Civil War Diluted Flashcards
Describe the build-up to the Battle of Edgehill.
In 1642 early victory by Charles was needed. Welsh were called on and Charles gained 12,000 men before travelling to London. Prince Rupert found Parliament en-route to Banbury, commanded by the Earl of Essex. As Charles left Shrewsbury, they had to bar the path. For several days they were 20 miles apart, and the quartermasters met.
Describe fighting at Edgehill.
Who came into full view?
Which wing was chased, and how many units were left?
How many died?
With 15,000 each, Charles settled on a ridge overlooking Kineton, Parliament on a plain 2 miles away. Sir Faithful Fortescue’s army passed in view and Rupert chased cavalry to Kineton.
The right wing of Parliament’s army was chased, and they had 2 cavalry units left, attacking left wing. 3000 had died as Rupert returned, and Charles established HQ in London, with trained bands resisting entrance to London on 15 Nov 1642.
Describe the Oxford Treaty after Edgehill..
After Edgehill, Lords and Oxford MPs negotiated producing a treaty similar to Nineteen Propositions. Sir Thomas Fairfax found a letter from Charles to Newcastle aiming to have Roman Catholics in northern army, creating a papist threat. By spring no settlement was made due to Charles’ victory.
Summarise battle of Gloucester. Why did Royalists want it?
When did Essex set off to fight and how did Royalists fail?
Royalists, if they got Gloucester, would gain routes connecting Shrewsbury, Bristol, Oxford, and Wales; Severn Bridge would give access to Wales recruiting. Eastern ramparts reinforced the city walls and Governor Sir Edward Massey removed houses for artillery. 40 barrels of gunpowder were owned.
On 23 August 1643, Essex left with 15,000, passing royalist territory.
Charles abandoned the siege, and Essex’s army was encircled. He tried to escape but Charles blocked the path to London. Essex escaped, and Charles was criticised for taking this over London.
Where did the Scottish occupy, and describe besieging of York before the Marston Moor attack of 1644.
Scotland occupied Newcastle, and Fairfax with Newcastle helped Scots besiege York. Leslie and Fairfax were helped by the Manchester Eastern Association Army, and Rupert travelled through Pennines to challenge them. This led to the Marston Moor attack of 1644.
Describe fighting at Naseby after Leicester was captured, May 1645.
After the Self Denying Ordinance, pay slipped into arrears. On May 1645, Sir Thomas Fairfax approached Oxford and Fairfax had to pursue the King’s army north to Naseby as Leicester was sacked by royalists.
Charles had swollen Wales troops, but was outnumbered, still hoped to challenge the NMA.
Rupert chased leftwing Parliamentary cavalry to the baggage train, and Cromwell led cavalry. Dragoons attacked the right wing and Royalists lost 1000, with 4500 captured. Parliament lost only 100 men.
What were ordinances needed for, and what did taxes raised rely on?
Ordinances were issued to raise funding for victory, alongside establishing military-fiscal state where county committees authorised the ordinances, reporting to London, where a central committtee sat. Taxes were raised closely on wealth of individuals over goodwill of men.
What was the Feb 43 Assessment Ordinance, March Sequestration Ordinance, May Compulsory Loans Ordinance, Excise Ordinance July, and Aug Impressment Ordinance?
Feb 1643 Assessment Ordinance - taxing of countries based on Ship Money returns unlike old Parliamentary subsidies.
Sequestration Ordinance March 1643 - Confiscated Royalist property, ran by commissioners who used profits to assist in war effort.
Compulsory Loans Ordinance May 1643 - Everyone worth £10 in land or £100 in goods per year to lend 1/5 of their revenue from land or half of their value from other forms of property to Parliament.
Excise Ordinance July 1643 - A sales tax on commodities and food incl beer and salt.
Impressment Ordinance August 1643 - introduced conscription for larger armies.
Describe the New Model Army, formed Feb 1645.
In February 1645, the New Model Army was passed with armies under Essex, Manchester, and Waller. Lords gave up control. There were 22000 men, with 14400 infantry, 6600 cavalry, and 1000 dragoons. Scots had 22,000 and there was 10000 in the North. £53,000 raised monthly.
When was the Cessation Treaty issued and what problems arose?
In September 1643, Charles signed a Cessation Treaty to get men back from Ireland. Talks with Catholic Earl of Digby and Irish Confederation at Naseby showed popish threat as he promised Catholic Lord Lieutenant, Catholics in Lords, and to make it official religion.
Irish were seized at Nantwich, Chester, Jan 1644. What problems arose?
In January 1644 Irish people were killed at Nantwich, Chester, and while they seized the Welsh border country, the Parliament control of the navy prevented the Irish from arriving to help with attacks. In February 1642 Henrietta Maria fled for the Continent, returning with weapons, but countries didn’t want to interfere.
What was the Solemn League and Covenant?
In August 1643 the Solemn League and Covenant was signed with 22,000 Scots for Presbyterian settlement sealed by the Committee of Both Kingdoms. In Jan 1644, Alexander Leslie crossed and Newcastle sent troops from Midlands. Prince Rupert travelled to beseiged York by June and had troops killed at Marston Moor, ruining his reputation.
Describe Parliament’s private enterprise commissariat to raise food with drivers and cornchandlers…
Parliament had a private enterprise commissariat, a market appointed to follow the army, using cornchandlers, realmers, and sutlers, with enterprising merchants buying and transporting food, employing drivers, drovers, butchers, and bakers.
What did Parliamentary forces have a good supply of, and for how long did they receive loans from London?
The army didn’t need to spread to absorb local farm supply. Armymen were well-financed and Joan Think shows grain had good supply until 1646, alongside livestock until 1650. Loans arrived until October 1646 from London Chamber, allowing armies to stay well supplied.
Which workers were in shortage to raise money for clothing, and what had to be imported from Amsterdam? What were bandoliers? When could London fill orders for belts and knapsacks?
Girdles, turners, and metalworkers who made equipment were at shortage. During the early civil war, backs, breasts, and corsets had to be imported from Amsterdam. Bandoliers, shoulder belts with cartridge loops, were made. By August 1644 manufacturers in London could fill orders for these belts and knapsacks.
When did royalists capture most ports and what did Charles establish after 1642 navy defect? How many ships could be drawn on?
Parliament used river and coast routes for goods, and benefitted from 1642 navy defect. In the first 8 months, Royalists captured most south-west ports in 1643 and Charles created a new navy, with 260 ships which could be drawn on for 50-300 tons as calculated from Warwick.
Who was Sir Thomas Fairfax?
Sir Thomas Fairfax was a Yorkshire commander of the cavalry and in 1645 was given command of the New Model Army. He wasn’t an MP, and his father Lord Fairfax commanded a regiment of foot. He married a Presbyterian.
What did Royalists do to raise money?
Royalists had gentry to raise and recruit, liaising garrison commanders to obtain tax needs. Ports were taken for tax. The Earl of Newcastle raised money though developing the White Coats, an infantry regiment, from his pocket, and loans and gifts entered the treasury.
How did Charles take control of towns, and when were county committees set? Where did royalists rely on for armor?
The June 1642 Commissions of Array had gentlemen raising forces for Charles in York, and castles and manor houses were fortified to seize control of towns. In 1643 county committees raised money and recruited, with the navy preventing Parliament imports. They made gorgets, backs, and breasts near Oxford but also relied on Denmark and Low Countries.