Clinical Psychology: Freudian Psychoanalysis Flashcards
According to Freud, human beings are determined by ________ forces, __________ motivations, biological/instinctual __________ and drives, and ___________ events occurring in the first __ years of life.
- Irrational
- Unconscious
- Needs
- Psychosexual
- 5

Freud’s personality theory consists of a __________ theory and a ___________ theory.
- Structural
- Developmental.

Freud’s structural theory posits 3 personality structures. These are the:
- Id
- Ego
- Superego

The id is present __________ and consists of a person’s ____ and ____ instincts, which are the source of all ________ energy.
- Birth
- Life
- Death
- Psychic

The ego develops at about _______ of age. It develops as a response to the id’s inability to ________ all of its needs. It operates on the basis of the _______ principle, deferring gratification until an appropriate object is available in reality, and employs ______________ thinking.
- 6 months
- Gratify
- Reality
- Secondary

In psychoanalytic theory, secondary process thinking is ________, rational ________ and planning.
- Realistic
- Thinking

The primary task of the ego is to _________ the conflicting demands of the ___ and reality and (once developed) the _________.
- Mediate
- Id
- Superego

The superego emerges when a child is between ____ years of age, represents an __________ of society’s values and standards as conveyed by a child’s parents, attempts to permanently _______ the id’s socially unacceptable impulses.
- 4-5
- Internalization
- Block

Freud’s developmental theory emphasizes the _______ drives of the id and proposes that an individual’s personality is formed during childhood as the result of experiences that occur during ____ predetermined stages of psychosexual development.
- Sexual
- 5

Freud’s 5 stages of psychosexual development are (in order):
- Oral
- Anal
- Phallic
- Latent
- Genital

Oral Stage (timeframe):
0-1 year.

Anal Stage (timeframe):
1-3 years.

Phallic Stage (timeframe):
3-5/6 years.

Latent Stage (timeframe):
5/6 - puberty.

Genital Stage (timeframe):
Puberty - adulthood.

In Freud’s personality theory, the function of anxiety is to ______ the _____ to an impending internal or external _______.
- Alert
- Ego
- Threat

Defense mechanisms arise from the ego’s inability to __________ through rational, realistic means.
Ward off danger.

Defense mechanisms operate on an _________ level, and serve to deny or _______ reality.
- Unconscious
- Distort

The most basic defense mechanism is __________. It occurs when the id’s ________ and needs are excluded from conscious _____________.
- Repression
- Drives
- Awareness

Reaction formation involves avoiding an ___________-evoking impulse by expressing its _________.
- Anxiety
- Opposite

Projection occurs when a __________ impulse is attributed to another person or external source.

For Freudians, psychopathology stems from an _________, unresolved ________ that occurred during childhood.
- Unconscious
- Conflict

For Freudians, phobias are the result of ________ of ______ onto an object or event that is symbolic of the object or even involved in an unresolved conflict.
- Displacement
- Anxiety

In Freudian theory, depression is due to _______ coupled with ________ toward the object turned inward.
- Object loss
- Anger