Clinical Psychology: Object Relations Family Therapy Flashcards
For Object Relations family therapists, maladaptive behavior is the result of ____________ and ____________ factors.
- Intrapsychic
- Interpersonal

Framo (1992) traces family dysfunction to the extended family and views it as the result of unresolved __________ in the family-of-origin that are replicated in __________ relationships.
- Intrapsychic conflicts
- Current

________________ occurs when a family member projects old introjects onto another family member and then reacts to that person as though he or she actually has the projected characteristics of or provokes the person to act in ways consistent with those characteristics.
Projective identification.

The primary goal of Object Relations family therapy is to ________ each family member’s attachment to family ________.
- Resolve.
- Introjects.

Object Relations family therapy involves interpreting _________, resistances, and other factors in order to foster _________.
- Transferences
- Insight