Clinical Associations Flashcards
Nasal Polyps
Adults: Aspirin Intolerant Asthma (caused by decreased ratio of Prostaglandins (dilatory) to Leukotrienes (constrictor)) : 1) Asthma 2) Aspirin induced bronchospasms, 3) Nasal Polyps Kids: Test for cystic fibrosis
Young woman presenting with exertional dypsnea
Pulmonary Hypertension with potential RV hypertrophy which could then lead to Cor Pulmonale Potentially from inactivating mutations of BMPR2, where you will see plexiform lesions on biopsy
Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
Inadequate surfactant levels; will see decreased granularity on chest xray premature babies, C-section babies (steroids aren’t there which drives release of surfactant), maternal diabetes (insulin)—from high blood sugar going into baby where extra insulin will be released Lecithin (phosphatidlycholine) :Sphyngomyelin ratio needs to be > 2:1 for healthy lungs hypoxemia=increases risk of PDA and necrotizing entercolitis (too little O2 to gut)
Patient presents with non specific symptoms (cough weight loss hemoptysis and post obstructive pneumonia), chest x-ray comes back with coin lesion. What do you do?
First thing is compare with old x-ray to see if coin-lesion is stable. Next biopsy, looking for benign lesion (young ptns): 1) Granuloma (tb/fungus–especially Histoplasmosis in the midwest) 2) Bronchial Hamartoma—disorganized benign mass containing regional appropriate tissue–containing lung cancer and cartilage Carcinoma: 1) Small cell—“too small for surgical resection”: treated with chemo 2) Non-small cell carcinoma: surgically removed, doesn’t respond well to chemo
Pneumonia, Dyspnea (SOB), and no organisms on a gram stain
Legionella Pneumophila
Person on Warfarin comes in sick. What are you concerned with.
Treating with antibiotics kills gut microbiota. The gut microbiota are most responsible for making Vit K. Therefore with antibiotics and warfarin you can cause someone to bleed out.
Pregnancy and Clotting
Can induce an Antithrombin III deficiency. Antithrombin is a non vitamin K dependent protease used to cleave Factors 10a and 2a. Deficiency causes increased coagulability (this will show up as heparin resistance in that her aPTT will not change with a heparin dose (should increase))
Childpresents with harsh high pitched musical sounds noted on insipiration. Barking cough is confirmed. What do they have and whats it caused by?
Croup cough—Laryngotracehobronchtiits caused by PARAINFLUENZA VIRUS
Pnt comes into ER with severe headache. Whats the process…
CT scan w/o contrast (to rule out intracranial hemorrhage, tumors, abscesses (encephalitis)). This is done before CSF to prevent risk of herniation which could result from intracranial pressure being relieved when you tap the SC.
Older aged male comes in with rapid onset 10/10 chest pain, in which the pain radiates to his back within 10-15 minutes. Described as a ripping pain. What do you do? What are you suspecting?
Listen to his chest for signs of an aortic regurgitation which will confirm you suspicion of an Aortic dissection. Patient may display signs of Hypotension/Shock. Spiral CT of chest, TEE, MRI, Aortography. Aortic Dissection can cause Pericardial tamponade (tearing thru adventitia) and MI (blocking coronary sinus/ostia, stopping blood flow in the coronary arteries). So with MI dx don’t instantly rule out Aortic dissection, especially with rapid onset of sxs Pnts can have low back, falnk, abdominal or groin pain. Syncope or shock. Tall thin older males most common. Risk factors include Marfan’s syndrome, family h/o of aortic dissection, aortic valve disease, recent aortic manipulation, know throraic aortic aneurysm. 3 P’s of MI type chest pain (negative predicitve value) -Pleuritic -Positional Change (associated with pericarditis) -Palpation (hurts more when you press on it)
Unexplained rise in diabetic patient (aka not diet related, like from having a big meal)
Think Illness—particularly systemic in nature from impaired glucose utilization at the cellular level that occurs with things like systemic shock possibly from increasing cortisol levels
New Regurgitant Murmur AND Recurrent/unremitting fever….
ENDOCARDITIS until proven otherwise Infection of valves, mural endocardium, or septum (septal defect)
Hypertensive Crisis (drug and diet combo)
MAO Is and Tyramine (meat and cheese) Tx is to use phentolamine–nonspecific alpha blocker
Young person (child) with ischemic heart disease/coronary artery aneurysm
Kawasaki’s Disease, look for mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome Disese of medium sized vessels, histology will be similar to polyarteritis nodosa
Person who is sick with splinter hemorrhages under nail bed
IV drug user
Right sided heart disease by staph aureus Test for HIV
Down’s Syndrome Associations:
Ostium Primum Defect: Atrial septal defect common in Down’s Syndrome (Ostium secondum is more common defect overall) Fixed Splitting of P2 (why?—–from pressure equalization in the Atria keeps fixed interval) Pardoxical emoblism—embolism that goes thru atrial septum and into systemic circulation Chromo 21: encodes APP: therefore they have a higher/earlier incidence of Alzhiemer’s Increased risk of Acute Leukemia: -Likely to get Acute Megakaryoblastic leukemia (form of AML; BEFORE 5yo) -Likely to get Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (usually AFTER 5yo).
Down’s Syndrome Associations:
Ostium Primum Defect: Atrial septal defect common in Down’s Syndrome (Ostium secondum is more common defect overall) Fixed Splitting of P2 (why?—–from pressure equalization in the Atria keeps fixed interval) Pardoxical emoblism—embolism that goes thru atrial septum and into systemic circulation Chromo 21: encodes APP: therefore they have a higher/earlier incidence of Alzhiemer’s Likely to get Acute Megakaryoblastic leukemia (form of AML; BEFORE 5yo) Likely to get Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (usually AFTER 5yo).
Maternal Diabetes?
Transposition of the Great arteries. Treatment? Prostaglandin E which kEEps open the PDA
Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome: high blood sugar causes increased insulin and insulin inhibits surfactant production. (hypoxemia increases risk for PDA remaining and necrotizing enterocolitis)
Poorly controlled Diabetes: Caudal Regression syndrome (severe spina bifida with sirenomelia (“mermaid”)
Boot shaped heart on xray
Tetralogy of Fallot Associated with Chromosome 22 abnormalities (including DiGeorge Syndrome: “CATCH 22”)
Coarctation of the aorta? Two Types and syndrome associated with it
Infantile: Before PDA; associated with Turners syndrome Adult: after PDA—asscoiated with HTN from decreased Renal perfusion–>RAAS=HTN; also associated with Bicupsid aorta (aortic stenosis)–even more LVH; HTN upper extremities, HOTN in lower extremities; engorged intercostal arteries=notching of ribs (under each rib Horshoe kidney, hashimotos thyroiditis, webbed neck
Coarctation of the aorta? Two Types and syndrome associated with it
Infantile: Before PDA; associated with Turners syndrome Adult: after PDA—asscoiated with HTN from decreased Renal perfusion–>RAAS=HTN; also associated with Bicupsid aorta (aortic stenosis)–even more LVH; HTN upper extremities, HOTN in lower extremities; engorged intercostal arteries=notching of ribs (under each rib Horshoe kidney, hashimotos thyroiditis. Widley spaced nipples