CLIPP 6 Flashcards
What is the vasovagal reflex?
self-limited systemic hypotension due to altered neurocardiogenic reflexes leading to bradycardia and/or peripheral vasodilation, which can lead to syncope
What is Osgood-Schlatter disease? How do you treat it?
pain in the leg caused by irritation of the growth plate at the tibial tuberosity
Ice and NSAIDs
Differential for chest pain in adolescents? Which one s the most common?
precordial catch syndrome **Most common**
gastrointestinal causes (GER, gastritis, esophagitis)
Asthma or exercise induced bronchospasm (EIB)
What is precordial catch syndrome?
most common cause of chest pain in adolescents
benign condtion caused by sudden onset of sharp pain, usually along the left sternal border, exacerbated with deep inspiration
What is costochondritis?
pain caused by inflammation of the junctions where the upper ribs join with the cartilage that holds them to the sternum
How is chest pain caused by gastrointestinal pain often described?
Associated with meals
What are the common symptoms of exercise-induced bronchospasm? (4)
chest pain
respiratory distress
the following features should prompt evaluation for cardiac causes of chest pain:
Onset = ?
Quality = ?
Duration = ?
Associated symptoms = ?
Exam findings = ?
Onset = pain triggered by exertion or stress
Quality = pressure or crushing sensation
Duration = 10-15 minutes
Associated symptoms = syncope, palpitations
Exam findings = murmur, thrill, hyperdynamic pericordium
Describe the tanner stages (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5)

What is the difference between DTaP and Tdap vaccines?
DTaP (big D) contains 3-4 times more diphtheria toxoid than the adult Tdap (little d)
What viccines are given at 11-12 years of age?
What vaccines are given at 16 y.o.?
MCV4 booster
What is the CRAFFT tool?
C = Have you ever ridden in a CAR driven by someone (including yourself) who was “high” or had been using alcohol or drugs?
R = Do you ever use alcohol or drugs to RELAX, feel better about yourself, or fit in?
A = Do you ever use alcohol/drugs while you are by yourself, ALONE?
F = Do you ever FORGET things you did while using alcohol or drugs?
F = Do your family or FRIENDS ever tell you that you should cut down on your drinking or drug use?
T = Have you gotten into TROUBLE while you were using alcohol or drugs?
How is a cardiovascular exam performed in an adolescent?
Begin by measuring the blood pressure, using an appropriately sized cuff.
Palpate the brachial and femoral pulses to assess for a possible coarctation of the aorta.
Perform auscultation supine and standing.
in any patient with syncope, what test should be obtained?
EKG (look for Wolf-Parkinson-White or prolonged QT)