Clinical Flashcards
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ studies are based on clinical trials while \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ studies are correlational or quasi-experimental in nature.
This is the theory that the "whole" can be understood only in terms of the organization and interactions of its components; it is the theoretical framework underlying family therapy.
In general systems theory, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ interact with the environment by receiving input and discharging output, whereas \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ have no exchange with the environment and can lead a family to disorder and disorganization. Families in therapy are usually the former.
Open systems;
closed systems
In general systems theory, this refers to the concept that every part of a system is interrelated, thus all parts are affected by a change in the system.
This property of a family system, according to general systems theory, suggests the whole is greater than the sum of its parts; hence, therapists view the family as a single unit rather than a collection of individuals.
In general systems theory, this refers to the idea that the same end-result occurs for the whole family, regardless of where one enters the system.
A young girl who is molested by her father ends up becoming very sexually inhibited later in life. This is an example of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ according to general systems theory
From a general systems theory perspective, this refers to the tendency for a system to revert back to old ways amidst a change or disruption in the system. The system's management of negative and positive feedback determines the degree to which it exists
In general systems theory, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ refers to the maintenance of a family's homeostasis by attempting to correct deviations in the status quo (e.g., dad yells at loud son and son quiets down), while \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ refers to the disruption of a family's homeostasis by encouraging or creating deviations to the status quo (e.g., wife gets job and roles change for husband/children).
Interpersonal Therapy was initially developed as a treatment for depression, though it has since been applied to other conditions. While it acknowledges early experience, biology, and personality, it focuses on 1 of what 4 areas of interpersonal functioning?
Grief, interpersonal role disputes, role transitions, and interpersonal deficits
This phenomenon occurs in clinical supervision when the therapist (supervisee) behaves toward the supervisor in ways similar to how the client is behaving toward the therapist.
What approach to family therapy focuses on the role of communication and distinguishes between symmetrical and complimentary communication?
Family Therapy
From the perspective of Communication/Interaction Family Therapy, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ involves conflicting negative injunctions, with one injunction often being expressed verbally and the other non-verbally (e.g., father says "I love you" while spanking child). This usually results in a frustrating conflict in the person receiving the message
According to Communication/Interaction Family Therapy, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ communication occurs between equals but may escalate into a competition for control, whereas \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ communication occurs between participants who are unequal and emphasizes their differences (e.g., parent-child or employee-boss)
What concept of Communication/Interaction Therapy suggests information is communication implicitly via nonverbal messages, which is also referred to as command-level communication?
Metacommunication (report-level communication refers to the intended verbal message)
Who is the British psychologist known for research suggesting that any apparent benefit of therapy is actually due to spontaneous recovery?
Eysenck performed outcome studies showing that 72% of untreated neurotics improved without therapy, while 66% of clients in eclectic therapy and 44% in psychoanalysis showed a substantial decrease in symptoms
Eysenck concluded, based on his research, that what single form of therapy is superior to placebo or no treatment at all?
While the impact of duration of therapy (number of sessions) on client outcome is positive at first, it typically lessens over time, though never becomes negative. Thus, it can be said that the relationship between duration of therapy and treatment outcome is what?
An approach to the alleviation of mental disorders that is associated with both community mental health and public health is referred to as what?
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ preventions make an intervention available to all members of a target group or population in order to keep them from developing a disorder.
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ preventions identify at-risk individuals and offer them appropriate treatment.
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ preventions are designed to reduce the duration and consequences of an illness that has already occurred.
Based on the research, who are the most frequent callers and, consequently, receive the most benefit from suicide hotlines?
Freudian psychoanalysis involves analyzing \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, and \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and consists of a combination of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, and \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.
Free associations; dreams; resistances; transferences; confrontation; clarification; interpretation; working through
Freud posited that when the ego is unable to ward off danger (anxiety) through rational, realistic means, it resorts to one of its \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.
What 2 characteristics do all defense mechanisms share, according to Freud?
They (1) operate
on an unconscious
level and (2) serve
to distort reality
Name the following defense mechanisms: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ involves refusing to accept external reality because it's too threatening; the gross reshaping of external reality to meet internal needs is called \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_; \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ occurs when one attributes to others one's own unacceptable thoughts/emotions.
