Climate Change Flashcards
What are warm and cold periods over long timeframes called ?
Glacial and interglacial
What is the difference between weather + climate ?
Climate is what you expect, weather’s what you get.
Weather is short term day to day changes in temperature, wind,cloud cover and rainfall.
What is a weather scientist called ?
Climatologist :)
Name an interglacial period.
2000 years ago rhinos and elephants roamed London, the Romans grew grape vines in Britain.
What evidence did climatologists use to know the climate was different in the past.
They take ice cores from gee bland and Antarctica. Trapped in ice layers there are air bubbles which preserve air from the snowfall, the scientist measure the amount of carbon dioxide locked up in a sample of air.
Landforms like u-shaped valleys left by retreating glaciers.
Fossilised animals which are acclimatised to different climates.
What is a quaternary?
The last 2.6 million years.
Over the last quaternary how long have glacials and interglacials lasted?
Interglacials last for between10,000 to 15,000 years.
Glacials have lasted for between 80,000 and 100,000 years.
When have the last ice ages happened?
Between 30,000 and 10,000 years ago, in the last ice age the ice sheets were 400-3000 m thick making the crust sag.
Sea levels fell by over 100 m.
Ice sheets extended over continents in the northen hemisphere.
What recent evidence helps determine the past climate?
Old photos, drawings and paintings of the landscape.
These sources are not entirely accurate as they were not created to record climate.
How has the climate varied over the last 2000 years?
The climate has varied by between 1 and 1.5 degrees over the last 2000 years. Examples being warm Roman time’s with grape vines, cold wet dark ages, warm medieval period, the little ice age around 1700 and the warmer era of modern climate.
Describe a recent past cold climate?
The little ice age 1400 till 1800 was a dip by up to around 1.5 degrees below average temperature. This cause periodic plagues and famines and caused the Alps to engulf villages. Frost fairs took place on the river Thames on the winter of 1683.
What are causes of climate change in the past such as the little ice age ?
The sunspot theory, the orbital theory and volcanoes.
What is the sunspot theory ?
A sunspot is a black area on the surface of the sun.
Sometimes the sun has a lot of these spots.
Lots of spots means more solar energy is being fired out from the sun.
Cooler periods, such as the little ice age may have been caused by changes in the sunspot activity.
What is the orbital theory?
The earths orbit is sometimes circular, sometimes oval.
The earth tilts on it’s axis, sometimes it is more upright, sometimes on its side.
The earths axis wobbles, like a spinning top.
The changes are called Milankovitch cycles.
How did Eric the red increase the problems caused by climate change?
When the Vikings arrived they cut down trees and their cattle and sheep over-grazed the land causing soil erosion.
When did the climate change affect Eric the red?
By AD 1350, the little ice age had begun. Climate became colder and winters longer.
How did the climate change affect Eric the red?
More sea ice stopped trade with Iceland and Norway.
Less food was caught in the shorter summer.
Cattle and sheep had less hay to eat in the winter.
How did climate change affect Eric the red?
People ran short of food and animal did not survive the winter.
There may have been fighting the local Inuit as recourses ran short.
How long does it take for the earths orbit to change from circular to oval in milankovitch cycles?
100,000 years
Why was Eric the red in Greenlamd?
Eric the red was banished to Greenland after commuting murder.
When Eric the red arrived in Greenland what was the climate like?
The climate there, at first was warmer and therefore there were ice free areas where there were grass and trees and enabled them to build a community.
What was a reason for the Vikings not adapting to the new climate?
The local Inuit were far more adapted to life in the arctic, they knew how to get food and keep warm, if the vikings had got on with them they could have learnt their skills.
What is the layer of air 10-50 km above the earths surface. It is above the layer we live in.
The stratosphere
What is the name for ‘ big animals’ , most weighed over 40kg for example ground sloth and wooly mamouth.
Mega fauna
What is an ecosystem?
Plants and animals both live together in ecosystems and are linked together in food chains.
Animals also depend on the environment.
Ecosystems can be big or small.
If ecosystems change it can have a big affect.
How did the dinosaurs die?
65 million years ago either a strike by a large meteorite or a million year volcanic eruption took place.
These events would have thrown a huge amount of dust, ash and gas into the air, blocking the sun.
Plants could not f
Grow and therefore ecosystems failed.
When was there a mass extinction of magafauna?
10-15 thousand years ago there was another mass extinction, where mainly big animals died.
How much did the climate raise in the megafauna?
The climate rise by 6° in 1000 years.
