Climate Change Flashcards
What you expect, average of weather over long periods (average) (sum of all changes in temp and precipitation patterns resulting from global warming)
What you get, atmosphere over short periods (current)
Orbital forcing
Milankovitch cycling
Natural climate (forcing) physical processes influencing temperature
- eccentricity of earths orbit varies over long time from .005-.058
- Earths axial tilt (obliquity) varies from 22.1-24.5 degrees
- Precession (earths wobbling)
These together contribute to Milankovitch cycles: influences temperature every 100000 yrs, correlates with glacial and inter glacial periods
Suns output
Natural climate (forcing) physical processes influencing temperature
Radiation earth outputs varies
Causes Climate change
Natural forces
- earths orbit
- suns output
- Volcanic eruptions
- Plate tetonic
Causes climate change anthropogenic forces
(burning fossil fuels, deforestation)
5. Greenhouse gasses
Greenhouse gasses
Correlation between rise of CO2 at atmosphere and rise of temp after post Industrial Age
Incoming solar light is absorbed by earth while some is reflected as infra-red(heat). Green gases trap infrared, so less heat is radiated from atmosphere to space, warming earth.
Effects of climate change
More carbon dioxide causes acidic oceans:
- slow skeletal growth in coral and coral bleaching
- mass death of shell-critters
Sea level rise:
- temperature increase causes ice sheet melting leading to rise in sea level
- ex:glacial retreats on mt. Killimanjaro
Effect on animals and plants:
- disrupt migration,hibernation, and reproductive cycles
- birds, insects moving north (higher altitudes)
- higher latitude+mountain tops running out of habitat
- permafrost thaws microbes and decomposes organic material and convert to methane (greenhouse gas)