Name the following defense mechanisms: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ refers to indirectly expressing aggression toward others; \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is the direct expression of an unconscious impulse without conscious awareness; \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is subconsciously viewing another person as more positive than they are.
acting out;
Name the following defense mechanisms: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ involves shifting sexual or aggressive impulses to a more acceptable target; \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is an extreme separation of emotion from ideas in order to distance oneself from anxiety; and \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ refers to converting unconscious inappropriate impulses into their opposites
Name the following defense mechanisms: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is the overt expression of ideas or feelings in such a way to give others pleasure; \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ occurs when one identifies so deeply with some idea that it becomes a part of that person's character; \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ refers to transferring/expressing negative emotions or instincts in positive, more acceptable ways.
Name the following defense mechanisms:
________ is the rejection of painful or shameful
experiences from consciousness and prevents
unacceptable impulses/desires from reaching
consciousness; ________ is the process of
giving a socially acceptable reason to explain
unacceptable thoughts or actions; ________
occurs when a person becomes stuck in a
successfully completed developmental stage and
returns to this stage in response to difficult life
The id, a completely unorganized reservoir of energy that includes all instincts and reflexes that are inherited at birth, operates according to what?
The \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is that part of the id that has been modified by its interaction with the external world, functions to suspend the pleasure principle, and represents the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.
Ego; reality
What part of the ego acts as the conscience and is constructed largely from internalization of parental restrictions, prohibitions, and customs?
What unconscious mental process is characterized by limited logic, substitution of one idea with another, and by immediate discharge of energy?
What conscious mental process, per psychoanalysis, is more logical and sequential in nature?
This is the term a psychoanalytic psychologist might use to describe a weakening of one's defenses and the consequent breaking through of an impulse.
During \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, a client is asked to attend to all thoughts and report them without suppressing or censuring them. Freud described \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ as a reluctance or inability to recall the traumatic memories that caused one's symptoms.
What is the term used to describe a client's projection of his own feelings, thoughts, wishes and attitudes about others in his past onto the therapist?
Freud used the term \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to describe a transference reaction that became very intense during analysis.
Of the 2 transference reactions, a client's feelings of love that are displaced from original objects (parents) onto the therapist are considered \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ transference and facilitates treatment; \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ transference involves displacement of aggressive drives from the original objects onto the therapist.
What term is used to describe a relationship that allows the client to identify with the therapist as a person, one who can eventually help replace id with ego?
This occurs when the therapist projects their emotions, thoughts, and wishes from the past onto the client's personality, or some other material the client is presenting, thus expressing unresolved conflicts and/or gratifying their own personal needs.
In psychoanalytic terms, a client experiences \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ when the recall of unconscious material leads to emotional release, while \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ occurs when connections are made between current behaviors and unconscious material.
What psychoanalytic technique serves the purpose of gradually increasing a client's insight into the reasons underlying current feelings and behavior?
From a psychoanalytic perspective, a client who reports they have been thinking about problems outside of therapy indicates what?
A good working
alliance has
This personality theory and approach to therapy stresses the unity of the individual and the belief that behavior is purposeful and goal-directed. Therapy focuses on exploring lifestyle determinants, including family atmosphere, distorted beliefs and attitudes, and birth order
Adler posited that what types of childhood feelings motivated growth, domination, and striving for superiority?
Feelings of
inferiority (also
called “inferiority
What is another term Adler used instead of inferiority complex?
According to Adler, if an inferiority complex develops a connection with a specific part of the body, it is called what?
Adler believed children developed "compensatory behavior patterns" to defend against their feelings of inferiority. What did he refer to this to as?
Style of
What is the most significant difference between Freudian and neo-Freudian therapists?
Neo-Freudians more heavily emphasize socio-cultural determinants of personality
Horney defined \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ as feelings of helplessness and isolation in a hostile world, and believed it was caused by certain parental behaviors (e.g., indifference, overprotection, rejection).
According to Horney, what are the 3 modes of relating to others that children use to defend against basic anxiety?
Movement toward others, movement against others, and movement away from others
Sullivan posited 3 modes of cognitive experience
he believed played a role in personality
development. The ________ mode involves
discreet, unconnected momentary states and
refers to experiences before language symbols
are used; in the ________ mode, people see
causal connections between events that are not
actually related using private (autistic) symbols;
and the ________ mode involves logical,
sequential, and consistent thinking, and
underlies language acquisition
According to Sullivan, neurotic behavior is caused by \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, which is characterized by a person dealing with others as if they were significant people from their past (similar to transference)
Fromm, who was interested in the role society plays in preventing people from realizing their true nature, identified what 5 character styles adopted by a person in response to societal demands?
