CNS 2 Flashcards
Nothing can enter the brain without crossing the BBB
only soluble things will cross the BBB (so it is semi permeable )
true or False
If the BBB have to transport something it has to be soluble otherwise how else can it transport materials?
it will have to use carriers
the gyrus form a furrow deep into the tissues called
_________________ is a prominent fold or ridge of the cerebral cortex,
What is the function of the sulcus?
to increase the surface area of the cerebral cortex
‘____________matter is composed mainly of cell bodies of neurons
Gray matter
white matter is composed mainly of
myelinated axons,
why is white matter called white matter?
cos it appears pale in colour
which area plays a preparatory role in programming complex sequences of movement
supplementary motor area
which area is important in orienting the body and arms towards a specific target
promoter Cortex
Left handed people have right or left cerebral hemisphere
right cerebral hemisphere
which hemisphere are people referred to as creators
Right handed
which hemisphere are people referred to as thinkers
which hemisphere are more artistic , musical people
which hemisphere are people who are good in language and math?
which hemisphere are people who are analytical and see the world as fragmented
which hemisphere people have non-language skills,
emotional and behavioral and dream imagery
95% of people are left or right hemisphere?
left so right-handed
which lobe is Located on the sides of the brain/head and where you have sound input
temporal lobe
The parietal lobe is Located behind or in front of the frontal lobe
what lobe is located at the front of the brain
frontal lobe
your voluntary motor activator is in what lobe
frontal lobe
what lobe is your prime region
frontal lobe
what lobes are the higher motor cortex
frontal and parietal lobes
the central sulcus separates what lobes
frontal and parietal lobes