Associations Flashcards
Most common cause of pneumonia in kids 1 yo or younger
Most common cause of pneumonia in neonates
E coli/GBStrep
Pneumonia in patients with other health problems (eg COPD exacerbation)
Most common cause of viral pneumonia
Rust Colored Sputum
Strep Pneumo
Blood in urine with renal stones, organism?
CSF in: 1) Bacteria 2) Tb/Fungi, 3) Viruses
1) Dec Gluc, Inc Protein, Inc opening pressure, Neutrophils
2) Dec Gluc, Inc Protein, Inc opening pressure, Lymphocytes
3) Norm Glu, protein, opening pressure with Lymphocytes
Steeple Sign on X Ray?
Thumb sign on X Ray?
Epiglottis from H Flu type B
Antidote for Salicylates
Sodium Bicard (alkalinize urine)
Antidote for Amphetamines
Ammonium Chloride (alkalinize urine)
Antidote for Cholinesterase Inhibitors/Organophophatase
Pralidoximine (anticholesterase inhibitor), Atropine
Antidote for Antimuscurinic/anticholinergic agents
Physostigmine (not neostigine cuz doesn’t cross BBB)
Antidote for Beta Blockers
Ca2+, Glucagon, Atropine
Arsenic Mercury gold
Dimercaprol (Dime=currency=gold; MER=mercury)
Antidote for Cyanide
Antidote for Methemoglobin
Vit C, Methylene Blue