Clinical Psychology: Complementary and Alternative Medicine Flashcards
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is a “________ domain of resources that encompasses _______ systems, modalities, and practices and their ____________ theories and beliefs other than those intrinsic to the dominant health system in a given historical period.
- Broad
- Health
- Accompanying

Included in CAM are _________, acupuncture, and _____________.
- Hypnosis
- Reflexology

_____________ has been used as an adjunct to more mainstream therapies, and has been found to be effective for treating acute stress disorder, ________ disorders, obesity, _________, and chronic __________.
- Hypnosis
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Pain

Recent research based on brain-imaging techniques suggests that hypnosis-induced paralysis may involve a ____________ in communication between brain areas that control ___________ and those that control executive functions and _______-imagery.
- Disruption
- Movement
- Self

____________ under hypnosis does not always occur.

Orne and Dinges propose that hypnosis involves experiencing alterations of ___________, perception, and mood in response to ___________, and characterize it’s essential feature as a “___________ experiential ____________.”
- Memory
- Suggestion
- Subjective
- Change

Hypnosis has been used to help people recover ____________ memories.

Hypnosis ________ enhance the accuracy of memories, and may produce more ________________ (inaccurate or confabulated memories) than accurate memories.
- Does not
- Pseudomemories

Hypnosis may ____________ a person’s confidence in the validity of uncertain memories, particularly those that are inaccurate.

Memories recovered under hypnosis (even inaccurate ones) may reflect issues and experiences that are _________ to treatment.

Acupuncture has been used in China and other Asian countries for at least __________ years.

The traditional explanation for the effects of acupuncture is that illness is due to a blockage of qi (_________) and that acupuncture _______ the flow of qi along the ____________ or pathways circulating the body.
- Vital life energy
- Unblocks
- Meridians

Research on the benefits of acupuncture suggest it may be due to the release of ____________ and other _______-suppressing substances or to an alteration of _______ flow in areas around the needle or in key regions of the __________.
- Endorphins
- Pain
- Blood
- Brain

Acupuncture has proven useful in reducing certain types of ________ (lower back, migraine, dental) and for managing chemotherapy-induced _________ and __________.
- Pain
- Nausea
- Vomiting

The use of reflexology is based on the assumptions that “there are reflex areas in the _______ and ______ that correspond to all of the glands, ________, and parts of the body,” and that applying pressure to these areas re-establishes the body’s ________ and promotes the healing process.
- Hands
- Feet
- Organs
- Balance

One explanation for the benefits of reflexology is that it restores __________ to affected areas.
Energy flow.

Other explanations for the benefits of reflexology are that it affects ______ or _______ circulation, or promotes _________.
- Blood
- Lymph
- Relaxation

The effectiveness of reflexology _______ been consistently demonstrated.
Has not.