can vary according to:
- Quantity
- Intensity
- Duration
May support higher break point (Progressive ratio)
May play a role in thinning schedules of reinforcement
The EFFECTIVENESS of a reinforcer refers to:
A. . Momentary capacity to support responses that produce it
B. Utility in producing changes in motivating operations
C. Utility in producing long-term behavior change
D both A and C
Look up momentary capacity
A stimulus that evokes behavior because of a differential reinforcement history such that the reinforcer is available in the presence of the stimulus but not in the absence of it
Discriminative stimulus
What sort of stimulus is always present when a reinforcer is delivered?
The reinforcer itself