Clinical Psychology: Strategic Family Therapy Flashcards
Jay __________ was influenced by the ____________ and ___________ schools of family therapy in developing Strategic Family Therapy.
- Haley
- Communication/interaction
- Structural

Psychiatrist Milton ___________ used ________ techniques to increase his ability to manipulate a client and control the course of therapy as well as __________ directives that use the client’s resistance to change his behavior.
- Erickson
- Hypnotic
- Paradoxical

Maladaptive behavior is underpinned by the use of __________ to exert _________ in a relationship.
- Communication
- Control

A symptom is a __________, adaptive to the current social situation, for controlling a relationship when other strategies have failed.

The focus in Strategic Family Therapy is on __________ current symptoms by ___________ a family’s transactions and ___________, especially its ____________ and generational boundaries.
- Alleviating
- Altering
- Organization
- Hierarchies

Strategic Family Therapy involves ________ stages.

Stage 1 is the _________ stage, during which the therapist observes the family’s interactions and encourages involvement of all family members.

Stage 2 is the __________ stage, in which the therapist gathers information about the reasons why the family came to therapy.

Stage 3 is the __________ stage, during which family members discuss the identified problems and the therapist gathers information.

The session ends at Stage 4, __________, in which the therapist and family members agree on treatment goals.

In Strategic Family therapy, the therapist is _______, takes charge, and utilizes a variety of techniques tailored to the family and its problems.

_________ are a type of paradoxical intervention used by Strategic Family therapists. They are unpleasant tasks the client must perform whenever the symptom occurs.

Paradoxical Intervention 2: __________ - encouraging the family not to change.

Paradoxical Intervention 3: __________ - exaggerating the severity of a symptom.

Paradoxical Intervention 4: __________ - relabeling a symptom to give it a more positive meaning.

Paradoxical Intervention 5: __________ instructing a family member to deliberately engage in the symptom.
Prescribing the symptom.