ASR 9 Flashcards
ASR #1
Which of the following is not a “miracle”produced by behavior analysis:
a. Effective treatment for extreme self
injurious behavior
b. Effective treatment for life threatening
feeding disorders
c. Substantial reduction in the populations
of residential care programs for persons
with developmental disabilities
d. Increased nutrition in the elderly
ASR #2 Which of the following is the most true of Skinner’s vision for behavior analysis: a. His vision has been fully realized b. His vision has yet to be fully realized c. His vision was largely inappropriate d. He did not really have a vision for behavior analysis
ASR #3 What is the major emphasis in behavioral pediatrics? a. Prevention b. Cure c. Rehabilitation d. Medical stabilization
ASR #4 What are the two types of intervention in behavioral pediatrics? a. Medication and counseling b. Assessment and counseling c. Health education and prescriptive treatment d. Health education and medication
ASR #5 Which of the following is not one of the main domains of care in behavioral pediatrics: a. Common behavior problems b. Behavior problems with significant medical dimensions c. Medical problems with significant behavioral dimensions d. Personal hygiene
ASR #6
Dr. Friman supplied a list of the top
behavior problems in 3 year old children
and then argued that parents were pretty
much on their own when solving them.
a. Not enough money
b. No insurance
c. The problems are not pathologies in 3 year olds
d. Social isolation
ASR #7
Dr. Friman gave three reasons why most parents are reluctant to seek services from
mainstream mental health providers. Which of
the following is not one of those reasons?
a. There is a perceived stigma associated with
mainstream mental health services.
b. Very few children have behavior and mental
health problems.
c. There is highly variable quality in mental
health services.
d. Mental health providers often equate
behavior problems with mental illness or
ASR #8 Which of the following variables is not an obstacle for effective treatment of behavior problems by pediatricians? a. Limited time b. Limited training c. Limited interest d. Location
ASR #9 Common behavior problems in three year olds are typically the result of: a. Skill deficits b. Developmental delays c. Psychopathology d. Socioeconomic status
ASR #10 The two primary forms of treatment in behavioral pediatrics are prescriptive treatment and \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_? a. Supportive Health Education b. Medication c. Surgery d. Podiatry
ASR #11 Which of the following is not a good example of a topic for health education in behavioral pediatrics in primary care? a. Crying b. Learning c. Metabolic variation d. Sleep
ASR #12 Children learn through repetition with: a. Reminders b. Rationales c. Contrast in experience d. Lectures
ASR #13
Why use colloquial terms to describe
learning in children?
a. It’s a more accurate description
b. It’s more appropriate for the audience
c. It’s more conceptually systematic
d. None of the above; behavior analysts
should not use colloquial terms
ASR #14 List the two types of change important in learning. a. Positive and negative b. Effective and efficient c. Quality and quantity d. Appropriate and inappropriate
ASR #15 This determines direction of learning. a. Quantity of the antecedent b. Quantity of the consequence c. Quality of the antecedent d. Quality of the consequence
This determines the need for
a. Quantity of the antecedent
b. Quantity of the consequence
c. Quality of the antecedent
d. Quality of the consequence
ASR #17 According to Dr. Friman, typically developing infants: a. Cry very little during the first 4-8 weeks of life b. Cry an average of 2-3 hours a day in the first 4-8 weeks of life c. Cry only when hungry during the first 4-8 weeks of life d. Cry only in the morning
ASR #18 Which of the following is not a sign of readiness for toilet training? a. Well established pincer grasp b. Ability to raise and lower pants (or dress) c. Ability to walk from room to room d. A vocabulary of more than 1000 words
ASR #19
Dr. Friman described a toilet training
program called “drink up-undress-play and pay. ..In that program “drink up” refers to?
a. Increased fluid loading to increase
learning trials
b. Learning to drink independently before
starting toilet training
c. Parents having a relaxing beverage
before beginning toilet training
d. Nothing in particular
ASR #20 The best descriptor for the “play” step in Dr. Friman’ s drink up-undress-play and pay” toilet training program is? a. Playing with mom b. Playing with dad c. Playing bombardier d. Playing a game contingent upon success
ASR #21 The best descriptor for the “pay step in Dr. Friman’s drink up-undress-play and pay” toilet training program is? a. Buy materials b. Effort c. Unpleasant consequences for failure d. Contingent rewards
ASR #22
What variable determines theamount of repetition needed for child learning?
a. The quality of contrast or experiential
b. Whether the contrast or experiential
change is pleasant
c. The size of the contrast or experiential
d. Whether the contrast or experiential
change is unpleasant
ASR #23 Which of the following is a likely target behavior for an active one year old infant? a. Incontinence b. Dangerous behavior c. Oppositional behavior d. Drooling
ASR #24
Which of the following is an appropriate location for time out used with a one year old infant?
