Chronic Renal Disease (Gas#7) Flashcards
intoxication caused by the bodys accumulation of metabolic by-products normally excreted by healthy kidneys
Non traditional risk factors of CRD
inflammation of kidneys (lupus), mineral-bone disorder that causes demineralization of bone, Anemia
What is BUN a measurement of
nitrogenous waste product of protein metabolism
what ratio do we look at when looking for renal function?
Bun & creatinine
what is creatinine a measurement of
a waste product of muscle metabolism
what follows diabetes as a major cause of ESRD?
s/s of patients at RISK for decreased renal reserve
nephrons that are unaffected compensate for the nephrons that stopped working, kidney function is 75+, BUN &Creatinine are normal, client is asymptomatic
s/s of patients who have renal insufficiency
kidney function is 15-74%, decreased urine concentration & erythropoeitin 9youll see anemia), polyurina, azotemia, HTN, increased BUN&Creatinine
s/s of patients who have renal failure
kidney function is <15%, sharp increase in BUN&Creatinine, hypocalcemia, increasing azotemia, metabolic acidosis, fluid overload, possible blood in urine
s.s of patients who have ESRF
kidney function <5%, kidney atrophy &fibrosis, overt uremia, must have dialysis
s/s of early uremia
N/V, weakness, fatigue, symptoms dismissed as viral infection or flu
2 major things you have to worry about if pt has uremia
fluid volume excess & metabolic acidosis
s/s of uremia progressing
decreased calcium & increased phosphate, bone tenderness, muscle weakness, pain, spontaneuos fractures, neurologic effects, tetany, seizures, restless leg syndrome
skin s/s of CRD
pale, grayish-bronze color, dry scaly, severe itching, bruise easily, uremic frost
eye s/s of CRD
visual blurring, blindness
fluid & electrolyte s/s of CRD
volume expansion & fluid overload, change in urine specific gravity, metabolic acidosis
what things will you see on an EKG with a K+ level of 6-7.5?
absent pwave & peaked twave
what things will you see on an EKG with a K+ level of >7.5
vtach or vfib
treatment for hyperkalemia?
kayexalate with sorbitol, IV calcium, Glucose &insulin &bicarbonate