The receptive, the exploitative, the hoarding, the marketing, and the productive (the only one that permits a person to realize their true nature)
What is the main difference between Freudian psychoanalysis and Ego-Analysis?
Ego-analysis places greater emphasis on the role of the ego, as opposed to the id, in personality development
From the perspective of the ego-analysts, pathology occurs when the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ loses its autonomy from the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.
Ego; id
Psychologists who primarily emphasize the impact of early relationships on personality development and view maladaptive behavior as the result of abnormalities in early relationships use what approach to psychotherapy?
Margaret Mahler, an Object-Relations theorist and therapist, is most noted for her study of what process?
Separation-individuation, which is the process by which internal representations of the self and others are formed
In Object Relations Theory, this is the mental representation of a person that, when inappropriately developed, leads to pathology
What is the Object-Relations term used to describe a person's tendency to separate object-representations into good and bad, usually leading to aggressive feelings, irrational thinking, and poorly regulated behaviors?
What therapeutic approach refers to normal narcissism as a child's natural self-love and views pathology as stemming from consistent un-empathic parental responses during childhood?
According to Self-Psychology, a child develops a protective \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ when their narcissism is inevitably undermined by parental failure to satisfy all needs.
This therapeutic approach believes the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, adopts a here-and-now approach, views awareness as the primary goal of treatment, and defines neurosis as a "growth disorder" reflecting certain boundary disturbances and involving an abandonment of the self for the self-image.
Identify the following boundary disturbances as defined by
Gestalt Therapy: ________ refers to “swallowing”
information without ever understanding or assimilating it;
________ involves displacing one’s own wishes onto
another; in ________, a person does to herself what she
wants to do to others (e.g., isolation, masturbation);
________ refers to avoidance of contact by being vague,
indirect, or overly polite; ________ occurs when the
self-environment boundary is too thin and self is not
experienced as distinct, but merged into attitudes, beliefs,
and feelings of others; and ________ is when the
self-environment boundary becomes nonexistent.
Introjection; projection, retroflection, deflection, confluence; isolation
How does a Gestalt therapist view transference in the client-therapist relationship?
As a fantasy
that hinders
What form of therapy views behavior as being determined by both conscious and unconscious factors, including collective unconscious, and is based on the theory that personality continues to develop throughout the lifespan?
Jung contended that the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ unconscious arises from repression, whereas \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ unconscious comes from universally inherited neural patterns and is described as the "reservoir of the experiences of our species."
From Jung's Analytic perspective, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ are innate, universal prototypes for ideas that may be used to interpret observations. A group of memories and interpretations associated with one is termed a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is the disposition to find pleasure in external things; \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ reflects a turning inward of the libido.
Jung believed that at approximately 40 years-old, people shift from the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ of their youth to the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ of adulthood, a time period referred to as \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.
mid-life crisis
Practitioners of what form of therapy hold the belief that people possess an inherent ability for growth and self-actualization and that maladaptive behavior occurs when incongruence between self and experience disrupts this natural tendency?
In Person-Centered Therapy, what are the 3 facilitative conditions the therapist applies to enable clients to return to their natural tendency for self-actualization?
Empathic understanding (empathy), congruence (genuineness/authenticity), and unconditional positive regard
Therapists from this modality view the client as expert while the therapist acts as a consultant/collaborator who poses questions designed to assist clients in recognizing and using their strengths and resources to achieve goals.
TRUE or FALSE: Solution-Focused therapists believe that understanding the etiology or attribute of a maladaptive behavior is irrelevant?
TRUE: They prefer
rather to focus on
solutions to
What form of therapy that is focused on empowerment and social change, based on the premise that "the personal is political," and attempts to demystify the client-therapist relationship?
In Feminist Object Relations Therapy, what are the 2 contributors to gendered behaviors?
1. Sexual division of labor and 2. Mother-child relationship (positing that many gender differences can be traced to differences in mother-daughter and mother-son relationships)
In contrast to Feminist Therapy, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ therapy focuses more on personal causes of behavior and personal change.
According to this theory, one's sense of self is largely dependent on how they connect with others, thus psychopathology is viewed as resulting from disconnection with others.
What is a good technique to use with clients who are ambivalent about changing their behaviors and combines the transtheoretical model with client-centered therapy and self-efficacy?
