Climate and Life on Earth: Marine ecology 2 Flashcards
List the three major types of coastal tropical ecosystems
- mangroves
- seagrass meadows
- coral reefs
Describe mangroves and seagrass beds
- high biomass of primary producers
- actively sequester huge amounts of carbon
Describe seagrass meadows - the basics
- support high biodiversity
- bottom-up and top-down controls in their productivity
Describe coral reefs - the basics
- extraordinary biodiversity
- threatened by overfishing, rising sea temperatures and coastal pollution
Many parts of the tropical oceans are virtual deserts, because
the permanent thermocline prevents vertical mixing and the return of nutrients from deep waters.
Describe the hot-spots of productivity throughout the tropics
- sometimes due to upwellings
- specialised communities of primary producers (e.g. coral reefs)
Describe mangroves
- trees that grow in coastal brackish or saline habitats
- flowering plants
- trap sediments around their roots (salt mostly excluded)
- need special adaptations, such as lenticels or pneumatophores
- some spp have the ability to excrete salt through the leaves
Describe true mangroves
belong to a single genus: Rhizophora
Describe mangrove roots
often anoxic
Give an example of a mangrove species
Rhizophora mangle at Aldabra Atoll by Seychelles Islands
Describe seagrass meadows - the specifics
- span both temperate and tropical locations
- flowering plants
- 72 spp globally
- 4 families
Describe temperature seagrass beds
- species-poor
- often dominated by eelgrass: Zostera marina
Describe tropical seagrass beds - the basics
more species-rich
Describe seagrass
- no stomata
- thin cuticle
- true roots and a vascular system (take up nutrients from the sediment, unlike algae)
- spread rapidly via rhizomes
- flower (produce pollen and seeds)
- can grow at depths of up to around 55 m, mostly < 30m
- directly grazed by green sea turtles and sirenians
- world’s oldest plant: 200,000 year-old clones in Med
manatees and dugongs
Describe seagrass morphology
- roots
- rhizome
- flower
- leaves
Describe small-bodied seagrass
- small, thin leaves
- small rhizome
- “Guerrilla strategy”
- short-lived
- fas turnover
- low biomass
- exploits new space
- abundant flowering
- many small seeds
- seed bank
Describe large-bodied seagrass
- large, thick leaves
- large rhizome
- “Phalanx strategy”
- long-lived
- slow turnover
- high biomass
- holds space
- patchy flowering
- few larger seeds
- seeds germinate rapidly
List some Floridian small seagrasses
- paddle grass (Halophila decipiens)
- star grass (Halophila engelmannii)
List some intermediate Floridian seagrasses
- widgeon grass (Ruppia martima)
- shoal grass (Halodule wrightii)
List some large-bodied Floridian seagrasses
- manatee grass (Syringodium filiforme)
- turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum)
Describe tropical seagrass meadows - the specifics
- high biomass systems
- high productivity
- grow in coastal areas (incl. intertidal zone)
- cope with some water turbidity and brackish water
- grow alongside other tropical habitats like reefs
- important nursery grounds for commercially important fish spp.
Describe tropical seagrass meadows and barrier reefs
- protect by trapping sediment, absorbing excess nutrients and reducing turbidity in coastal waters
- gain protection from wave action
- synergism
List some estuary seagrass species in the tropical indo-pacific
- Halodule spp.
- Halophila ovalis
- Halophila spp.
- Enhalus acoroides
- Ruppia maritima
List some shallow coastal/back reef seagrass species in the tropical indo-pacific
- Thalassia hemprichii
- Syringodium isoetifolium
- Thalassodendron ciliatum
- Cymodocea spp.
- Halodule spp.
- Halophila spp.
List some deep (70m) coastal seagrass species in the tropical Indo-Pacific
- Halophila stipulacea
- Halophila decipiens
- Halophila spinulosa
Where are mangroves associated with seagrasses?
at tropical indo-pacific estuaries
Where are marshes associated with seagrasses
coastal tropical Indo-Pacific
Where is kelp associated with seagrasses?
tropical Indo-Pacific
Where is the sea turtle associated with seagrasses?
deep coastal tropical Indo-Pacific
Where is the dugong associated with seagrasses?
- shallow coastal/back reef tropical Indo-Pacific
Where is freshwater input in tropical Indo-Pacific
deep coastal region