CMS Accessories 101 Flashcards
What are the 4 most common accessory inquiries agents handle?
Accessory Delivery
Accessory Returns
Accessory Exchanges
Missing Accessories
When Members reach out for status updates of their accessory delivery, agents will access
Shipwire to provide the most recent details.
What KB article should agents use as a guide for resolving accessory delivery inquiries?
Warehouses: Accessory Shipments
For all Peloton orders that include accessories, and are in Field Ops territory, agents will simply advise the Member that
their accessories will arrive with their Bike or Tread.
What KB article should agents use when Members request to return an item for a refund, rather than for a replacement item?
General Return Process
What is important for agents to remember to send to the Member when processing a return or exchange?
the prepaid return label. If the label is not created in CMS, use FedEx portal for U.S. orders.
Where can the RMA section be found in CMS?
under the Shipment section of the Order Summary page.
When Members request to exchange one same item for another (ie: exchange size 36 cycling shoes for size 38 cycling shoes), what KB article should agents use?
RMA: Accessory Exchanges
For all Peloton orders that include accessories, and are in Field Ops territory, agents should
reach out to the scheduling team for any accessory changes prior to delivery.
When a Member reaches out because they have received a partial accessory order, or simply did not receive an accessory order, (aka ‘Missing Accessories) agents should
first access the shipment details in Shipwire.
If the agent determines that an item or full accessory order is missing, the agent will then
reorder the item(s) for the Member in CMS.
When a Member reaches out to update, change, or make corrections to an accessory delivery address, the agent must first
access Shipwire to determine how they will proceed with making the change.
If the order can be edited in Shipwire, the agent will make the changes within Shipwire.
If the order has already been submitted to the warehouse and is unable to be updated, the agent must then follow the guidelines outlined in the Warehouses: Accessory Shipments KB article.
For all Peloton orders that include accessories and are in Field Ops territory: agents will simply reach out to the scheduling team for an address change prior to delivery.
When processing a return or exchange, the only difference in the procedure is
adding the outbound item(s).