The goals of increasing a couple's recognition and initiation of pleasurable interactions, decreasing a couple's aversive interactions (negative exchanges), teaching a couple effective problem-solving and communication skills, and teaching a couple to use a contingency contract to resolve persisting problems characterize what therapeutic approach?
This school of family therapy extends General Systems Theory beyond the nuclear family and views dysfunction as part of an intergenerational process. Thus, therapy often starts with the construction of a genogram
Extended Family
Systems Therapy
The primary goal of Extended Family Systems Therapy is to encourage \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, which is one's ability to separate their intellectual and emotional functioning.
of self
According to Extended Family Systems Therapy, this occurs when two family members in conflict involve a third person, which usually immobilizes the third person.
A practitioner of Extended Family Systems Therapy often joins a dyad, creating a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, in an attempt to reduce the original level of fusion and achieve higher self-differentiation.
What are the 3 formative stages therapy groups usually pass through, as proposed by Yalom?
(1) Hesitancy, search for meaning, and dependency; (2) conflict, dominance, and rebellion; and (3) cohesiveness
What characteristic of a therapy group does Yalom believe is most important and is most similar to the therapist-client relationship in individual therapy?
Yalom believes that \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is inevitable in a group and must be resolved in a way that benefits the group.
Is it ever appropriate for co-therapists to openly disagree during a group session?
Yes, but not until the group has developed some cohesiveness (6+ sessions)
Yalom ranks \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, and \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ the most important factors of group therapy. However, higher-functioning group members rate \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, while lower-functioning members believe \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is most important.
Interpersonal learning, catharsis, cohesiveness; universality, interpersonal learning; instillation of hope
Since concurrent individual and group therapy allows for both extensive intrapersonal exploration and external support, it can be helpful for people presenting with what disorders?
Borderline and
One problem with concurrent group and individual therapy is that a client may be more expressive and inclined to self-disclose in \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ therapy, thus limiting material that could be used for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ therapy
TRUE or FALSE: Regarding group therapy, Yalom contends that prescreening of potential group members and post-selection preparation is unnecessary.
FALSE: Yalom states that prescreening and post-selection preparation can reduce premature termination from group therapy and enhance therapy outcomes
Of the many factors found to influence the behavior of a therapeutic group, which one do most experts believe is the most important for the therapist to consider?
Intelligence, arguing that clients should have similar intelligence levels to encourage greater group interaction
What is the
ideal size of a
therapy group?
7 to 10 members. 5 or less limits learning and creates too much client-therapist interaction, while more than 10 leads to alienation and lack of cohesiveness
Research by Guy, Poelstra, and Stark (1989) found that (1) therapists find \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to be the most stressful client behavior; (2) therapists consider \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to be the single most stressful aspect of their work; and (3) issues relating to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ constitute the most frequently encountered ethical/legal dilemma
Suicidal statements; a lack of therapeutic success; confidentiality
What approach to family therapy focuses on transactional patterns and views symptoms as interpersonal events that serve to control relationships, views therapy as a power struggle between the client/family and the therapist, and was influenced by structural family therapy, communication/interaction therapy, and Milton Erickson?
Family Therapy
A strategic family therapist might instruct a client to engage in the symptomatic behavior in an attempt to harness the energy of resistance in the service of change, which is called what?
According to Strategic Family Therapy, this involves relabeling a behavior to make it more amenable to change and giving a new or altered meaning to a situation.
What Strategic Family Therapy "strategy" involves asking each family member to describe relationships within the family system and note the differences, the goal being to help family members view problems in a new light and make them more amenable to change?
What approach to family therapy encourages couples to focus more on positive aspects of each other and use reciprocal reinforcement (quid pro quo)?
In a consultative relationship, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ evaluations are periodically conducted to assess the consultation process, while \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ evaluations are conducted to assess the consultation product.
It is the primary goal of what model of therapy to help clients identify responsible and effective ways of satisfying their needs and thereby develop a "success identity?"
Reality therapy (1) rejects the ________
and the concept of _______; (2) focuses
on ________ behaviors and beliefs; (3)
views transference as ________ to the
therapy process; (4) stresses ________
processes; (5) emphasizes ________,
especially the client’s ability to judge what
is right/wrong in daily life; and (6) teaches
specific behaviors that will enable clients
to ________.
Medical model; mental illness; current; detrimental; conscious; value judgments; fulfill their needs