a. Bedroom
b. Kitchen chair
c. Time out room
d. Play pen
ASR #25
Which is the best method for treating toddler misbehavior? a. Time in and time out b. Ignoring c. Rationales d. Distraction
ASR #26 What is the most crucial variable for establishing effective time out? a. Location b. Length c. Time in d. A reasonable explanation
ASR #27 What is the most effective method for treating bedtime resistance? a. The family bed b. Later bedtimes c. Escape extinction d. Medication
ASR #28 Despite its effectiveness, most likely parents are reluctant to use escape extinction to treat bedtime resistance. What is the most likely reason for this? a. They use medication instead b. The extinction burst c. Stigma d. They do not like behavioral programs
ASR #29
What are the likely active ingredients
in the bedtime pass program?
a. Reinforcement and punishment
b. Isolation and desensitization
c. Escape extinction and DRA
d. Loneliness and fear
ASR #30 In the aversive taste treatment of thumb sucking the aversive taste is characterized as: a. Punishment b. Reminder fluid c. Placebo d. A negative reinforcer
ASR #31
Job based grounding is superior to time based grounding because:
a. Release from job based grounding is based
on appropriate behavior whereas release
from time based grounding is based on
passage of time.
b. Time based grounding can function as an
establishing operation for inappropriate
c. Neither of the above
d. Both of the above
ASR #32 Jobs in job based grounding should be: a. Very difficult b. Very easy c. Important and critical to the running of the house d. Not necessarily important and unnecessary for running the house
ASR #33
In the aversive taste treatment used by Dr. Friman to treat thumb sucking, rewards were:
a. Included in the form of a dot to dot
drawing of the reward to be earned
b. Not included because they are viewed as
c. Not included because the punishing
effects of the aversive taste was sufficient
d. Not even discussed
ASR #34
In the job based grounding treatment
described by Dr. Friman, he encourages
parents to:
a. Frequently remind children why they are
b. Add additional punishments if they believe
grounding is insufficient
c. Explain why grounding occurred and the
rules once or twice clearly and then quietly
monitor child progress
d. Regularly remind children about the jobs
that need to be done
ASR #35 Dr. Friman described a study involving treatment of insect phobia in a 14 year old boy. In that study the primary dependent variable was: a. Anxiety b. Phobia c. Math calculations d. Disruptive behavior
ASR #36 Dr. Friman discusses early work on anxiety by Estes and Skinner. In their study they characterized anxiety as: a. Fear b. Non existent c. Conditioned suppression d. Unimportant
ASR #37 Dr. Friman discussed the most effective treatment for anxiety currently available. It is: a. Medication b. Psychoanalysis c. Exposure and response prevention d. Neurolinguistic programming
ASR #38 One of the best known and most widely used treatments in clinical psychology is called Exposure and Response Prevention. A behavior analytic synonym for it is: a. Cognitive restructuring b. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy c. Functional Analytic Psychotherapy d. Escape Extinction
ASR #39 Which of the following is not a good reason for behavior analytic study of male fertility? a. Sperm are organisms and they behave in environments that can be manipulated. b. Sperm concentration is critical for conception c. No one really cares about it any more d. Sperm concentration has been declining in US men
ASR #40 Which variable affecting sperm production is affected by the fit of underwear? a. Self confidence b. Temperature of the testicular environment c. Circulation d. Comfort
ASR #41 Which variable was displayed in the figure Dr. Friman showed during his discussion of male fertility (hint: it was the primary measure in the study)? a. Conception b. Sperm concentration (i.e., number of sperm per ml of semen) c. Volume of semen d. Days of abstinence
ASR #42
Dr. Friman’s study on male fertility attracted a large amount of media attention. His explanation for why this was the case was?
a. Because the data were so clear
b. Because the data were published in such
a prestigious journal
c. Because the subject of the study is a
mainstream concern
d. Because of the prominence of the
institution where the study was conducted
ASR #43
Which of the following hallmarks of behavior analysis contributed the most to Dr. Friman’s study on male fertility?
a. Single subject research methods
b. Reinforcement based procedures
c. Interobserver agreement
d. Social validity
ASR #44 The environmental variable that Dr. Friman manipulated in his study of ashtray usage was? a. Size of ashtray b. Public posting about littering c. Distance from door into hospital to ashtray d. Monetary fines for littering
ASR #45 The specific dependent measure that Dr. Friman used in his study of ashtray usage was? a. Cigarette butts on the ground around ashtrays b. Cigarette butts in ashtrays c. Proximity of smokers to ashtrays d. Proximity of ashtrays to doors
ASR #46 According to Dr. Friman, what is the best variable to manipulate in order to reduce littering? a. Punishment b. Color of receptacle c. Effort d. Social support
ASR #47 Which of the following mainstream topics did Dr. Friman recommend for behavior analytic study? a. Cancer and diabetes b. Road rage and drunk driving c. Anxiety and depression d. Running red lights and exceeding the posted speed limit