Clinical Psychology: Interventions for Victims of Spousal/Partner Abuse Flashcards
The National Violence Against Women Survey (Tjaden and Thoennes, 2001) found that ______% of women and ____% of men said they had been physically assaulted by a current or former intimate partner at some time during their life.
- 20.7%
- 7%

Women are more likely to be victims of spouse/partner abuse when they are: __________, heterosexual, _________/Alaska Native (followed by _________ American), and in families with a yearly income less than $___________.
- Younger
- American Indian
- African
- $10,000

The 1992 National Alcohol and Family Violence Survey found that __________ was the best single predictor of cessation of battering, with ___________ families being the most likely to report continued violence.
- Income
- Low-income

Interventions with battered women should emphasize _________, and include methods for ensuring her _________ and increasing her ____________ and sense of empowerment and ___________.
- Self-determination
- Safety
- Self-esteem
- Control

When working with battered women, assessment and treatment decisions should be based on consideration of ____________ and other _____________ factors that may be relevant to the client’s situation.
- Cultural
- Contextual

Most intervention programs for spouse/partner abuse provide _________ services for victims and perpetrators.

Mack (1989) concludes that joint (couples) therapy is likely to be appropriate when the abuse is ___________ (i.e., is primarily the expression of emotion, is mutual or reciprocal, and is followed by remorse) but is contraindicated when the abuse is ___________ (i.e., is committed without provocation and to achieve a goal, is unilateral, and is not followed by remorse).
- Expressive
- Instrumental

Factors shown to influence a woman’s willingness to stay in an abusive relationship include: __________ to the relationship, economic dependence, a belief that _____________, and fear of ____________ by the batterer against the self and/or children.
- Commitment
- The batterer will change
- Retaliation