clinical exam 2 Flashcards
need to belong
need to be yourself
attachment theory
human beings are born with a psychobiological system (attachment behavioural system) that motivates them to seek proximity to significant others (attachment figures
attachment security
a sense that hte world is interesting and safe etc
characterised by energetic, insistent attempts to induce a relationship partner, viewed as insufficiently available or responsive, to pay more attention and provide better care and supportq
suppression or inhibition of proximity seeking inclinations and actions, discounting of threats that might activate the attachment system, and determination to handle undeniable stresses alone
attachment style
chronic pattern of relational expectations, emotions, and behaviours that result from a particular history of attachment experiences
avoidant attahment
indicates the extent to which he or she distrusts others’ good will and relies on edeactvaign strategies for coping with attachment insecurities
anxiety dimension
the degree to which he or she worries that relationship partners will be unavailable or unhelpful in times of need and relies on hyper activating strategies
cognitive motivational predispoosition
interpersonal goals, beliefs about self and others, and mental scripts
declarative knowledge about self and others
beliefs about one’s worth skills and efficacy; beliefs about a partner’s likely motives and actions
procedural knowledge about interpersonal exchanges
mental scripts representing the ways in which interpersonal exchanges typically unfold
persons goal structureq
the goals he or she frequently seeks during social interaction
secure base scritp
interactions with warm loving and supportive attachment figures are embodied in a relational if-then scripts. for example : if I encounter an obstacle and become distressed, I can approach a significant other for help
sentinel script
one that includes high sensitivity to clues of impending danger and a tnecendy to warn others with the danger while staying close to those others in the dangerous situation
fight flight script
one that includes rapid self protective responses to danger without consulting other people or seeking to receive help from them.
loneliness definition
corresponds to a discrepancy between an individuals preferred and actual social relations
intimate loneliness/emotional loneliness
the perceived absence of a significant someone that is a person one can rely on for emotional support during crises
social loneliness
perceived presence/absene of quality friendships or family connections, connections from the sympathy group within one’s relational space
collective loneliness
refers to a persons valued social identities or ‘active network’ wherein an individual can connect to similar others at a distance in the collective space
sullivan interpersonal theory
considered interpersonal relations and self-concept to be core emphases on understanding normal and abnormal personality// begins with the assumption that the most important expressions of persoanality occur in phenomena involving more than one person// indidivuals express integrated tendencies which bring them together in the mutual pursuits of satisfactions (generally a large class of biologically grounded needs), security (anxiety free functioning) and self-esteem // interpersonal situations occur between proximal interactants and within the minds of those interactants via the capacity for mental representation of self and others
over time the interpersonal situation underlies genesis, development, maintenance and mutability of personality and this gives rise to lasting conceptions of self and others
individual variation in learnning occurs due to
the interaction between the developing person’s level of cognitive maturation and the characteristics of the interpersonal situations encountered
interpersonal situation (summarised by pincus from Sullivan’s concept)
the experience of a pattern of relating self with other associated with varying levels of anxiety (or security) in which learning takes place that influences the development of self-concept and social behaviour
behavioural intensity
the metric increasing from the center of the circle
behavioural rigidity
The interpersonal mechanisms displayed by an individual in a social situation may be considered the outcome of an interplay between environmental forces impinging upon him and those enduring tendencies to action which he brings to the situation”/// the circumflex of interpersonal traits allows the model to describe enduring patterns of interpersonal behaviour and the metric increasing from this level of analysis represents a second perspective on abnornmal personality
modern trait theory
conceives of traits as descirptions of how a person behaves in certain situations, and of equal importance traits describe something about the intrapsychic functioning of the individual’s mind
refers to the condition of being differentiated individual, and is manifested in strikings for power and mastery which can enhance and protect ones’ differentiation
refers to the condition of being part of a larger social or spiritual entity
personality trait
an enduring dispositional attribute of the individual expressed in distinctive patterns of thought, behaviour and feeling