CLIPP 1 Flashcards
Adverse Effects of Prenatal Substance Use:
risk for low birth weight
Adverse Effects of Prenatal Substance Use:
fetal alcohol syndrome
There is no “safe” amount of alcohol that can be consumed during pregnancy to ensure that fetal alcohol syndrome does not occur
Adverse Effects of Prenatal Substance Use:
Distinctive effects of marijuana have not been identified
Adverse Effects of Prenatal Substance Use:
Heroin and other opiate medications
increased risk of fetal growth restriction, placental abruption, fetal death, preterm labor and intrauterine passage of meconium.
Adverse Effects of Prenatal Substance Use:
Cocaine and Other Stimulants
vasoconstriction leading to placental insufficiency and low birth weight.
What type of labs could be ordered for a prenatal screen? (10)
Maternal blood type, Rh and antibody screen
Rubella IgG
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBSAg)
HIV antibody
Urine nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT) for chlamydia and gonococcus
Urine or vaginal culture for group B streptococcus
Hepatitis C antibody (in women with a history of IV drug use)
Tuberculosis skin test (e.g. Mantoux) or TB blood test (e.g. Quantiferon) (in women with HIV or who live in a household with someone with active TB)
APGAR components
Appearance (color) Pulse Grimace Activity (tone) Respiration
Newborn turns his head toward your finger when you touch his cheek.
Newborn sucks on your finger when you touch the roof of his mouth.
Startle (Moro)
Support the newborn’s head with one hand and buttocks with the other. With the head in a midline position, the hand supporting it is quickly dropped to a position approximately 10 cm below its original supporting position, and the head is caught in its new position. In response, the newborn will flex his thighs and knees, fan and then clench his fingers, with arms first thrown outward and then brought together as though embracing something.
Palmar and Plantar Grasps
Newborn grasps your finger when you stroke it against the palm of his hand or plantar surface of his foot.
Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Response
Turning the newborn’s head to one side causes gradual extension of arm toward direction of infant’s gaze with contralateral arm flexion–like a fencer.
Stepping Response
Newborn’s legs make a stepping motion when you hold him vertically above the table and stroke the dorsum of his foot against the table edge.
absent red reflex ddx (5)
- A cataract
- An opacified cornea (such as in mucopolysaccharidosis)
- Inflammation of the anterior chamber
- Developmental anomalies of the eye
- Retinoblastoma, a potentially lethal malignancy (careful examination of the eye of an infant with retinoblastoma often identifies a white, irregular mass within the globe).
What do you give a newborn for prophylaxis?
Vit K IM shot
Hep B vaccine
Erythromycin eye ointment
define small gestational age (SGA)
Weight below the 10th percentile for gestational age
difference between symmetric and asymmetric IUGR?
Symmetric IUGR refers to a growth pattern in which head, length, and weight are decreased proportionately
Asymmetric IUGR refers to a greater decrease in the size of the length and/or weight without affecting head circumference (“head-sparing phenomenon”)
Risk factors for SGA?