clinical psych Flashcards
What are the 4 d’s of clinical psychology? (used to determine if someone has a psychological disorder)
Deviance, Distress, Dysfunction, Danger
What is deviance
goes against social norms
What is distress
upsetting to the individual or others
What is dysfunction
disrupts daily living
What is danger
risk for themselves or others
Specific Phobia
Anxiety disorder characterized by paralyzing fear of something that could be feared but is excessive and unreasonable
Social Phobia
Anxiety disorder characterized by a fear of PERFORMING in front others
Anxiety disorder characterized by intense fear of crowds, BEING IN PUBLIC PLACES, needs security of home
Panic Disorder
Anxiety disorder characterized by short and frequent panic attacks
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety disorder characterized by long lasting intense fear that is not attached to any particular object or circumstance
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Anxiety disorder that occurs long after the event is over or stress goes away and comes back later in life
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
An anxiety disorder in which a person feels driven to think disturbing thoughts or perform senseless rituals
Involuntary thoughts that keep occuring
ex: I am in danger
Repetitive ritualistic behaviors that a person feels a need to perform
ex: cleaning hands to not feel gross and dirty
Major Depressive or clinical depression
Intense sadness for a long period of time
Less intense sadness but persists with little relief for a period of 2 years or more
a state where a person becomes euphoric or high, extremely active, very talkative, and easily distracted
Bipolar disorder
Periods of mania and depression alternate sometimes with periods of normal moods in between
suspicious, argumentative, tendency to blame others, jealous, cold
Few friends, longer, NO INTEREST IN SOCIALIZING, unable to form close relationships
Aloof and indifferent, magical thinking, superstitious beliefs, unusual ideas
Against society, breaks rules and laws, take advantage of others, feels little guilt
Unstable relationships, erratic emotions, unpredictable aggressive and sexual behavior
Feelings of inadequacy, avoid interpersonal situations for fear of criticism
excessive need to be taken care of that leads to submissive and clinging behaviors; fear of separation
Obsessive compulsive
Perfectionist, preoccupied with details, rules, excessively dedicated to work instead of pleasure
Somatoform disorder
a mental disorder where symptoms suggest physical illness or injury but cannot explain where they got them from
(physical symptoms)
Conversion disorder
A condition where patients present with neurological symptoms like numbness, blindness but no neurological explanation is possible
(neurological symptoms)
a group of severe disorders characterized by disorganized and delusional thinking, hallucinations and inappropriate emotions or actions
False beliefs
ex: someone is gonna hurt me
False perceptions
ex: hearing or seeing things
Positive symptoms
presence of a new addition feature or symptom
Negative symptoms
Lack of typical behaviors
ex: to less voice, expressionless face
Hard to follow speech or thought process or inappropriate emotion like cry when something is funny
Repeating of another’s speech or movements like keep touching hair, no emotions, lack of normal responses
Diathesis-Stress Model
Genetic influence (certain genes that you may carry) and the emergence of an environmental stressor can cause a psychological disorder