How did the climate change cause a mass extinction of magafauna?
Animals migrated breaking food chains, humans too feeding on megafauna.
Give an example of a food chain from sun to wolf.
Sun -> bacteria -> grass -> rabbit -> wolf
Which region lost the mist and least least megafauna in the mass extinction?
The region that lost the most was South America, and the least was Australia.
(I think)
Give some examples of the anoint of megafauna that SURVIVED? In different countries.
North America - 71% South America - 79% Australia -94% Europe - 26% Africa - 9%
How does global warming occur?
Carbon dioxide is important to regulate temperature of the earth. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses reflect some radiation from the earth back towards the earth, this increases the earths temperature by 16°c which stops the earth becoming a frozen wasteland regulates temperature
What are the main greenhouse gasses.
Carbon dioxide (89%)
Nitrous oxide (3%)
Methane (7%)
Halocarbons (1%£
Which human activities produce large amounts of greenhouse gasses.
Transport (21%)
Industry ( 17%)
Energy supply (39%)
Homes (15%)
Why do developing countries produce less CO2 than developed countries?
It is because the average person has a different lifestyle, for example the average person in a developing country would use less if any energy in transport or home.
Industry’s are more manual in developing countries as factories are less developed.
How is global warming caused?
Global warming is caused by the enhanced greenhouse effect.
How much did global temperature between 1905 and 2005?
How much have sea levels rise between 1870 to 2005?
195mm partially because of thermal expansion.
19 out of 20 warmest years have been recorded since when?
Floating sea ice went from 7.6 million m2 to 4.4m2 from when to when?
1989 to 2007
What is the report that scientists and climatologists wrote write and what was their conclusion?
Climate change 2007
In this report they blames humans for global warming.
How much do scientists predict temperature and sea levels will rise by 2100?
Scientists predict that temperatures will rise between 1.1° and 6.4° by 2100 and sea levels will rise between 30cm and a metre.
What basic changes will happen due to climate change?
Floods, droughts, heat waves, storms and hurricanes.
What is humans adding to the natural content of greenhouse gasses called?
Enhanced greenhouse effect, this leads to global warming.
How much have CO2 levels rose between 1950 and 2004?
62ppm, riding from 318ppm to 380ppm.
What is global warming?
The rise in greenhouse gasses reflecting heat back towards the earth, heating it up.
Why is it difficult to predict how temperatures of the earth in the future?
We don’t know the population size or what people will do.
How will global warming affect the UK?
The precipitation will change, the temperature will increase.
Weather will be less predictable and more extreme.
What are three costs of a warmer UK?
Farmers might have to change crops to those that need less water and more sunshine.
Hot temperatures can melt road surfaces and buckle railway lines.
Some plants and animals might die out if the UK become too hot.
What are 4 being its of a warmer UK.
In winter, heating costs and road gritting costs could fall.
There could be fever deaths to old people in the winter.
New crops would be available such a grapes.
Tourism could increase especially people who live in the UK bit going abroad.
What is the stern report?
A stern report was issued a while ago, it was written by sit Nicholas stern.
He said we should use 2% of our GDP on reducing greenhouse gas pollution, he said spend now or pay later.
Give an example of a countries which produces less emissions than other counties but will take a bigger consequence.
Give three changes that Egypt will face.
1/3 of Alexandria will flood where 99% of people live due to rising sea levels.
Land will be list due to desertification which will hit farming causing possible famine.
The same flood will cause the Nile Delta to flood causing 7 million to move home.
Why does Egypt depend on the Nile?
Egypt grows. Large amounts of maize, wheat, cotton in the fertile Nile delta.
Egypt has 6 million acres of farmland, almost all of it is irrigated using water from the Nile.
Rainfall in Egypt averages under 10 mm per year.
Why might water traveling down the Nile cause conflict?
Several countries such as Uganda, Sudan and Ethiopia are building HEP dams.
The water that is going down the Nile is reduced, of too many dams are build Egypt will not have enough water for irrigation. And conflict will be caused.
Why would other countries want to build dams on the Nile? Give an example.
These dams for the example the Merowe dam in Sudan, give water for irrigation.
If filtered drinking water can be produced.
Dams provide HEP.
Why may Egyptians become environmental refugees?
Due to global warming…
Flooding from rising sea levels will cause 7 million to move home.
Average person describes $2 a day, and the country is in debt, they may not have money for a new home.
What is the definition of desertification?
The gradual change of land into desert.
What is sustainable development?
Meeting the needs of today without compromising the needs of tomorrow.